My stay-at-home human says it's La Niña's fault that the weather is so awful. I don't know who La Niña is but I wish she'd go away and leave us alone.
The plants like La Niña a lot though.
@ Callan
Last Saturday, on the way to the beach, we saw rose petals on the ground. Probably someone got married or something serious like that. 
This is where I had my historic swim!
This is my favourite picture. I find it very meaningful.
We were on our way home when we saw Atlas, Milo and Jack! My out-at-work human was very kind and stopped the car so we could have a game. He did this even knowing he'd be late for work. That's called love.
My out-at-work human may be out of work soon.
It was fun having TWO [2] boys all to myself and I played hard-to-get! Of course, Milo was there too, but she doesn't count because she's too little to have such big boyfriends.
Mr Thumper fell into this pond last week. It's not deep but it's stinky and muddy. My stay-at-home human was not happy and neither was Mr Thumper because he had to have a hose down when he got home.
This is a new friend, Cleo.
This is a new friend, Cleo.
Cleo has especially a lot of spots on her face but, unlike some human whose name I won't mention, she doesn't fuss and cry over them. Cleo depends on her personality to get ahead.
Despite the way it looks, I didn't try to eat Cleo. She put her head in my mouth.
@ Punch
This is Buddy and me having a conversation.
We hadn't seen each other in a while and there was a lot to talk about. We were very loud. We also had a b.o.i.s.t.e.r.o.u.s game and scared all the other dogs in the park.
The pictures are awful because we were too fast, so we won't show you any. I hope I meet Buddy again soon.
She's only a baby and is pretty. She was rescued from Death Row 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what Death Row is but it must be quite bad if she needed rescuing.
@ Birrung
@ Birrung
That's because he's usually blurry or in the dark. This is not fair. Harley's an old friend and deserves better. So here's another picture of Harley.
Here's a dog you've never seen before. Her name is Charlie.
Charlie is part-Irish like me. We used to meet quite a bit when we were both pups. My stay-at-home human has a "...wouldn't it be lovely?" look on her face whenever she sees Charlie. That's because she wishes I had more facial hair and wiry whiskers like her.
That's silly. I'm A Lady and ladies don't have facial hair and whiskers.
Here's a picture of Poppy hiding under her human's skirt.
She's SUCH a *g.i.r.r.r.l*
Some of my friends have no sense of h.u.m.o.u.r.
My stay-at-home human thinks Poppy has the cutest nose ever and it always makes her smile to look at it.
I think if SHE had a nose like Poppy's, she'd probably be wearing a paperbag and booking herself in for some serious r.h.i.n.o.p.l.a.s.t.y. But I could just be jealous.
This is a picture of Kody and me trying to eat Delle.
Delle was not at all c.o-o.p.e.r.a.t.i.v.e and would not play dead, so I tried to grab her leg.
I could have taken him easy, but I didn't because I like him. Even though he called me rō tund′, which is something I will NEVER, EVER forget.
I hope Delle's human has his tetanus shots up-to-date.
@ Ewenton
This is Larry who came to kiss me after my fight with Sammy.
@ Elkington
Here, you see me cleverly using my bodyweight to gain an advantage. Unfortunately, despite looking like a sweet family dog, George was no pushover.I've not written much about going to school lately. Don't worry, I've not dropped out. I intend to be at least as well-educated as Delle, Kody and Poppy.
By some [lucky] coincidence, it's been raining every school day. Last Sunday, it was VERY hot. Only a few of us dedicated dogs turned up for class but it was too hot to learn anything so we just went home.
My stay-at-home human is not at all pleased but we don't care. I think it's very useful to know how to drive, even more useful than learning how to swim. I'm very excited. You can see how I'm being good and listening to everything my out-at-work human is telling me.
My stay-at-home human hopes Ms Jarolim doesn't see this picture because I told her I'm now riding safely behind a barrier right at the back of the car [which I was until 2 weeks ago].
This is my favourite lesson when I'm at school. It's called Begging For A Treat.
We are all very good at it.
*I wonder who I'll meet next time!*
P.S. My stay-at-home human insists I apologise in case I've been too rude to my friends in this post. Oh, and to total strangers too. I think she feels bad because she realises it may be g.e.n.e.t.i.c. and therefore all her fault that I'm so disagreeable and opinionated. Now that I'm becoming A Lady, maybe I'll be more polite soon. Until then xox
I remembered Sammy... boy, you sure have many furiends at the park, Georgia... which is not surprising considering how sweet a lady you are :)
Licks, hero
awww...thank you, hero! i AM a bit of a social butterfly! xox
You have tons of friends! Party at the dog park! I love meeting everyone and seeing you all have so much fun together. Back when I didn't have a dog I used to wander through the local park anyway, just to watch. It always made me smile.
Thanks for sharing your adventures.
hi kristine, thank YOU for sharing my adventures! :)
Wow, you pack a lot into one day. It's good to have lots of friends to play with. Daisy just tells EVERYONE off for having fun and playing. She would tell you off too, 'cos she's a grumpy spoilsport.
dear montyandgrumpydaisy,
my human isn't hardworking like yours. she doesn't post my stories everyday. this one's about dogs i met in the last 3 weeks or so. I'm quite energetic but i would probably have died from exhaustion if i met all these dogs in ONE day!
have a great week! xox
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