Sunday, January 20, 2013

Small stone, Sunday 20th January.

Day 1.
There are small brown scabs all over my face. I can feel a few of them. Dotted across both cheeks to the jawline. More on the right side than on the left. A sprinkling over my nose. Exactly 10 on my forehead. Only my chinny chin chin is spared. My face is burning. The ice pack has gone tepid and useless. "This feels worse than getting kicked in the eye," I moan. Cushion calls me a wuss. 

Day 2.
The scabs turn brown black. I begin to panic slightly. I wonder what I've gotten myself into, when if I'll ever be able to leave the house again, and [worse comes to worst] if I'd look good with a face tattoo. 

The scabs are breaking up! One drops off as I dry my face. In its place, a tiny pink circle. I hope I haven't just replaced 50 years of sun damage with tiny pink circles. That would be so stupid. 

To find out more about Small Stones and the 30 day mindful writing challenge, CLICK HERE.


  1. Sounds like the black plague to me :) :) :) Time to worry yet?

  2. Yikes! I hope you'll be okay! Bunny says that pink is always in, though...

  3. In a couple of weeks, no one wil ever suspect!

  4. Oh gosh, I've had those removed but never on my face...youch...the pink will fade...Why didn't they warn us about this when we were young and burning ourselves to a crisp to get tan? Growing up near the beach we all slathered ourselves in baby oil and fried in the sun like a flock of featherless chickens :)

  5. Thanks for the laugh, guys! I was crispy all the way to my 30s silly me, and got burnt even on our holidays over Christmas. So serves me right. I'm sure I'm worrying unnecessarily but it does look worse than I thought it would. Don't think I'll be going anywhere this week.

  6. You and I would be a great pair - we could join the circus (or at least tour dermatologists' offices). You with scabs, me with rash. Two cautionary tales.

  7. OH gosh, hope you are sounds kinda creepy.


  8. Never had that treatment, but my husband has. Very uncomfortable but worth it.

    Mango Momma

  9. MANGO MOMMA, I'm so glad to hear you say that!

  10. sounds like chicken pox to me.. *LOL* but chicken pox would be "many many dots"

    if you are getting pink dots... pink is IN :) so dun worry about it.

  11. No my dear ANNY, I had some laser treatment for melasma - 50 years of sunning caught up with me. And unfortunately, there are many, many dots, too many to count. GAH.

    On the positive side, not contagious.

  12. As one who had skin cancer (thirty years ago this year!) on her face, I can tell you that a few pink spots for a week is a picnic compared to what you might go through if one turns cancerous. Quitcher bitchin and thank yer blessings, woman! (HAHAHAHAHA).

    1. Do you always have to be so wise, JEAN? I still can't believe I went in to have a burgeoning mole looked at and ended up having cosmetic work done. What was I thinking? You got melanoma with a Canadian sun??!! Under control now I take it.

  13. Bwahahahaha, wheresa photo wimpy-woo.

    1. You can call me names all you like but you're never going to see any of the 2000 I took. BWAH haha!

  14. Does that mean you will be a polka-dotted person? It might be kind of cute!

    Hoping everything heals well. :)

  15. My goodness - you signed up for this? Please, let's see some before and after pictures (once you're healed up, of course.) I want to know if I should be making my appointment.

  16. I've had a mole removed and a basal cell sliced off (retch) and there are more but I'm taking a break. I'm very put off by the whole business because I've been slathered in sunscreen since birth and seems to have made no difference at all. I'm sure it's because American sunscreens are crap. Now when I travel to other countries one of my outings is always sunscreen shopping! Whoohoo!

    -c at ddy.

  17. 5 DAYS LATER!

    Yes, DAISY'S MUM, I'm still a polka dotted person. Waiting for the scabs to drop off is worse than watching a pot of water boil.

    AMY, no piccies! NO!

    CHANDRA, what, no SPF 50 in the States? I've been told that at some point, the chemicals do more harm than good. Sigh.

  18. What a post for me to read, just back from a vacation in a warm climate. I did use SPF but still got a little pink. Almost impossible for me to avoid because I've always been one to hide from the sun, so I'm very fair. I'm playing catch-up...only 590 posts for me in Google Reader. Fortunately, some blogs I just stalk, so don't have to worry about commenting on all 590. I'm not going to sleep until I'm caught up.


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