I also know how to "Sit."
I'm not stupid.
Very often, I hear other words when I'm in this position, like "Stay." and "Wait."
I'm good at "Wait." I don't know why, I just am.
Lately, my stay-at-home human has found more useful things to teach me from the blogs she's been reading.
A new word I've almost mastered is "Ready?"
She uses it when she needs to give me nasty pills, "Ready? Ahhhhh...open mouth."
Or when I'm having a bath and she's about to wash my head. *Brrrr* Can anyone EVER really be ready for that?
She uses it when she wants to clean the mud off my toes after a walk.
And when it's time to put my jammies on, "Ready? Right paw. Left paw."
I must admit it's A Very Useful Word to know and we ALL like it.
My humans also have 2 new favourite words -
"Leave it!" [sometimes used in conjunction with "STOP!"]
They use it when I wonder what they're eating and put my nose in their dinner.
When I bark at them, the cats, or nothing in particular.
When I throw a tantrum [ME? A tantrum? PLEASE!].
When I'm showing Mr Thumper who's boss.
Oh my 2 wee puppies also get:
"I said 'NO'"
"Put. That. Back"
"Have you been playing with my keys"
The latter may be too long as it is often greeted with very blank stares...
What a good, good girl, JO-JO-Jar!!
dear chapeuzinho - at least your puppies will grow up to make you coffee in bed. i, on the other hand, will never be able to do that for my humans since i have no opposable thumbs.
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