At Mort Bay.
Ella is attached to her human. And why is little Frankie looking at me like that?
Jessie was a bit puffed out.
Since it's winter, our evening walks are mostly in the dark. Don't we look frightening?
Especially Harley and Cody.

I wish The People In Charge Of These Things would put lights up for us.
Me at Ballast Point.

These pictures are old ones because my out-at-work human was slack.
I had a little kerfuffle with Tara and bit her in the tongue. I'm so sorry Tara!
I got to ride with Tara in her ute a while back. It was my first time and I was a little nervous though I tried hard not to show it.
Mr Thumper was gloating in the back seat. *bleah*
"I wonder who I'll meet THIS week!*
How is Rufus B Thumper?
The rain woke me up this morning. It was about 4.30. I found Rufus sleeping outside. He was soaked but had to be persuaded to come back into the house.
The first urine test last week was inconclusive. So over the weekend, we collected 3 more samples at different times and are waiting to hear from the vet. If these tests are inconclusive as well, we do blood tests.
Last night, Rufus went off his food after almost 2 weeks of really enjoying his meals. Somewhere during the night, he also threw up again. I'm disappointed and frustrated. I really hope we're not back to square one.
He seems more lame again this morning as well, despite having had 2 Cartofen jabs and being back on his glucosamine. I was going to start him on the green lip mussel supplement today but that'll have to wait now.
His incontinence is not as bad, but it's still there.
When Jordan died, I didn't see it coming. I was angry that it was so sudden, that I wasn't prepared for it. I thought, if only I could have seen that he was sick, then we could have spoilt him with cuddles and steaks and taken him on a last holiday.
But it's not really like that at all. I can see that Rufus is possibly not going to get better, but we can't give him a bone because he's not allowed anything other than boiled plain food. We can't take him for walks because he can only manage a shuffle round the block. We can't pack him into a car for a holiday because he can't really be away from the vet. He's so badly incontinent, we can't even let him into the house, except for his little cordoned off area.
The decision to let Jordan go wasn't really in our hands.
With Rufus, it will be.
I think it's much worse this way.
This morning, he sat down in the gutter in front of the house though he'd only walked to the end of the street and back. He had to have a rest. Then it took him 5 minutes, maybe longer, to climb the step in the yard. He would put one paw on the step, then back down again. He did it over and over and over.
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