The 442 was already standing room only by the time it arrived at my stop. I ended up halfway down the bus, sandwiched between an older portly man and a young girl who'd boarded with me. The bus made 4 more stops. Each time, more people got on than off. I barely moved from my spot and the area next to the driver was tight with bodies. The bus crawled through the bumper to bumper traffic, over Anzac Bridge. By the time we got to Darling Harbour, we were at a complete standstill. I kept glancing surreptitiously at the portly man's watch. We didn't move for 15 minutes. It was almost 6. I couldn't see the duck, but even the duck would have looked stupid at that moment. My feet started to go numb. I lifted one foot, rolling it round to get the blood pumping. Then the other. Then back to the first. Hot sunlight flooded in through the big glass windows and I could feel the front of my neck and chest starting to burn. The annoying chatter from the young ones at the back died down. People started nodding off, texting, calling to make excuses for being late. Then a very loud deep voice boomed out from the front of the bus.
What do you think he said?
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1 day ago
"Medium stone" - ha ha! Will the next one be a "Boulder"?
But I want to know....what did the man at the front of the bus bellow?
AHA! Please check back tomorrow.
Hahahaha, this could have been made into a quiz - everso nice stone by the way Typist, but anyhow I reckon he bellowed "There's a BIG DUCK on the road, e.v.e.r.y.body out, you'll hafta walk" -right?-
ROSE! I've taken up your suggestion. It should be fun but I don't think ANYONE will get it right LOL. Thank you ma'am! X
He said, "It's too freaking hot! Everyone OFF the bus!!"
He could have said... "DID anyone fart?"
Oh - mine is medium today, too - some days (like today) when I wonder what to write, more seeps out than I thought was in there! I can feel this interminable bus ride, and I'm even feeling a little motion sick, but a cliff hanger will never do. I don't think small (or even medium) stones are allowed cliff hangers. I'm going to check the"rules"...
Did he say, "Is there a bathroom nearby?"
HAHAHA! I was never good at following rules ;)
Don't leave us in suspense!
I'm not sure what he said, but I'm sure it's going to be good!
Hi, Typist, Georgia, and Cushion:
Dachshund Daddy was thrilled with your comment on my Lance interview! (It was Dachshund Daddy not Grandpa.)
And I think the bus driver said:
"My lovely duckies! We are screwed!"
Have a great weekend!
Errrr. "Well it can't get much worse; everyone feel free to smoke!" Deccy x
You guys are creative! Enjoying this. And TOOTSIE, are you guessing it was the bus driver too? :)
I have no idea but I hope you are gonna tell us.
"Everybody off....we ran out of gas and have to push the bus the rest of the way!" haha...can't wait to see the real answer.
I could cheat and look, but I'm sure he yelled for everyone to 'squeeze up a bit more. There's a lot getting on at the next stop!'
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