Tuesday, February 5, 2013

poofer feesh and bad fishy men.

Pleese get youR reeding  glasses out!The typis is stil being lazy  so i mus type this importen story myelsf. 
Sum fishy man has been bad again. BAD! he caiught a poofer feesh and threw it riTE   into the middel of the park on the grass wheRe anyone.   could step on it or eat it. the Typis says the fishyman hoo did it mus haf been dropped on his hed when he was a baby   becaus surely no one coud be so stoopid all by himslef .

Cushion took a pikture of the poofer feesh befor he threw it away. look how big it was! 
my friend Paddy would haf been really crook if he'd eaten it,   lucky there weren;t any kiddies aroun too.

And thaty's not all! we herd that/  sum brave hUMan went to ask a fishy man if he cood  pleese trow his old bait and  hooks and lines  in the bins and not in the park because they were making us dogs sick   and guess wat happened? she got aboosed! and had to call the police! it is ahporling appoling shamefool  wat is happening in our littel  neighburhood these days,


What is a puffer fish? >>> CLICK HERE.

"Almost all pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin, a substance that makes them foul tasting and often lethal to fish. To humans, tetrodotoxin is deadly, up to 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide. There is enough toxin in one pufferfish to kill 30 adult humans, and there is no known antidote."

Want to know what happens when a dog eats a puffer fish? >>> CLICK HERE.


  1. I hope it wasn't the typist who was abused! I had no idea you could use the computer so well, Georgia. That fish is disgusting! (And dangerous!)

  2. You really have some weird nasty creatures there. (And some weird nasty humans sometimes)

    All we knew about poofer feesh is that in Japan they pay gazillions of dollars to eat them but if they aren't prepared right, the people die. We are wondering how many died before someone learned to prepare them right.

  3. Your cushion is too kind, I would have done the same thing. he was such a big guy would have loved to see whathe looked like in the water all puffed up, looks like your cushion saved the day. p.s- I am doing a ancient dog event over on my blog where you just enter your dogs name and breed and he can be entered to have a history review all about his breed and how he came to be! Tell your cushion to check out my blog for more details!

  4. That fishermanperson should have to SIT on that pooferfishy. A$$!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  5. No, mis bARB, The Typis isnot brave/. i tink i m gettng better at typing all the timE,practis makes purfek.

    BWAH haha mis JAN! that is a guD thot. we saw how they prepare the fugu on telly once it was intersting!

    alrite, KIRBY! i wil send The typis over when she wake s up,. i am a mutt tho'

    oooBART and RUBY, wat a faboolus idea!

  6. you've been practicing your typing haven't you? you did really well here...Momz sez she's never seen a puffer fish that big only little ones in fish tanks...it's really a shame that the fisherman is so thoughtless and nasty...i hope the police put him in his place and at least gave him a citation (not sure how your laws work i'm afraid) In florida we have bufo toads...big old honking frogs from Cuba...they have a poisonous slime on their skin so if a dog licks them they get very sick...lucky for us none in our area so far

  7. Aargh those fisherpeople! And that poor pooferfish. So much for the peaceful, idyllic image of fishing, and look what it does to the environment and dogs and hikers, not to mention the poor fish! That was one brave recreational user and hope she got some relief from the policepeople :)

  8. deear GIZMO and MIS KIRSTEN, i don;t tink the policeman did anyting, There are too many fishy men here now.maybe they wil put up cameras in da pARKS so we can all know hoo the bad peeple are and can catch them Thaat woud be good. GIZMO, your bufos sound like/our caNe toads! yek!!

  9. Wow Georgia, Strylia sounds more and more dangerous - all those scary critters that can hurt or kill humans and canines. The bad hooman who tossed it there should be forced to eat it himself! Same for the fishymen who leave hooks and stuff around. I can think of a place I'd like to put the hooks so fishyman would no longer have the balls to abuse people who ask him to dispose of them safely. Heheheheh.

