My name is Georgia Little Pea Ratatouille and if you could sniff my bum, this is what it might tell you...
I was adopted from a pound on March 26th 2009.
After great soul-searching and hours of googling, my humans settled on calling me Georgia because they thought it sounded like a name for a lady. I believe this is what is known as wishful thinking.
They gave me the middle name of Little Pea because I'm nothing like one.
And the last name of Ratatouille, either because I love food. Or *sigh* because I remind them of a rat they once saw in a movie.
Come January 26th, I will have had my name for 9 months. Some days, I even answer to it.
My humans believe that I'm just about 17 months old, which leaves 8 months of my life unaccounted for.
Of course I know where I was. But my humans never will.
These days, I live in a little house in a little village by the harbour of [apparently] the best little city in the world. It sounds idyllic but it's just suburbia.
I eat 2 kibble meals a day with meat and vege and fruit and yogurt and cheese and eggs. The really tasty stuff - like sun-baked squid, air-dried possum and flattened magpies - I find by myself on my walks.
I sleep on a fat doughnut princess bed that my human sewed up for me, with pretty little flowers on one side, pastel stripes on the other, and a long ribbon that I Am Not Allowed To Chew Ever.
I have learnt that it is bad, bad, BAD!!! to
poop, pee, throw up or do smelly loud farts in the house,
take my humans for a run when all they want to do is walk,
nibble on cushions that used to belong to great grandma,
steal chicken tikka rolls from the kitchen counter,
yowl at the impertinent cats that sleep in the sun down the road,
or get upset when other dogs bark at me, especially when they're little.
I strongly suspect I'm not supposed to be driving the family car.
I am a Work-In-Progress. A Lady-In-Waiting. And now, thanks to yet another impetuous decision by my human... A Dog With A Blog.
If you're still reading this...my very first [and possibly last] post...thank you.
P.S. Now that you've read my bum, is there any chance you'll be my friend?
Don't make this the last post .. This is quite entertaining .. and I am the first friend.. wil send you the pics that I took of you 'the lady Georgia from Inner West' very soon .. then u can put em up here
thank you mr prab n. i can't wait to see the pictures! i hear you take really good ones.
and thank you for being my very first friend.
Lady *haha* Georgia.
I love you georgia
Freya and Tiggy (who would probably taste good in a bun)
i love you back freya nu and antigone xox
I haven't met you yet Georgia, but I have heard a little bit about your adventures. I'll be your friend.
I know a thing or two about strange humans.. we should exchange tales.
Take care, watch out for those little dogs.
Thank you Alison. I remain ever vigilant.
I hear I may get the chance to sniff your bum soon. [and of course, you can sniff mine too.]
till then...xox
Hey Georgia! I think Vinny would really ♥love♥ to meet you one day (and your less famous bro).. we tried to get you to Tamarama last November for my birthday picnic (plenty of other K-9s frolicking around in the rock-pools.. I have photographic evidence) but your 'human' is just far too rule-abiding! It's ok .. am sure we will get to run about with you some day soon..
'til then sweet dreams on your [quote] fat doughnut Princess bed (tsk tsk these humans.. what r they like?)xox
hey, i think you're the ones i'm going to be living with when my humans go off for a year to south america! can't wait - love breaking rules myself! it's soooooo boring here *yawn* xox
on fb -
she looks like she's wearing a dish cloth. what are you dressing her in?
on fb-
does the other dog get a blog too?
a message from my stay-at-home human -
it was an old blanket which she shredded soon after.
no, he doesn't. but he's going to be a feature on hers : )
Oh Lady Georgia, now that you've given up that annoying habit of chewing my "shirt" my lil sister Tora and I would love to see you for a play. In fact she can go home with you if you like cause I don't like to share the couch, the food or kisses and cuddles with her. From Mana the Banana (what is it with humans giving us food names?...you think Ratatouille is bad?!
Mana! How wonderful of you to drop by!
are you really a banana? i've never had a banana for a friend before. i usually just eat them. I LOVE bananas! i will be sure to give you a big lick when i see you next, just to check.
till then : ) xox to tora too.
well Georgia whilst I'm not opposed to a friendly lick, you'll be sadly disappointed to see I don't really taste like a banana. Stupid humans think it's a real belly laugh to give me a name that rhymes with a piece of fruit.Go figure. Lucky Tora is a sensible Explorer.See you for a bit of rough and tumble on the weekend. I'll probably have my friends Lucy and Anber with me xx
ooo...a party! see you then : )
Hi Georgia Little Pea Ratatouille!
What a lovely name!
Sure, I will love to be your friend and follow your adventures too!
Kisses and hugs!
From Sonia and Flora.
PS: If you have the time, please, come to see my adorable friend Flora. Just click on Flora's label to know her.
After much rummaging, I finally found the post. Forgetting that January is the first month of the year isn't too good...
Thanks for the nice comment you left me! And reading your posts is really fun. You seem as opinionated as I've heard and I'd say you and Aschiuta have a lot in common from that point of view.
well, er...thank you for that, lavi. i think :p
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