Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hey old fella! YOUR turn.

Dinner's ready.
Don't be late.


  1. Is that REALLY for me? Wait a minute, it must be a twick. What do you want now? Another holiday to Tahiti? I'm not falling for it again ... I'm not STUPID.

  2. The thought never crossed my mind. NEVER. But now that you mention it...

  3. What are you trying to do to me? I haven't had breakfast yet.

  4. Does my chicken stew look a little too hearty for brekkie? Please don't gag. It was quite delicious, even if I say so myself :)

  5. Ohhh! That looks yummy! Perfect for my cold Saskatchewan weather!!

    Jen and the BDC

  6. Feel free to send some over here in a jar! That looks SO good!

  7. I'm going to be hungry all day until I make something that looks that delicious.

  8. The dogs and I are jealous - that looks really good! Charley and Sadie are looking into flights from Canada to your place. They claim chicken stew trumps kibble any day, even if they did get salmon as well.

  9. Oh, the truth is out! I must say that I firmly believe that cooking liver cake/biscuit/treat AND chicken stew in SUMMER is a pretty even trade for a holiday in Tahiti.

    -c at ddy.


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Hooroo! Georgia X