A ridiculously simple, mostly pictorial guide to manipulating communicating with your human.
We may have a problem.
Excuse me please.
I know you're busy watching another riveting episode of Masterchef, and I'm SO sorry to interrupt, but may I trouble you to put my blankie on me again?
you can always wake your humans up at night you know. I do it all the time. last night, I woke My Cushion up at least 3 times. he got very cross at - get this - MY TYPIST! not ME! hahahahaha!!! because she let me in the bedroom instead of letting me sleep downstairs. she's VERY easy to train. maybe yours is too?
LOL... What a fantastic photo essay! The illustration of your lounge room really helps to give us a sense of perspective. I see that The Typist has an assortment of goodies by her side. Oooh, yum, TimTams... I went crazy with those during my time in Sydney *drool*
Well, Georgia, I hope you managed to catch a few more winks after being tucked into bed and wrapped up in your blankie by your oh-so kind Typist.
BOL! Great pictorial essay. How to resist such angelic face... no wonder you did not have a hard time training the Typist. I have to scratch and poke my hoomans constantly before getting any reaction from the slumbering log to allow me out for my midnight breakie. My hoomans kinda agree that Masterchef Season 2 is not that good, in fact Junior Masterchef is more interesting.
Hahahahaha! And I bet she got up and fixed it too, even after telling herself she wouldn't. When you're good, you're good, Georgia. Us humans are easy marks. :-)
Shiva has totally trained me to lay out a blanket just for her on the couch. Naturally, she couldn't possibly lay on the couch without some sort of covering. That would be inhumane.
Georgia, that's brilliant! You've trained your human so well! Don't ever become one of those suck up dogs who covers themselves up with their own blanket. Make the humans work for it!
What a great photo essay! You had me hooked from the lovely sketch of your lounge - all those treats beside your typist's spot and not a morsel beside yours, poor Georgia. Your bed looks very cosy and I am glad to see your typist got up to replace your blankie. So... just between us....do you ever sneak up on that couch when the humans aren't around???
Georgia, you are such an effective communicator to get your typist to comply so quickly with your request. It's a good thing you're not in high political office.
On the other hand, maybe that's not such a bad idea. Where do you stand on nuclear disarmament and forgiveness of developing nation debt?
Hmm. Georgia, maybe your typist could fashion your blankie into a poncho that would not fall off. We have things called Snuggies for dogs in the states. They are blankies with sleeves, but they don't come any larger than for a small terrier. They are frankly, really silly. :(
Please go easy on your Typist at night. Pitiful faces are hard to resist when a human is ready to nod off. I should know because I convinced the Hubby to let JF and Dewi sleep in the bed with me "for just a while longer" last night and guess what? They were there all night and the Hubby had to move to the couch. He was not happy.
@JeanB - NO, I NEVER! perish the thought! i am A Good Dog am i.
@Pamela - nuclear disarmament and national debt are very serious topics. i will have to look them up and get back to you. please don't hold your breath though.
@Elizabeth - ooo... thanks for telling that story! maybe My Cushion won't scold My Typist so much anymore. at least he didn't have to go sleep on the couch.
we have those snuggies for humans! they look pretty silly but maybe that's what i need. i walk about in my blankie a lot. i wrote a story about it a long time ago - http://littledogsonlongleashes.blogspot.com/2010/07/one-day-im-going-to-tumble-down-stairs.html
there's something about blue blankies ... have you seen ben's blue blankie, GLP? since he's in bermtopia his blue blankie is a heavier weight. is master chef like top chef in the states? i've fallen a season behind on top chef but i confess, i have a crush on tom colicchio.
sorry to hear that zumbo has gone downhill. -c at ddy.
You have a very special typist to wrap you up so snuggly, Georgia. I hope she got lots of treats while you were training her. I think I've been abused--I've NEVER had a blankie.
OK, on second thought, maybe wearing your blankie isn't such a good idea - at least not near stairs going down. And begging your pardon, but I kind of liked your blue sausage look in the last photo (of your long ago post about wearing your blankie). :)
@Chandra - Mr Ben's blue blankie is the most famous in dogdom!
no, MC is different. it has amateur cooks competing. this season is so blah. re zumbo - guess that's what happens when you go from tatty neighbourhood shop to goofy i heart zumbo T-shirts and shiny stickers on your cakes :p
@Sage - you are definitely being abused, girl! how can you NOT have a blankie? you live in such a BRRRR place!
Oh Georgia, you and Frankie must never meet. I think he could give you some great ideas about training your typist to keep you covered up, he's got me very well trained. He prefers to be totally covered up too:) I've actually been known to forget where he is and sit on him:( He's very forgiving though. I wish he'd give me some tips on training him!!
Love the sketch. Dark chocolate Tim Tams are the best, Black Forest my second favourite.
