I would be mad to want to kiss THIS one.
"NO!" I can't hunt little dogs.

"NO!" I can't drive the car.
I can't even be a backseat driver? But WHY? Fortunately, I have also learnt how to say "Please."
There are many ways to do this.Here is an example of the versatile Head Rest, used at home and outdoors.

My personal favourite...Sad Yet Hopeful Eyes used in conjunction with Tucked Up Toes.
I have a 98% chance of success with this pose.

In short, one of the most important things I have learnt in my first year with my humans is that it is always possible to turn a "No!" into a "Yes." if you say "Please." Especially with my out-at-work human.
Manners are important, don't you agree?
How is Rufus B Thumper?
Back to square one. 5 little feeds of no-fat food. Stopping supplements again. Lame again.
The urine tests were inconclusive. On to blood tests today.
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