I was bad in the car, again. Though not VERY, I don't think.
Soon after I got out of the car, I threw up. My humans are beginning to wonder if I'm a car-sick hound after all, though this is the FIRST time I have ever chucked after a car ride.
For a Dogs Day Out, I didn't see any dog having a very splendiferous time.
We were all on leashes.
Stuck between chairs.
Hiding under tables. Or sleeping.
I got crabby and was mean to a few dogs who came up to say hello.
We met some of my teachers.
They know I'm [usually] [quite] a good girl, so they told my humans I must be feeling a.n.x.i.o.u.s because of the crowd.
After that, we went further up the park, away from the ^*CR^!OW!*D! where I got to play with some other dogs. I was much MUCH happier there.
My humans are worried and have already started googling and writing to dog b.e.h.a.v.i.o.u.r.i.s.t.s about me being a.n.x.i.o.u.s in crowds. They're sad that I didn't enjoy Dogs Day Out. I wish I'd stayed at home and slept like Mr Thumper. I don't think I'll be going to another one any time soon.
In conclusion, I think Dogs Day Out is a good place for humans to learn stuff like how to take better care of us, and especially where to find some good recycled dogs. 
But as a fun day out for us dogs?
I don't think so.
Tailer Wolf was the coolest dog at Dogs Day Out.
I wonder how I could get some hair like that.
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