I might be Very Opinionated, but I'm NOT a little dog.
Luckily for little dogs, I'm kept on a Somewhat Short Leash.
Some truly fascinating facts about me are in my very first post "Hello, will you be my friend?"
Jordan Puff Piglet ??.??.????-09.02.2009 Adopted 29.10.2000
I never met Mr Piglet. He was Mr Thumper's housemate and best friend. He was clever, handsome, funny, strong and gentle. Also [apparently] perfect and a saint. I only came to live here because Mr Thumper got really sad after Mr Piglet went away. I always get compared to Mr Piglet.
Rufus B Thumper 30.04.2000-29.04.2011 Adopted 13.01.2001
My benefactor. He chose me to bring home out of all the dogs he met at the pound. He was already old and grumpy when I met him. Maybe if he'd been younger, he might have been my best friend. Mr Thumper was as big as a bear and had a very long tongue. He was very popular with the ladies and most other humans too. He's with Mr Piglet now.
My Cushion.
My out-at-work human works hard to buy me nutritious food like lamb bones and lentils. He uses his Very Loud Voice only on my stay-at-home human which is why he's my favourite person in the world. He has a nice round soft tummy and is My Cushion of choice. *BREAKING NEWS* August 2012! My Cushion has left his job to be my full time Cushion! How lucky am I!
My Typist.
My stay-at-home human gets paid a lot of money to look after me. 100 dollars a week. She spends most of it on cream cakes and passionfruit tarts then wonders why she's getting fat. Strangely enough, she's also My Nutritionist.
A guide to my blog. Or, when did life get so complicated you need a guide to a dogblog?
My stay-at-home human sometimes hijacks my blog. She has no life of her own.
Her rants are in black.
My stories are in grey.
She didn't use to be here so much, but she's decided she can be just as opinionated as me. Plus she's old and frumpy, I mean grumpy. Don't say I didn't warn you.
xox*Georgia : )
Helpful Hints: If you're new here and a bit lost, SCROLL DOWN TO THE LABELS and click on a topic you'd like to check out. I'm a pig dog and quite good at hunting things down!
More Clues! If you have the attention span of a gnat and can't be bothered with 2 years worth of posting, click on SOME FAVOURITES because they're some of our favourites.
If you're a *hrummph!* fan of Mr Thumper's, click on MR THUMPER.
If you're MY friend and would like to see or read about yourself, click on MY FRIENDS.
hahahhahahahhaha.. the blankie thingy happens to me too.. and sometimes.. in the middle of the night.. i don't get it back on.
Are you back from your holidays at summer camp already?
woofs n licks,
hey Dommy,
no, going next weekend yuk.
you can always wake your humans up at night you know. I do it all the time. last night, I woke My Cushion up at least 3 times. he got very cross at - get this - MY TYPIST! not ME! hahahahaha!!! because she let me in the bedroom instead of letting me sleep downstairs. she's VERY easy to train. maybe yours is too?
Lol. You are bery clever. But you are so cute and polite, it is immpossible to resist your request.
LOL... What a fantastic photo essay! The illustration of your lounge room really helps to give us a sense of perspective. I see that The Typist has an assortment of goodies by her side. Oooh, yum, TimTams... I went crazy with those during my time in Sydney *drool*
Well, Georgia, I hope you managed to catch a few more winks after being tucked into bed and wrapped up in your blankie by your oh-so kind Typist.
BOL! Great pictorial essay. How to resist such angelic face... no wonder you did not have a hard time training the Typist. I have to scratch and poke my hoomans constantly before getting any reaction from the slumbering log to allow me out for my midnight breakie. My hoomans kinda agree that Masterchef Season 2 is not that good, in fact Junior Masterchef is more interesting.
Licks, hero
@H.B.D - timmies are E.V.I.L. chewy caramel and dark are my fave. TOH loves honey crunch. straight to the waistline!
@Hero - it's season 3 here! the cooks are not as good. you know who won season 2, right? if you don't, don't read my old post on it :)
Thanks for the dog-bog-blog on the perils of the dog bed.
Flash is now an outside dog (unfortunately Inky's had to go out there too to keep him company),
They're allowed in by the fire to watch TV, thought provoking doco's only, mind you.
Each night I tuck them up in their shed-bed-basket.
I no sooner finish, than Flash changes position, drags the blanket off Inky...
If Inky's looks could kill, still they keep warm curled up together.
Be happy, well & warm, best rgds STeve
Hahahahaha! And I bet she got up and fixed it too, even after telling herself she wouldn't. When you're good, you're good, Georgia. Us humans are easy marks. :-)
Shiva has totally trained me to lay out a blanket just for her on the couch. Naturally, she couldn't possibly lay on the couch without some sort of covering. That would be inhumane.
