What a big scare we just had. Came back from a long bush walk. All good until we were almost home. Then Georgia's back legs suddenly started to agitate her. She sat down, tried to lick or nibble something in her left back paw. (She's been doing that since Palm beach yesterday though there is no sign of injury.) She hobbled and fidgeted till we almost got to the front door. Suddenly, she ran off into a thicket of ginger and started rolling around, as if trying to dislodge something. Then, most scarily, she lay down by the side of the path and refused to get up. We panicked of course. I start googling vets in the area. Cushion started checking for ticks or bites. We thought maybe she could be overheated, though she wasn't panting hard or drooling. There was no hose or pump outside. So I started filling a big cooking pot with cold water and we poured it over her. Splashed her belly and head. That made her get up! Thank god. 5 pots, maybe 7 followed, to clean off the mud. We've checked her over a few times. Still can't see a thing. She's calm now and quite restored after some lemon drizzle cake.
A little less drama, Miss Pea. Please. At least until we get home to Dr Dog.
1 day ago
What a scare - you wish they could talk (I mean in human language)! However, perhaps she instigated the whole thing just for the lemon drizzle? (She's THAT smart!)
OMD! I know that must have been scary. Although, I think the lemon drizzle cake was the ticket.
Maybe overheated? Gizmo used to do that - just sit down. His paws would get too hot!!!
Another possibility is a spinal problem that is making her leg/paw tingle - much like some humans get tingly fingers when the neck is out, or tingly feet with a back problem. Dogs with a problem with the cervical spine often get 'pins and needles' in their feet and will lick them to try to resolve it. Do you have doggy chiropractors Down Under?
BART and RUBY, you may be right. We got her some baby socks and she managed to cross a hot road without hopping.
JEAN, this was the other thought that crossed our mind since she does have some cervical nerve impingement issues from leaping off a high wall a few months back. ARGH!
Thanks guys for your input :)
Heavens above! I'm with Jean all the way.
I 'tend' to think if it was a bite or sting she would have been 'at it' constantly, constantly.
But gosh, poor Typist, poor Cushion for the extra grey hairs you've surely sprouted and poor Ms Pea for not understanding what's happening - especially, how many pots of water??
I'm so glad that Georgia is recovered! How frightening. Since everything appears to be okay, I had to giggle a bit imagining what must have been going through Georgia's mind when you dumped the water on her. We must seem quite mad as hatters to our pets at times.
Scary... whatever got her... could be bugs are ants.. big ones.
Strangely... it happen to Dom too today on the car ride home. He was growling at my dad in the backseat... then i had to stop the car... move him to the front.. he went for a pee.. and a stroll.. and came back biting and trying to get some thing off from his paw... he was making strange sounds. Could be those big red ants. But i don't really know why he was growling at my dad... *LOL*
But no lemon drizzle cake for him. Its scary when they lie on their side and refuse to budge... hope she is much better now. Take care and Happy New Year!!!
Dear ANNY, I am beginning to think all you guys are psychic. Cushion just got bitten by what our host called a jumping ant (we've never heard of such a thing) and I remember flicking a big black ant off Georgia this morning. Coincidence?
Some ants / ant bites are really nasty... esp the big red ones... the come in groups and its esp painful for the doggy paw.
Is your hut sitting on an ant hill? heeeeeeeeee :D
Dear ANNY, apparently, maybe. Lots around anyway. Hope none jump into the car and get ferried to Sydney! There were big signs in Brisbane about not spreading fire ants. I guess those are the ones you mean. Horrible, painful bites.
how do you "spread" fire ants? :D
By car? Bus? In baggage? The usual way bugs and other pests travel across country and between countries :)
i was kinda thinking about spreading them ants out on a white sheet... and separating them by size and fearfulness... and then probably give them a lecture on being nice to humans and especially to our dogs. Please try not to take any home.. even though there might/could already be hitch-hikers all strapped in you car :)
I hope that doesn't happen again. We used to get those bad biting ants in our yard. Once my mastiff, Raja, sat on some. Poor thing. At least she was clever enough to run to the kiddie pool and dunk her bottom. Ant bites are terrible and some have a bit of venom in them.
Mango Momma
I had a scare like that with Jersey & paid an emergency vet $700 to tell me that she *might* have had heat stroke. Glad that Miss GLP settled down after a bit.
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