I'm sitting in a small timber cabin in the hills of the Byron Bay hinterland. Georgia is fast asleep on her bed. Cushion is having a rainwater shower in a tiny bathroom with big windows that look out into the rainforest. It's very quiet. I can hear the wind which is quite strong. 2 different bird calls I don't recognise. A kookaburra. The koala that was crying on his ghost gum not far from our deck has gone into hiding. The night insects are coming out and we've just lit a mosquito coil.
Not a bad way to spend the first day of a new year.
1 day ago
Mmmm, heaven! I can smell it. Mmm.
Byron Bay ...... yay hippie heaven.
Safe journey
Ohm shanti shanti ohm. Peace sista ROSE. Having din dins now at Bangalow X
A cabin in the wild outback sounds like the best way possible to start the new year!
Have a Happy New Year!
Back in my summer camp days we used to sing a song: Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bushes he, laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be.
I always wondered what that was about. Til now.
Sounds heavenly! My kinda place!
Sounds most wonderful!
-Bart and Ruby
I'm officially jealous. What a wonderfully beautiful way to begin the new year. Tell Georgia that Daisy, Jasper and Cupcake are wishing they could join her.
Definitely the Boddhisattva path!
Tootsie & her mom
Sounds lovely! We, on the other hand, were taking in the sounds of the snowplows! Happy New Year!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Great way to start the new year!
Some people really have it hard. My heart bleeds for you.
By the way, does Georgia have any ideas on how to stop a dog trembling with fear every time a fire cracker goes off?
Oh - I love this description - it could be a small stone (the mindful writing I'm doing in Jan)
Dear MS FRIKO, we get to hear fireworks a lot where we live. Every week, after some footy game or other. My humans ignore my fear and distract me by laughing and saying silly soothing stuff. They also desensitised me by clapping their hands loudly near me and going "Boom! Boom!" But they made it fun, like a game. I also get cuddled a lot if I look nervous (as if a fearsome pigdog like me would look nervous). That sounds very unscientific, but it worked for me. I still don't like fireworks, but I'm okay with them now. Worth a try? Otherwise, google "thundershirt". That costs a lot so maybe just put Millie in her jammies and see if that works. Good luck!
BARB, small stones. I must check this out. Thought you were talking about taking pictures of small stones (in your post) ;)
What a beautiful way to usher in 2013. I'm wishing you a magical year.
It sounds like heaven to me! What a great way to welcome the new year!
I'm totally in love with your holiday and I'm starting to feel like you're going to be on the road for a while ... is this the prelude to The Move?!
Happy happy new year!
-c at ddy.
MS C, you are uncanny. Are you actually living in my head? It's test 1 for Georgia which she has so far sailed through except for yesterday. Not her fault that, she's just a city girl.
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