So cute!! Lucky Georgia has someone willing to help her out!! :)
Hope you are hanging in there!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
Georgia, that's brilliant! You've trained your human so well! Don't ever become one of those suck up dogs who covers themselves up with their own blanket. Make the humans work for it!
What a great photo essay! You had me hooked from the lovely sketch of your lounge - all those treats beside your typist's spot and not a morsel beside yours, poor Georgia. Your bed looks very cosy and I am glad to see your typist got up to replace your blankie.
So... just between us....do you ever sneak up on that couch when the humans aren't around???
Blue Blankies ROCK!! And I speak from vast experience.
Georgia, you are such an effective communicator to get your typist to comply so quickly with your request. It's a good thing you're not in high political office.
On the other hand, maybe that's not such a bad idea. Where do you stand on nuclear disarmament and forgiveness of developing nation debt?
That diagram is hilarious...'My princess bed' :D :D Clever girl, Georgia, it looks like you've got your typist wrapped around your little finger ;)
Good job of human training. You should write a manual with lots of your artful diagrams.
(That's awesome! Love the sketch!)
Hmm. Georgia, maybe your typist could fashion your blankie into a poncho that would not fall off. We have things called Snuggies for dogs in the states. They are blankies with sleeves, but they don't come any larger than for a small terrier. They are frankly, really silly. :(
Please go easy on your Typist at night. Pitiful faces are hard to resist when a human is ready to nod off. I should know because I convinced the Hubby to let JF and Dewi sleep in the bed with me "for just a while longer" last night and guess what? They were there all night and the Hubby had to move to the couch. He was not happy.
I hope you stay warm this week. :)
@JeanB - NO, I NEVER! perish the thought! i am A Good Dog am i.
@Pamela - nuclear disarmament and national debt are very serious topics. i will have to look them up and get back to you. please don't hold your breath though.
@Elizabeth - ooo... thanks for telling that story! maybe My Cushion won't scold My Typist so much anymore. at least he didn't have to go sleep on the couch.
we have those snuggies for humans! they look pretty silly but maybe that's what i need. i walk about in my blankie a lot. i wrote a story about it a long time ago - http://littledogsonlongleashes.blogspot.com/2010/07/one-day-im-going-to-tumble-down-stairs.html
there's something about blue blankies ... have you seen ben's blue blankie, GLP? since he's in bermtopia his blue blankie is a heavier weight. is master chef like top chef in the states? i've fallen a season behind on top chef but i confess, i have a crush on tom colicchio.
sorry to hear that zumbo has gone downhill.
-c at ddy.
You have a very special typist to wrap you up so snuggly, Georgia. I hope she got lots of treats while you were training her. I think I've been abused--I've NEVER had a blankie.
Oh my... I love the diagram! :)
OK, on second thought, maybe wearing your blankie isn't such a good idea - at least not near stairs going down. And begging your pardon, but I kind of liked your blue sausage look in the last photo (of your long ago post about wearing your blankie). :)
@Chandra - Mr Ben's blue blankie is the most famous in dogdom!
no, MC is different. it has amateur cooks competing. this season is so blah. re zumbo - guess that's what happens when you go from tatty neighbourhood shop to goofy i heart zumbo T-shirts and shiny stickers on your cakes :p
@Sage - you are definitely being abused, girl! how can you NOT have a blankie? you live in such a BRRRR place!
Oh, Georgia. You have The Look down pat!
It is, clearly, working for you.
BOL! I love love love this post. So adorable.
Very nice.
You have to keep that bed fluffed up. Maybe a pillow too. Oh, and a nice blanket... the expensive kind.
You should always tuck them in at night with their blanky and a kiss on the snout. Of course.
Chin on knee action ALWAYS gets the humans to do you bidding, just ask Jersey. Nice work GLP!!
Hi Georgia Little Pea,
I love your name and I think you are such a pretty girl. I am glad to meet you and I hope you wont mind if I come back and visit you often.
Love the pictures...
PS and look.....I am #54.
Waiting for #54 is like watching My Typist make my brekkie.
Whats a brekkie
Dear Bert - WELCOME! I shall shortly get My Typist to explain all to you :)
Thank you for saying I'm pretty. So many humans think I'm a boy. It's lovely to meet one who has good eyesight and knows their anatomy.
Please have a good day xox
I love that Georgia likes to be under the covers! That made me laugh out loud. The pictoral story is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Oh Georgia, you and Frankie must never meet. I think he could give you some great ideas about training your typist to keep you covered up, he's got me very well trained. He prefers to be totally covered up too:) I've actually been known to forget where he is and sit on him:( He's very forgiving though. I wish he'd give me some tips on training him!!
Love the sketch. Dark chocolate Tim Tams are the best, Black Forest my second favourite.
Best story ever. I read it twice :)
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