1/3 teaspoon of dark arabica. 1 teaspoon of bloodwood honey. A lick of vegemite, somehow I think it might work. A few drops of hot water, enough to form a paste. 3 generous tablespoons of Greek yoghurt [with honey and cinnamon because I couldn't find any plain]. Stir it all together.
Imperfect, lumpy. I'm eating it now as I type.
Delicious, if I say so myself. Next time, more vegemite.
Do YOU have a favourite Unusual Flavour Combination?
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1 day ago
Is this for Georgia or the Typist? I have never had a couple of those ingredients, so who am I to judge? I am trying to think of unusual combinations that I like, but honestly, I'm pretty bland. You are far more adventurous. Btw, that tiny wooden tree is going to stay until spring - I've decided it's not a Christmas tree. How are you liking doing the stones? We're nearly half way!
ME! My god. Does it sound like dog food? ;)
I AM enjoying small stones! But I'm also beginning to twitch at writing every day. I wish I could post other stuff too, but 2 posts a day is too much, I think, for me and people kind enough to read!
Sound good minus the vegemite.
Wow! I don't think anyone I know could match that combination of yours! Interesting, and yes - I wasn't sure if it was for the dog or the Typist, either LOL
Enjoy your small stones :)
Maybe it's the distance...is dark arabica coffee? so coffee and vegemite? pretty sure that's a combo that is not going to translate well...but interesting none the less...strangest thing I do is put hot sauce on everything...
Yes, GIZMO. It's coffee. I don't know why but that combo works [for me]. It's like salty [vegemite], sweet [honey], tart [yoghurt] and slightly bitter [strong coffee].
No, I'm not expecting ;)
I use hot sauce/chilli on everything too!
-gag- it was going really well til we hit the vegemite! ;)
Okay - I know I started this with my mention of coffee-flavoured Greek yogurt. But vegemite? Really?
Where would I find that honey? I don't think I've heard of it here. Vegemite I've seen from time to time, and the other ingredients (I'm assuming that is Instant coffee powder, not ground beans or brewed), but the honey might be a challenge.
you're not pregnant, are you?
You inspired me to experiment JEAN! The coffee was just plain old Nescafe freezedried dark arabica. I don't think it matters what honey. Bloodwood is just what we have in the cupboard [bought from our favourite neighbourhood farmers' market]. Did you move on from the cointreau? LOL. That would make a yummy after-dinner yoghurt dessert methinks and I must try it one day :)
Did you not read my earlier comment/response GRRL? If I was, I'd be a medical miracle.
Just added to my bucket list...try vegemite. My favorite taste combination is peanut butter & chocolate. Unusual taste combination...hmmm...sheesh...I can't think of anything. Does apple pie and cheddar cheese count?
LORI, I'm not sure vegemite is worthy of a bucket list! Peanut butter and chocolate sounds superb. I love salt and chocolate too. Apple pie and cheddar...I have to think about that one ;)
Just popping by to say hi and let you know we are now following your adventures!
Sallie and Alien
I have never tried that.
I grew up eating biscuits with hot chocolate sauce and I love it, but my husband assures me that this is extremely odd!
Thank you Sallie and ALIEN?...!! :)
BUNNY'S MAMA, Mr T is wrong wrong wrong! It sounds like TimTams melted in hot coffee and slurped down. Deeeelicious!
Vegemite and coffee? No way. The rest sounds good though. I mean I'll keep the coffee, not that vegemite. :-)
Bloodwood honey sounds a bit gore but I m ure it is tasty.
Mmm, more vegemite. I would like vegemite, avocado and tomato on toast. Right now! I am in the midst of a serious avocado addiction. To the point where I think avocado is good with everything.
-c at ddy.
And the Commentathon Queen caught up! Was that 9 comments you just wrote, CHANDRA? BOL. Thank you. Now, please go do something nice with Mason and the man :) x
Going along, going along, going along, reading and enjoying, and then we hit the vegemite. Yuk, yuk, yukky. Is that barbaric of me? Just very un-Australian?
Tootsie's Mom
Spring Gully brand "sweet mustard pickle" and peanut butter on a sandwich - sigh I miss that sooooo much. They don't make sweet mustard pickle in the USA and of coarse you can't buy Spring gully here anyway!
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