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January 31st. Thank god. 21 small stones published including this one. Not bad considering I started on the 5th. Am now certain people who blog daily are mad or insomniacs. Some updates! The last scab dropped off on Monday night. It took Cushion 15 hours to notice. Yes, he's still in the doghouse. No more green puddles from the scavenging pigdog, but she might be doing leash walks for the rest of her life. The sun is back. The sun is back! It's as yellow as the rubber ducky! that has sadly left our harbour. The fishermen are still being stoopid. And as far as I know, the madman is still terrorising bus commuters. I now gratefully return to my life of scobberlotching. Signing out, where it all started, on the potty.
Thank you fellow philocynics, for all your thoughts this very VERY long month! Without your support, I would never have made it. A special thank you to Barb for introducing me to this torturous lovely 30 day challenge in mindful writing. Same time next year?
Applause...Bravo...Wild Applause. That is quite an accomplishment, and it has been a delight for your readers. I know how you feel because when I did that "painting a day" challenge in November, I was giddy on November 30. You are well deserving of a break...but not too long, please.
Thirty-one days of doing anything is an accomplishment to be proud of.
I often get a start and think I've lost a whole day until I realize that to some of the world it is tomorrow when it is still today here.
I hope that made sense.
Thank you LORI!
And I forgot to mention...I promise to start reading the pile of posts that are sitting on my google reader as soon as I hang out the washing, put the dishes away, go to the post office, do some banking, get my hair cut, pick up Georgia's beef, cook the beef and pick up some vacuum bags. PROMISE!
JAN, yes. Absolutely. After I read it 3 times. :)
That's why I stick to mostly photographic posts...I couldn't possibly write anything meaningful on a daily basis!
Typist, congratulations for sticking to it - I often have good intentions to blog every day, but...well....doesn't happen, does it?
However, now that you have set up the expectation for us to see a new post from you every day, you wouldn't want to disappoint us, would you? At least one every other day? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Life is so boring when we don't hear from GLP or her Typist.
TARYN, and that's why I resorted to posting about flies in my coffee.
Why thank you, JEAN! I will get back to you on that after I get over my dysania. I grudgingly admit, posting more regularly CAN be addictive :)
Wait, it's over? Ah dang, dat was fun. I likes to read your writings and stuffs. It seemed like I held on to your every little word...big or small...and even if I had to Google it.
So whachoo gonna do next?
Hmmm. Good question PUDDS. Sleep? Have a life? :)
Congrats on completeing the challenge! So many people don't get to finnish theirs as that is the challenge itself!
I'll miss your small stones -- you did much better than me! Please post a nugget now and then!
Its one month already? that's fast... how about doing it again in Feb? I love reading your lil small stones. Seriously.. you write beeeeeeeeyoootifully.
Just keep on writing lil stones... cos we got nothing interesting to read if you don't... i actually keep clicking for page for new stones... if you don't wanna do stones.. do pebbles.. or hmm.. recipe posts? urmm.. photo posts? 30 day challenge? ru up for it?
Well, thank you, thank you! Or should I be hanging my head? I, too, wonder how people manage to post every day. Who has that much to share? Not me! But, next Jan perhaps we'll forget and do it again.
Congratulations on making it! My secret to daily posting is scheduled posts! Ha!
Thank you EVERYONE!
Thank you for your valiant attempts, QUEEN! I enjoyed your stones very much. Another 30 days? Are you insane, ANNY? It's possible BARB. Anything can happen in 300 days :)
So what? That's it? Come february, and you stop the small stones? You can't be serious, Typist! Where will we find the sun of our day? What will make us smile in the morning? Come on :-)
Holy lepperdoodles! Where does time go? Just away. Typist: Bravo! Way to go! You did it! Now, as you write, on to life...
Tootsie's Mom
P.s. that laundry pile photo was just from our regular Wed. laundry session. Tootsie loves clean laundry. And I hear you about Ms. Pea being on leash. Toots licked some crap and had to rush to the vet -- but she is totally fine. Thank God. Damn. I'm writing you a bloody book here. I'll stop.
TOOTSIE'S MUM, what is it about dogs and crap. The only ones that come out on top are the vets. Sigh.
Well at least you have the foundation for you next adventure .....365 days if small stones!