  10. That is not an ATTRACTIVE fish and once again reinforces my predilection to avoid water at all costs.

    B in Bermtopia

  11. I'm with Bart and Ruby...that stoopid feesherman should have been made to SIT on that fish! And, recite the fisherman's motto (there IS one, isn't there?? Hmmm...there SHOULD be one!)
    He is certainly a doodie-face!!

  12. So, did the puffer fish get sent back to the water. He really had the cutest eyes and even though he is poisonous, it isn't his fault,

    Pooh Pooh and Pooh on.... I mean it Pooh on that fishy man. Some humans just aren't very smart


  13. Mis JEAN! Is dat a cackle??? Yu sound positively wiked BWAH haha!

    Mr B, I tink you are quite rite. I am onlY allowd ther on The leash now it sux

    Ther must be RUBY! Maybe sumting like "Bin the poofers ya mungrels!!!" is that a motto you tinK?

  14. Personally I think the fisherman should be tangled up in fishing line and thrown back!

  15. Maybe there should be a "you caught it, you eat it rule" for the nasty fishermen. It would get rid of at least one in this case.:) Also like the freestyle body piercing with hooks idea, though we wouldn't want to have to get that close to them...eeewwww...

  16. If Fishy Man wasn't going to eat the fish, why didn't he throw it back and let it live?

  17. Amazing how stupid humans can be...
    You are a very good typst Georgia:-)

  18. deer BERT, yes Cusyion trew him bak to da water but he was already ded :(

    Ouch! RILEY, DENNY, MAGGIE and DUKE - I wood HAte to get on the rong side of you guys BOL!

    Becus he was STOOPID Mis KAREN!

    Thank yOo misS VERO :)

  19. Wow, I'd like to stick that poor puffer fish where the sun don't shine in that fishyman. Sod, POW. ROAR.
    He is a very very bad man Ms Pea, putting dogs and peoples lives in danger and made the fish suffer unnecessarily.
    You did very well with this post and maybe you could write the letter to my removalist instead of your Typist - hahahahahahahaha - that would get them going hey what!

  20. Mims ROSE, of course I will rite a lettr for yu. My typing Nd speling is good now and iV I type it on the iPad it ail be perfek be cause it is intooitif your know, hey! You are even more fierce than the Typis, XXX

  21. Puffer fish are bad news! And so are those fisherman. Yikes. What is happening to your little neighborhood? (I just noticed your Georgia nuzzle Australia postage stamp - that is adorable.)

  22. Eeesh. Our Momma grew up in Saudi Arabia and used to go snorkeling and diving in the Red Sea all the time, and came across pufferfish - she says they are only mildly less creepy IN the ocean. Although we can't believe some 'maroon' left that fish out there - for so many reasons. As an aside, we are very impressed with your typing - we have to use the speech software to make our comments! Heehee!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  23. I sure am glad that fish isn't found in my area!

  24. Georgia...It never ceases to amaze me how stupid and inconsiderate some humans can be. I hope the brave person continues to be brave and keeps telling the bad folks to "stop it." I hope the good folks can drive the bad folks out of the park! I admire your typing. Well done.

  25. I do not want to think what happens when you eat a puffer fish
    too scary

    Buster thinks you were brave to look at it!

  26. Good grief, that can't be good. What an ugly fish too.

  27. So glad your people are looking out for you and your friends.

    I read about research that found 30% of the population are selfish, 50% will do the right thing if it makes sense to them, and 20% are altruists who think of others normally.

    It sounds like the brave human encountered one of the 30%. But hopefully you'll be able to convince about 50% of the fisher people to be more careful.

    How do you know who you're talking to before you get abused? I don't know. I'm thinking going up to someone and asking "Are you one of the 30% of people who are assholes?" won't quite work.

  28. Your friend was very brave to stand up to these jerks. Tell her I'm very angry on her behalf.

  29. That is really frightening! Considering how poisonous this fish is, there must be some sort of law about disposing of them in this manner. He could easily kill a child. Littering in all forms really, really bugs me but this is just reprehensible behaviour, in my opinion. Good on you for confronting him! It was very brave.

