ttyped by me, georgia litle P [sorry!}
becus The Typis is still usy cleaning.
and also is comp[aining that the study is too messy for her to tink,
this is Larry.You already met heem many times.
he is one of my bestest ffrends. Hes not a bigdog LIke me but thats OK. size is not importan when looking for a frend. \
Larry tinks ehs good with da Ladies,
i better NOt say anything.
Larry and me haf sumthingvery important in kommon,
can you geuss wat Larry and I haf in Kommon.?
The omemt we thinkour humans arent lookin , larry and Me like to go look fotr doogff FOOD!
Here isa one of our fabourtie spots where humans like tothrow the ir skraps!!! All us dogs kno about it!, getting to Our Favbourtie Spot FOr Skraps can be triky. Firtst! we haf to pretend we"re playing so our humans dont suyspect anythin/ can u see me chasing Lloyd to OFSFS in the piktur above?
Once we are ther, there is NO time to waste and we IMMEDIATLY start lokin fro food, the Windoh Of Ooprtunity is very small.!
Our humans will kurse and call abd names yell for us to come bak!! we must be smart n pretend not too HEar them,.
If Larrys human catches him,. hehas to go homw IMMEDIAT:Y! i don;t haf to worry about such tings becus My Kushin is a soft touch.
here are more pictures from anothenr day,
Its alwas gud to mark the trail iun case we get lost/
Kushin kot us here!! buthe was too far away so we jus ignoRed heem. He cant run as fast as we caN becs he only has 2 legs.
Laryy and me like hunting for dreid squid and prawns. they are VREY gud to eat! our humans are scared we weel eat a hook one day I hope NOT! that wud hurt and i would haf to stop eating afro a few days./
"Did ya find sumnthing Larry?'
"yeah but i ate it already."
To find enuf food for 2 dogs is hard worj and we haf to keep moving.
sumntimes, we go deep in the boosh.
t\Though we work very hard, Larry and me are not always so sucksesful. In that case, we jus find a nice human .
Begging is a gud an valeed hunting tekneek
OK! by now, u must be wonerfing' WAT TWRRIBEL pREDIKAMEN IS Geogia talking about?
i willtell uyou soon but not now becus my tows are hurting form typign,.. and also iot's timefor my nap
The People In Charge Of THeseTings put these toobs in the park so the fishermwn can stuff their fishing lines and stuf in the,m and not hurt us dogs n other ansimals in the sea [and maybe minihumans too] but i dont kno whether they get used so oftne.