Congratulations on getting through! It's not easy when you feel like you *have* to do something as opposed to wanting to. I find I have all these ideas until I participate in something like this and then all of a sudden I have nothing to say. You did a great job, though, and I will miss these daily stones. I was kind of hoping you would continue into February, to be honest.
Bye, bye ducky...
Lots of hugs!
Congratulations! 21 posts is really good. I'm on the same page with you regarding these daily posters - I love my sleep too much to ever give that a try.
YAY! YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY! For you Typist! And a very, very big kudos for teaching me the word philocynic!
And (sorry if I said this before) I am DEFINITELY a dysaniac (is that a word).
Men don't notice anything! Hardly ever!
And a big big hug to GLP!!!!!!No more green puddles! Yay!
Petey is an extremely speedy garbage eater. I've stuck my hand down his throat countless times!
Kudos to you BOTH
Thank you EVERYONE! You're all positive reinforcement dog trainers, aren't you LOL.
Yay! Yay! Yay! LIVIE and PETEY for learning some new words. I think I had the most fun with that post.
Excellent! These blogging challenges can be tough I know...In December I did 30 posts in 30 days and it was hard...really hard...We're ending two challenges today as well, the 30/30 walking one and the Train Your Dog...both have been good for us and worth doing...Boo on Cushion for being oblivious ;) Yay on Pea for getting over the green squirts, boo on fisherman, yay for big yellow duckies and BIG WOOT for the sun...time for you to relax, dry out and move on to more fun
I'm just trying to make it to nine this month. I still have a few hours left -- I think I can, I think I can.
Goodbye small stones... i am here again looking for a small stone.
Way to go! It's been a pleasure gathering the lovely small stones you've planted.
Glad Georgia is feeling better.
Hey Georgia and Typist, Congratulations on a challenge well met! You are an interesting writer and I look forward to reading your next 'challenge'.
Good LOrd, heavens above, I'm 2, 2 days late! to go clap-clap-clap. Well done Typist!! I've been busy. busy, busy! Maybe a post in a couple of days.
Will you do the stone thing again? Hope so!
I know what you mean about posting daily. I have all I can do to post a couple of times a week! Loved your stone blogs. You have enough now to make a little cairn or monument or whatever you do with small stones. :)
You did it! I am very impressed. I post most days because I find if I don't post most days, then I end up posting very rarely.
Besiiiiiides, I've become accustomed to seeing your name in the blog reader and you'll have to keep it up, so as not to disappoint me.
Well done! Or did you do it specifically to punish those of us who have been neglecting our bloggie reading duties? What? It's not all about moy? I am terribly impressed and would never have known from reading your posts that it was anything other than easy for you. I barely made it through a #5shotchallenge on Instagram. It drove me nuts. I'm very glad that the lovely Ms Pea is okay after getting hooked. Did the lovely Dr Dog make any comment about how particularly full of bread and jam she appeared? Looking forward to the next challenge!
Dearest H, I've been waiting anxiously for you to arrive at this post LOL. I'm so sorry you had to go through a 30 day challenge... my first and possibly last. What luck eh ;) You are a trooper. I haven't blogged or read anything on GR for 3 days now (GULP) and am almost feeling myself again. If only the rain would clear up, everything would be perfect. Thank you for reading and see you around soon! X
Hmmm...three days.....still sleeping? If not a small stone, how about a pebble? A teeny piece of gravel? I have nothing fun to read this morning!
Hahaha! You guys are sweet. AND MAKING ME FEEL QUILTY. Oi! :D X
Where have all the stoneys gone?
Looooooooooong time passing
Where have all the stoneys gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the stoneys gone?
We have picked them every one
When will SHE ever learn?
When will the Typist ever learn?
we need some stones... please?
and i think i speak for everyone.. we miss YOUR STONES!!
deer Miss Anny, sorry The Typis is so slack? She says BUT IT'S ONLY BIN 4 DAYs! i am trying my best to get her out of bed ,maybe tomorro .? until then, a BIG HUg X
I could never do a 31-day blog challenge. In January I managed 2 posts. That's the double the amount of posts I've written per month since last winter.
Bravo to you... I love your writing, it's always so... in the moment.
Holy smack, what did you just say? WTF is scobberlotching?
Glad the scabs are gone and no more green puddles though. :-)
I'm so impressed by your blogging daily! I am having trouble blogging more than twice a week lately!
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