It's the last day of 2011. I hope it's been a good year for you.
It's been okay for me. Mr Thumper went away, which was bad. But then I got his bed, which was good. I got to go to holidaycamp too, not just once but twice!
Also, I got a job! I don't know why My Typist hasn't told you yet. Maybe she's been busy working haha.
I didn't have to apply or beg or anything like that. My Cushion's office moved to near where we live, and The Person In Charge Of These Things said I could go work there too!
I've been a few times already. Here are some pictures of me on my 1st day at the office.
I went to work in a ute. It was very high up but I wasn't scared.I helped the humans move in. My job was to make sure no one would come steal anything.
I hope you don't think I was sleeping on the job but it was hard work being at the office all day.
No wonder My Cushion sometimes comes home in a bad mood.
One of the best things about my office is the view. It's a lot better than my backyard.
Outside, there's a nice deck for me to walk on, and to look at boats and ponder meaningful things.
"Hmmm. I wonder if anyone's breaking for lunch."
It's also good just to relax there.
Although today's the last day of the year, I had to go to work this morning.
There was a lot of stuff happening near the office because it's one of the places where humans come to watch Our Famous Fireworks go off at 9 and midnight.
Someone had put these things up at the end of the road.
My Typist doesn't like using them because one new year's eve night, A Drunk Man pulled the door open [even though she was hanging on to it tightly] and caught her with her [under]pants down.
With an awful experience like that burned into her brain, you'd think she'd know better than to show you this picture.
But she says she's never seen these open types before and just had to share. My Typist deserves no sympathy.
Although the weather wasn't so good this morning,
many humans were already at the park.

I don't think I'm going to go see the fireworks tonight, like Mr Piglet and Mr Thumper did. My humans don't think I'm ready yet, though I'm not scared of loud noises anymore.
I'll probably have an early dinner, watch some telly, then go to bed and get an extra big cuddle at midnight [if anyone is still awake].
I hope your Last Day of The Year is s*pEcial like that too!
That's all for now. Much love, Georgia xox