Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Word Wednesday. [Links don't count.]





  1. So creepy! Really, I have chills from that first photo. Where did you find such things?

  2. @Kristine - would you believe my Sunday papers? [Though the link is from another source - I believe That Cat is everywhere these days.] I really don't go out looking for cat pictures at all!

    Maru is really cute though. She makes me want to have a cat and that's saying something!:p I 1st read about her on 7MSN, my dream ranch blog.

  3. No cats allowed on my junk video menu but I do want to thank you for leading me to this, GLP! ...

    This supposed quote is WAY better than the video: "B**** your pancakes look fine to me."

    You better believe I'm going to somehow going to work that into conversation with my husband when he arrives home from work this evening.

    -c at ddy.

  4. LOL! Those are funny! But we hope the kitty from the first picture got out somehow! Mama says she remembers a few years back someone made a joke website about buying bottled kittens that were bred to live in bottles and never come out, and you'd just stick food in there and stick your finger in to pet it. People got all enraged because they thought it was animal abuse. But it was not real... they somehow photosphopped kittens into bottles!

  5. @c at ddy - you're sounding a bit deranged my love. i suppose i'd better click on the link to find out what you're talking about :p

    @T, L & SJ - apparently, ksyusha [That Cat's name] is actually all fur and she loves hiding in jars. i wonder whether it's photoshopped too because, although there's supposed to be a vid on youtube, the vid doesn't actually move and it's just a still pic with a voice. bizarre.

    i hope everyone's persevering with Maru's vid though. she's a cutie! :)

  6. Okay, that first cat is a little disturbing! I had a good giggle over all three of them, though!

    I'm sorry summer is almost over for you, but after the winter we've had, I still have to wish the seasons on! :P

  7. Well the first picture got my heart racing a bit and looking for a glass cutter. But the video was adorable. Maru is certainly a tenacious cat.

  8. Ewwww! There's a HUGE wad of fur in my capple sauce!

  9. I sure hope that first pic is photoshopped. The video is so cute, lol! It's been a long time since I've had a c-a-t in the household. Kelly would object!


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