  30. TOOTS, tank you for notising. I like it too!

    Dea SHERRI and ROXY, it isn't sp ugly. Really! It's quite cute wen it poofs up like a balloON. Is just bad the fishy man dint trow it bak in da sea.

    GIONA and HIPPO! I tink myTyping is much better now but i ope TT get aof her butt zoom dictating os moch easier,

    deer MIs LORI, I hope so too. sadly, it seems a lot of thes inkonsidrate fishy men are vistors from udder neighburhoods. Sigh :(

    Mis WIX and BUSTER, they eat poofers in Japan! but dey haf special chefs that. Train for years and years to learn how to prepare it proply

    Deae MIS PAMELA, trust you to know sum intrsting statistik like dat! 30% ia a lot! I m so glad I'm a dog.

    KARIN, the brave human wasn't our fwiend! MISS TONKS, it wAsmt us TT or Cush either! Larry;s mom thot it was sum one we knew but later we found out it wasn't. Is a mystery stll.

  31. That is one ugly fish, Georgia. Thank dogness your Cushion got rid of it before some one of our kind ate it and ended up in the ER (or worse). And what's wrong with that fishy man? Maybe if no one bought his fishes he'd wise up!

  32. Did you see the Bondi Vet episode where the dog ate the puffer fish? Scary stuff!

  33. SAGE, the fishy men arRe fishing fur FUn! No fun for the resT of us,

    No we. don't waTc h Bondi veg LEEMA, but we read Bout it and it's scary a

  34. I am so sorry, Georgia, some humans really do stink. Worse than puffer fish!

  35. Oooh GLP we are so happy to see your post! Always great to hear your voice and get your point of view! And we always learn something. Bad Fisher man!

  36. I like the looks of the poofer feesh, his expression seems to say, "don't mess with me or you'll be sorry." You friend is so brave to get that close, GLP! Wow. I bet he was trying to impress you.

    GLP, you'll never guess where I've traveled to so I'll tell you ... I'm in Melbourne! And loving every minute of it. Today I've eaten vegemite and avocado on toast for breakfast AND lunch. My hubby had to travel here unexpectedly so I packed myself in his suitcase. Hey, do you know of any cool dog shops that might also have a Melbourne location? I'd like to look for presents to take Mason and Uncle Wawa.

    -c at ddy.

  37. I don't know what goes through some people's heads. Nothing, probably. Sigh. I've never seen a poofer feesh as big as that one. Can you imagine how marvellous it would be all puffed up. :( Sigh.

  38. CHANDRA! oh my goodness, how exciting. I'm glad you managed to squeeze into the suitcase and are getting your avo and Vegemite fix! I've only been to Melbourne twice, maybe 3 times, and know nothing about the place other than Lygon street. Pasta and pastries YUM. If it's anything like Sydney, you're better off buying stuff back home. Much more choice and heaps cheaper :)

    Welcome back to Stryliah! X

  39. Oh dear. I wish I could think of a good solution to get that man to stop throwing his hooks etc where they can harm the dogs. Maybe the dogs need to all gang up and approach him together with big hooks and poles...
    That puffer fish looks worse to step on than legos, which is what I used to step on all the time when my son was little.

  40. eww! that's not a pretty fish, i (yuki) am not a fan of fish, but i think even rocket would run away from that! i think the people in japan that eat (fugu) the small portion of the puffer fish thats not toxic, are very brave. even though the chefs need a special license to be able to prepare it, i'd still be scared!

    yuki and rocket

  41. Yikes! That is one scary fishy!
    We have stoopid hoomans here too! And they think dogs have bad manners!

  42. That would tick me off about the fishermen and the hooks. I'd probably have to think of something pretty vile and evil to do to them. :-)

  43. Those poor fish and those poor animals that get tangled in the line - bird and pup alike!



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Hooroo! Georgia X