By 6 o'clock, My Cushion had still not moved. I thought to myself, "Oh oh, this is going to be a sad bad day."
Suddenly, My Typist jumped out of bed. "Let's go Georgia Little Pea!" she said. "Walk?"
We were out the door by 6.15! We went to Mort Bay, one of my favourite parks. A lot of my friends were there!
I hope you can see the pictures. They are even worse than usual because the sun was shining and it was very bright. Look at how orange I am!
Everyone went into the water except me.
Even Baxter, who hates water went into the water.
After a while, I thought I'd get a game going.
I went up to every dog, trying to get them to play. 
I tried my best. Really I did.
So that was that. We all said goodbye and went home.
On the way home, I met Delle, one of my BGFs, and Kody on Darling Street. They snuck up from behind and scared My Typist who still doubts that I'm Such A Good Girl with other dogs.
It was nice to see them, even though we didn't get to play.
When I got home, because I hadn't gone swimming, I didn't get a bath! My Typist gave me a multigrain lowfat bikkie with a teaspoon of fat crunchy peanut butter, and a perfectly coddled egg with my brekkie. They were superb!
I hope you liked my walk today. I liked it a lot.
When I got home, because I hadn't gone swimming, I didn't get a bath! My Typist gave me a multigrain lowfat bikkie with a teaspoon of fat crunchy peanut butter, and a perfectly coddled egg with my brekkie. They were superb!
I hope you liked my walk today. I liked it a lot.
I know it's Friday the 13th and many of you might be scared and still hiding in bed. Please don't be scared! My day started out bad and sad, as you can see, but it got good! I know yours can be too if you try. That's all!
Love, Georgia x
Georgia...I loved the pictures of your walk and how you look so much like a celebrity. We're in the middle of a winter storm, so a terrible drive to work today...yuck.
Did you see any black cats on your walk this morning, Georgia?
You are a very lucky Gorgeous Little Pigdog. At 6-15 this morning I was on my way to work. I didn't get home til 6 pm and Frankie and Beryl won't be getting a walk today as it's about to rain .... again:( They want to come and live with you! But I will be home from work by noon tomorrow and I've promised I'll make it up to them even if it is raining.
Looks like you had a wonderful walk and catch up with your mates. Early morning must be a good time for walking dogs over there ... I wouldn't know. Although I did take the kids to the beach about that time a couple of weeks ago and it was wonderful. Nobody else there, yay! They all started arriving as we were leaving. Geez, no wonder I don't have time to write blog posts, I spend too much time writing comments!! Great to put names to your mates faces:)
Looks like a wonderful start to a day. Glad you have a good morning Georgia lil Pea. It could only get better and better as the day goes. So don't worry about them 13th and fridays. Its just a number and a day.
My Mom's Friday the 13th started sad bad, too, because she is supposed to Swiss clean today and she'd rather watch me write a dog poem. But I showed her your pensive moment and m.o.t.i.v.a.t.i.o.n.a.l. skills, and that inspired her so she took me on a walk. And now all is well. Thanks for a great post!
Keep on wagging,
@Sue - Beryl and Frankie are very understanding dogs. Ms Pea pouts [really] if she doesn't get [at least] 2 walks every day. She snubs us and will turn her back if she doesn't get that 2nd evening one. Wilful. Wonder who she got that from ;p
People arrived after 6ish? I would have thought they'd all be up by 4 in NZ! There seems to be a batch of people who are at the parks around 6-7ish. The people who have jobs I guess. The other big group comes after 8. But it's that kind of suburb where you'll always find some dog wandering around, if only at the cafes :) Unless it's dead winter or raining, in which case we're often the only idiots out.
Yes, this year, I'm trying to feature her friends since they help make her stories more interesting!
@Tootsie - well done! I'm glad you got your walk :) What on earth is a SWISS clean?
I loved seeing the pictures of your walk and I BOL at the picture of you laughing!!
Sounds like you've had an eventful (and good!) day on Friday the 13th! I'm so glad you got a chance to play with all of your wonderful friends in the park.. and no worries about not wanting to go into the water! I get pensive moments too sometimes where I just want to chill out :) There's always next time! Can't wait to see what other adventures you get into!
P.S. I like the dig at Jessica Simpson... clever! hehe
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Georgia, I didn't even realize it was Friday the Thirteenth until I read your blog! It's too late to hide in bed now. I think that's for the best. Our day certainly started better than yesterday. We got one whopper of a winter storm! Your trip to the beach and water looks REALLY good right now!
We didn't realize it was Friday the 13th until we opened your blog. Then we were scared. Then we weren't scared because you showed us that the day was going to be just fine.Thank you for having days hours before we do.
Wow! You have a great time with friends! Your Mom is very nice to take you to such fun walking.
Love all pictures.
Hugs and kisses to you and to your Mom.
I like the tint of the pictures! Until you compare them to that shot of Jessica Simpson! (Georgia, you are much cuter than she is!)
What a lovely morning walk. I hope the Cushion is alright and had a nice sleep in!
I totally forgot it was Friday the 13th! Judging from you post, maybe it'll be a really good day after all. :)
A Swiss clean is when the house is unnecessarily cleaned when it is already clean. Because things here must be uber-clean. It gives my mom a headache.
Mom says, "Done." (But I found a dust bunny under the couch that I didn't tell her about.)
Keep on wagging,
Larry and Ted look like twins. :)
Thanks for reminding me that it's Friday the 13th! Nothing wacky so far, but one never knows. Of course, unfortunate things don't tend to give us advance date warning around here. Probably explains why Fridays the 13th tend to pretty good - cuz we're prepared and all.
Happy weekend!
Georgia, I think you look wayyy better than those orange humans!
ORange humans are scary
Stop on by for a visit
it's alright everybody! it's Saturday the 14th now! all good :)
@Tootsie - thanks for letting The Typist know what Swiss clean means! she cleans 3 times a week and there is still a warren full of dust bunnies here. she blames me of course x
@Elizabeth - Ted's a bit bigger than Larry who's a bit bigger than Baxter who's a bit bigger than Pedro (not featured here). I am awful at telling Ted and Larry apart and can only do so by their collars. I have the same problem with the labs and golden retrievers here! Thank god I have a mutt :)
I'm very worried about the Cushion. We didn't figure out what happened to him in this post.
Should I be worried this is the beginning of a Rose for Emily story? (If you've never read it, check out the soulless description of a great story at Wikipedia.)
OMG Ms Pamela! no, no NO! My Cushion is fine and the only smell coming from him is of sweaty armpits and me. he was just very tired from working hard all week.
thank you for your concern! :)
Hello there! Our friends Dommy and Piper told us come over and say hello! Our names are Yuki and Rocket. We love your pictures, very beautiful even if they have an orange tint like that orange human. :)
yuki and rocket
Dear Georgia,
You are herewith the recipient of the "Liebster Award"! Posted about it today; see details there. Congratulations!
Keep on wagging,
Oh wow! THANK YOU Tootsie! I shall check it out right now :)x
Hey, there's an irish terrier! Great to see!
If I got up at 615AM for a walk, I'd probably look orange, too. I am so not a morning person :0
With it being so cold and crummy in Canada right now, I am *very* jellus of your beach!
What a fabulous walk, GLP, and that group of pals looks like so much fun. That particular shade of orange on Jessica Simpson costs a pretty penny, I'm sure. Too bad it's so unattractive. Now, you in the natural early morning 'Stralia orange glow? Priceless and most beautiful!
-c at ddy.
Orange dog = Likey!
Orange human = Not likey!
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