Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A small stone for Rose, 12.25am, Tuesday 29th January.

The carpets already smell musty, the mood is sour. It's been raining since Sunday morning. Sometimes it pelts down hard on our tin roof, a strangely hypnotic drumming. Then a wind gust blows the fat droplets away and the rain becomes a gentle, swishy, soft shower. Then back again in a mighty gush! plak! plak! plak! plipping and plopping from the overflowing gutters. 

Some screen captures from the telly, of the flooding in Queensland.
This car emerging from the foam caught everyone by surprise! You can watch the video if you google "ghost car foam".

I've been waiting for a lull in the rain, to get Georgia out to toilet in the backyard. I have a feeling it's not going to happen. 
The weatherman says we're going to cop it in Sydney tonight, the tail end of ex-tropical cyclone Oswald that battered Queensland. A last check then, that the windows are closed tight, and good night.
This guy isn't worried.

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  1. What a mess for everyone! We're getting rain here, for what seems like for ever, but nothing to that extent. Hope you are all okay.

  2. Wow! My heart goes out to everyone having to go through this. I'm going to check out some of the videos.

  3. Wow, with rain like that you might as well live on the Wet Coast of Canada.
    Here's hoping you don't wash away - and that Georgia got a pause between torrents in order to do her business.

    Surprisingly, we have had very little rain and no snow in my region this month. What next - drought here, floods there?

  4. Its raining here in a very weird way too.. very extreme lotta rain... and then extreme sunshine hot.
    didya let Cushion in yet?

  5. EEK! Good luck! Weather events all over! Poor GLP, I hope she can go out soon!

  6. What a disaster. I hope all are safe.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  7. It sure does seem that Australia has been in the news a lot lately as a result of the weather/fires. I sure hope everything settles down!

    My dogs don't like going out in the rain and are willing to wait a very long time to go pee.

  8. Flooding is probably the worst disaster because all of the things are still in place but sadly waterlogged and ruined forever. So sorry that this has to happen.

  9. I have learned so much from your blog this month. Ghost car foam is a new one. It led to me googling it and finding all sorts of creepy videos on Youtube. Which led me to learning that in 1939 Pontiac put out a transparent plexiglass car called the "Ghost Car". Which led me to more creepy videos. So if I can't sleep tonight, it's your fault. ;-)

    Hope the rain quits soon and you all are safe!

  10. My insular world this last week has kept me from the news. What a wet world you have! Hope you aren't flooding at your house! I wouldn't want pea to float away!

  11. Stay warm and dry! I hope that saner weather comes your way soon.

  12. How very odd, KRISTINE. The first thing that popped up when I googled that phrase was the video of that "ghost car" up in Queensland. Could it be google shows up different links depending on where you live? A plexiglass car! What were they thinking?!

  13. That "ghost car" video is amazing! Not till the last do you see it begin to emerge..I've been through many hurricanes here but have never seen a foam tide before...Had to laugh at the last photo...When I lived in St. Croix we always went bodysurfing when the hurricane flags went up...But I was very young and crazy back then

  14. GIZMO, geocacher, diver, trekker, what else? Why am I not surprised? :p

  15. Wishing you to stay safe and not wash away!
    I saw the video on tv this morning. Had no idea until the very end.

  16. OMGos what a great job you did on this post T, I just saw this post (after I commented on your latest one) I'll have go and turn the tele on to see if the sun is out your way, you need it so bad to dry things out! That musty damp smell is awful.
    I haven't paid much attention to mine or anyones blogs since yesterday. When connectivity permits, I've been flat out researching reviews on small hatch cars, I need some wheels!!! of my own...

  17. I feel soooo special....."a small stone for Rose"

  18. ROSE, it was easier than emailing you a reply. Killed 2 birds with 1 small stone hahaha!

    I also took a break from reading for a couple of days and just caught up. My aching neck!

  19. Floods are very frightening and the damage is so great and lingers so long. I hope people are able to keep safe.

    Save for that surfer, who is super stoked.

    -c at ddy.

  20. Holycomoly that's a pile of seafoam. Glad you are OK!


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Hooroo! Georgia X