Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wide awake.

Woken up at 4.14 by the sound of a dog tumbling down the stairs desperate to get out for a toilet. NO MORE BLOATED MAGGOTY FISH FOR YOU, YOUNG LADY! (See last post.)


  1. Ohhhhhh NOOOOOOO!! That can not be good!!!!


  2. OH how awful. GLad you made it sweet girl, but I guess rotting fish will have to be a no no for both of us now.


  3. Oh no! But, you MUST be sooooo proud of her. Lots and lots of pooches wouldn't have made it outside. she's a Princess alright! :)
    You're a very, very good girl Ms Pea.

    Oh, how long were you awake for Typist? -quiet chuckle-

  4. Past 5, before I conked out again. Feel like a zombie now. SHE doesn't look too well either. Grrr.

  5. Well, well, well, that's no good - I've been up since 5am and hit the road walking by 5.10 (thought the magpies might still be in their nests asleep) must have been as none bothered me this morning. So I'm bright eyed, bushy tailed and rearing to go girrl!!
    Oh poor Ms Pea......

  6. I always ask my dogs what they learned from this experience.

    They always say, "nothing."

  7. That what they call "country hours" Ms Rose?

    Jan, that would be about right.

  8. But it felt and tasted so right at the time. How many times have we said that!

  9. Aargh! Well, i guess a great big poo was probably the best possible resolution to that whole episode.

  10. BOL! I knew that maggoty fish would be forbidden soon!


  11. hahahhaahahaa.. and she goes tumbling down.. i think she'll forgot all about it in the morning and still eat fresh fish in them waters on her next walk :)

  12. The things we miss when on the road so much away from our bloggy reading and bowled over by jet lag! Woof, woof, woof to rotting fish. xox

  13. Oh, poor Georgia, and poor you!
    I suggest naps at frequent intervals.

  14. OH my gosh. When I read the first sentence, I thought, "Is Georgia OK?" Then I read the second sentence and thought, "Is Typist OK?" That could have gone SOOOOOO badly. I hope she made it to the door!

  15. Oh goodness. Did she really tumble down the stairs? I do hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

  16. Letters To Andrew - "tumbling" was probably a bad choice of word! She didn't fall down the stairs. She's just very noisy and clumsy when she's in a hurry and can look like she has no brakes. Maybe "careening" would have been a more accurate description :D

  17. Oh Georgia! Eating rotten fish is a no-no! But then, if Typist or Cushion let you get away with it, then it's all their fault if you got sick, isn't it? I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Tell the typist to have a little nap. Just not while you are out looking for stinky fish.

  18. Oh no - I was afraid that was going to end badly! No more dead fish, Georgia.


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Hooroo! Georgia X