Saturday, June 26, 2010

The mullet goes missing, I get a puppy and a new jammie, and get thrown out of a shop.

Uncle Steve didn't bring his mullet with him! But WHY?!

Maybe he forgot and left it at home. Maybe something fishy happened on the way here. 

He's not the same.

Yesterday evening, I went to Dr Dog's with my out-at-work human. We went to pick up more tablets for Mr Thumper.

There was a puppy sitting on the counter.
He looked a lot like me. I don't know what he was doing there. I didn't think we were allowed to sit on counters. I jumped up to say, "Hello, what are you doing up there?"

Everyone in the room laughed and laughed and made awwww-ing noises. They told The Nice Lady Behind The Counter to give the puppy to me.

And she did! T*H*A*N*K  Y*O*U  V*E*R*Y  M*U*C*H!

My out-at-work human tells me my puppy's already got a name and it's Mama Dew. What a funny name.

Mama Dew doesn't talk much. I've given him a lot of snuffles, nibbles and licks but he still hasn't said anything.

I haven't met a dog like him before.

My humans tried to put Mama Dew away in another room because they said I was getting too o.b.s.s.e.s.s.e.d. But I rescued him and brought him back to my bed.

Later that night, they tried to hide him in their bedroom under the cabinet. How mean! But I found him again and wouldn't go back to bed without him.

So my humans gave up and Mama Dew and I got to sleep together.                                                       

It was very nice to have him next to me.

This morning, I tried again to get Mama Dew to talk to me, but I didn't have any luck. It's very hard having a conversation by myself.

If Mama Dew doesn't talk soon, I think I might have to thump him. 
       Mama Dew is very worried.
After a late breakfast, I went to Centennial Park. I had a great time and made some new friends who all talked.
After that, we went to Bondi to pick up my newest jammie.
I can hear you thinking I'm quite spoilt. But The Man On The Weather Channel says it's going to get very cold next week, so I'm glad I have a few warm things to wear.
I got into a kerfuffle with a littlie and got thrown out of the shop. Luckily for me, someone saw that it wasn't my fault, and that the littlie had been mean to me.
So they let me back in.

Not all littlies are good and not all biggies are bad.

I couldn't wait to show Mama Dew my new jammie.
He didn't say anything so I can't tell if he's impressed.


  1. That is THE cutest puppy doll I have EVER SEEN!!!!1!

    I like the worried photo. It made me squeeee!

    Lucky lucky Little Pea.

  2. i like it when you squeeee!

    it's MARMADUKE!!! maybe you'll see the movie with freya and tiggy? i'm not allowed into the cinema but i'm sure i'll see it one day not too soon. xox

  3. dear ms joy, thank you for your comment on fb. i didn't come to bondi with my stay-at-home human who stayed at home because of her stinky knee. if she had come, OF COURSE she would have called you : ) xox

  4. on fb -
    cute puppy toy!

  5. on fb -
    that is SO CUTE. hahahahahhaha

  6. via email -

    Oh Hi!

    Sorry we all saw this email last week and forgot to write back but we thankyou for sending it! Georgia is one funny dog!
    Good to see that Marmaduke went to a loving home :)
    We'll see you all in the clinic soon.


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Hooroo! Georgia X