After we [sadly] left the Byron hinterland, we stopped for the night at Port Macquarie where we stayed at a dog friendly motel.
There were dogs everywhere. In the rooms to our left and right, upstairs and downstairs. We were allowed everywhere too, even the swimming pool area. But no one played outside because there was no where to play and no gates or fencing to keep us safe.
I don't want to be overly harsh so I will give our motel 3 stars for friendliness, a nice room and the heart shaped liver bikkies I got on arrival. But no star at all for actually being set up for us dogs on holiday. Hey humans! we have requirements too you know!
There were many dog friendly beaches in Port Macquarie which was the one and only reason we decided to stop in this town.
This is Nobby's Beach.
After Palm Beach, it was a bit of a let down.
We did however meet this dog, in a manner of speaking since he was too busy to say hello. Can you see him in the picture above?
You can see a video of him here, if you like. Be careful. He's a bit crazy.
I bet some of you know what he's doing. Personally, I think he needs to get his head checked by his Dr Dog and ASAP.
The next morning, we got up bright and early and went to Lighthouse Beach.
It was much nicer!
For some reason, Cushion decided I needed to get comfortable with surf. Why, I ask you? WHY do I need to do that? I live in suburbia for heaven's sake! What are the chances of me ever being taken to Hawaii and needing to know how to surf?
There is no understanding humans. But I love My Cushion dearly so I dutifully followed him out into the water.
"Completely incomprehensible."
After Lighthouse Beach, we started our journey home. Because we were in a rush to beat the holiday traffic, I missed seeing a camel.
However! If you click on the videos below, you will see me meeting some other local fauna at the very start of our holiday!
It was the first time I've ever met these strange creatures. I think I handled myself admirably, don't you?
And that sums up my Christmas and New Year road trip. Thank you so much for coming on holiday with us! We really enjoyed your company and hope you had a good time too!
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NOTE! Only part of Lighthouse Beach is off-leash. Want to find out specifics and other dog friendly areas in Port Macquarie? CLICK HERE.
I think you handled yourself with grace and dignity around those odd grass eating creatures.
Momma said that beach looked kind of scary to her too. Around here , we are not used to beaches where the water goes in and out that far with every wave. I say, no need to get used to it.
It was my pleasure to come along. You know that I particularly admire your "travel" writing. You have a knack. Lighthouse beach...gasp! beautiful! Of course, I love all animal videos, particularly Ms. Pea.
Georgia iz met horsies, deyz ok and i don't like da surfie waves much either...i do like running on the beach...but OMD! you met a huge hopping thing...momz tells me itz a kangaroo...that is so totally kewl...we gotz lots of wildlife here but nothing as kewl as a kangaroo *roosnoogles* fur you Georgia
You write such a good blog, GLP! I think the border collie needs his eyesight checked - he seems to think those surfy white waves are a flock of sheep. He's probably as puzzled by their behaviour as you are by his.
The beaches are wonderful, especially that last one. One day I must take Eddie to a beach like that on the other side of our island, but we'd either have a very, very long day (it's a long twisty ride there) or have to stay in a motel - and you know what Eddie thinks about staying in strange places. Oh. We could camp! Okay, now you've motivated me.
Meeting new critters can be a bummer. The kangaroo didn't stick around long enough for a proper hello and the horsies didn't want to play. How disappointing.
Loved the trip.
We used to have a Sheepdog who would bite the ocean when the surf came in to threaten her little human sheep. Then she would be all victorious until the next wave came in and the biting started over.
Darn, the horse just wouldn't play with you, Georgia. But, I did like your beach trips, 'cept I don't like those big waves either.
Must. Go. To. Lighthouse. Beach.
The Queen
Love the videos, especially Georgia trying to get the horses to play! Nice to see her so happy. :)
My dear sweet beautiful Georgia, I must get you to like/love the water. I mean, if I ever get to Austrailia that is the place I want you to take me to see. That other dog was the coolest funnest water dog yet.
and did I see you chase a kangaroo? How about how brave you were with the horse. Girl, you are something. All I have to do is get you over the water thing and then we could have a perfect vacation.
Your pal
I'm glad you saw the videos. It would have been tragic if my First Encounters With Another Species had gone unnoticed.
I'm surprised so many of you don't like surf too. Even you DEX? But you're a labrador! BERT, of course you would have loved it and probably gone snorkelling too. You're as crazy as that (imaginary)sheepdog.
Hooroo! Have a nice Sunday x
Dear Georgia, I am glad to see you so full of energy, running and having much fun!
The first video is amazing. I miss the ocean so much... The dog had lots of fun.
Love your first meeting with the horse. LOL! I see this video two times.
Sounds you all had a great time.
Now, enjoy your weekend.
How cool ms Pea you have had one GREAT holiday experience(s).
And I agree, a very entertaining travel blog.
OMD! Georgia you CHASED a kangaroo?? We can't believe that! We don't like the surf much either, butt your beaches sure are beautiful. And you were really good with those big dogs!! Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. We've really enjoyed the adventure!!
-Bart and Ruby
PeeeeeS: YOu mentioned roo tail yesterday. We've never had it. What's it like???? Is that why you were chasing the kangaroo? To take a bite of it's tail??
Dear BART and RUBY, lucky I didn't catch it either or I'd be dead. Roo tail is yummy! But quite hard to find. Humans eat them too so apparently, it's now too pricey to give them to me except once in a while. Maybe you can find them frozen or dried where you are? I'm sure I've read about another dog eating them, maybe in America or Canada!
Why indeed get your feet wet when you can just sit and enjoy the cool ocean breezes? That Lighthouse Beach was sure beautiful. Glad to see you have your wits about you - if something runs away, give chase. If it stands its ground, back away quickly with bravado. Well done Georgia!
I think it would be an amazing atmosphere to stay in a hotel with dogs every which way. My lifelong dream would be to have neighbours that loved dogs as much as me! It is sucky that there was no enclosed yard for off leash runs, though.
Oh, we have horses that ride through town here, and I'm sure I can take one on, but Mom won't let me off the darned leash!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your amazing adventure and I'm so glad you shared it with all of us!
GLP! Very cool movies of you! That silly horse didn't want to play with you! Alas! Very pretty beaches you have there!
You are such a charmer, making a play bow for a horse. No wonder you have so many friends Miss GLP.
I wonder what that other dog was doing, it looked like it was herding the waves. Never seen that before, even we spent a lot of time on the beach.
To cushion, maybe try with a toy to play in the most shallow part. As soon as she doesn't notice the waves any more, you can go a little further in. I did the same with Viva and she goes further now (although never really swims). She'll never enjoy it is much as Kenzo I think. But Georgia is so playful I think she'll soon see the fun in it.
Nice to meet you! And I see we definitely have something in common.
I notice those horses didn't understand your play bow. What kind of silly creature doesn't under play? Best not to trust it. Maybe next time you see surf, you could do like your herding dog friend and run parallel to the surf. Call it dog surfing! You won't have to get yourself all wet like Cushion did.
We have enjoyed your pictures, videos, and stories from your trip.
That dog was cuckoo - he was trying to herd the ocean!
The kangaroo chasing ... now that is just some frightening stuff. Those horses probably thought you were just as loopy as the ocean-herding dog, GLP! You wanted to play with them something bad. That was super super cute.
Lightning Beach is gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful holiday with us!
-c at ddy.
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