Monday, October 1, 2012

A chat in the park.

While walking Georgia at Mort Bay today, Cushion saw the woman from The Incident Outside Woollies. He went up and asked if they could speak civilly. After a tentative start, she told him what happened. 

Her husband had brought their dog and children up to meet Georgia [who was tied up]. The dogs had a kerfuffle, one child got too close and Georgia may have banged into him or grabbed at his hand. [She's not actually sure if anything happened since she wasn't there.]

She'd been scolding her husband for going up to an unknown dog when Cushion turned up, and she just transferred her anger to him. She said she'd felt bad about the confrontation and her over-reaction ever since. 

So there in the park, both parties sensibly apologised. And Georgia and their dog [both not tied up or cornered] sniffed each other with no problems. 

Cushion told me about the chat when he got home. I'm very proud of him. 

Darn it. I'm proud of them both.

Is there a lesson in all of this, children?

P.S. Interestingly, on Saturday, Cushion met a man who had witnessed the whole Incident. He was just as uncertain about what had actually happened during the kerfuffle, and the stories matched perfectly. So, nRashômon here :)


  1. We are so glad that everyone is OK with stuff now. Never good to have hard feeling hanging around.

  2. Sounds like an official exoneration to me.

  3. I love happy endings.

    Ben in Bermtopia

  4. I'm so glad for this happy ending.

  5. Georgia is cleared! I'm happy for both The Cushion and the lady. How nice that it could be resolved and how wonderful that The Cushion extended himself in that way. Boy, you've got a good guy and a good're one lucky lady.

  6. What's that saying about the "other" end of the leash? Stupid human tricks, indeed.

  7. So does that mean that Balmain is not such a bad place to live in Georgia. Any chance your SAHH might change their minds? Tara xoxoxo

  8. Balmain has never been a bad place to live, TARA! Though it HAS changed a lot in the last 10 years. BIG HUGS! To SAMMY The Girl Dog too! X

  9. That's fantastic news! I'm sure the Cushion feels much better - and he's a better man than I am! I don't think I would have been able to approach the woman and speak nicely to her. Good for him and for Georgia!


  10. thank god, because a "dog attack" has 50 shades of grey in the NSW law.

    The next thing is the council slaps a dangerous dog tag on ms pea. it's not funny.

    I NEVER leave Boofhead tied up anywhere for that reason.

  11. I know, GRRL. That's what got us sad and upset. To accuse a dog of being vicious and attacking someone is the worst possible thing you can ever tell a dog owner and should NEVER be said without just cause. I'm glad it all came out.

    I don't like leaving Ms Pea tied up outside shops either. I trust her but I don't necessarily trust how people will act towards and around her. I think she has every right to protect herself if she feels threatened but the law [and other people] might not see it that way. I also understand it's actually against the law to leave a dog tied up and unattended outside shops and cafes. Are you aware of this?

    Tara and Sammy's Human told me a few days ago about an old man who put his face in front of a little dog that was tied up outside a shop one day and it was looking very hairy. It took one of the brave ladies at Blooms to tell him he was being an idiot and to back off! I love the ladies at Blooms :)

  12. I am so pleased that everybody's at peace again now. It's understandable that the woman would have been upset, although I do think she should have remained upset at her husband instead of anyone else. What kind of fool allows dogs or children to approach an unknown dog who can't avoid the onslaught?
    Oh well.
    All is well that ends well, and this has, to Cushion's credit!

  13. Who approaches an unfamiliar dog like that? I'm glad Georgia was exonerated.

  14. Good for them both for being civil and straightening it out. I'm impressed that she admitted to it, and recognized that she had been rude/wrong. Not everyone will admit to that. So you will stay off the moon for a while??

  15. That is great news! Most people with dogs should know not to approach a dog that is tied, especially when they are approaching with children and another dog and the owner is not present.

    Still it's good that they worked it out.

  16. Oh boy wow, what an incredible ending to this chapter Typist. I can but imagine your pride!
    Haha, I know you're here Typist, you've preceded me to June's by 20 or so minutes!! Me...stalker....

  17. Hi Georgia,
    I am glad that all had a happy ending!

  18. I'm glad it all had a happy ending! That could have gone so horribly bad if the wrong people or circumstances were involved. There are too many people in the world with no common sense anymore!

  19. Wow, that's just amazing that everyone was able to be calm and sensible. So glad to hear it--hope this means you'll stick around and not go running off to other planets.

  20. It's great that she apologized and owned up to her mistake. Not everyone has the courage to do that, especially when emotions are involved. I am so glad Georgia's name has finally been cleared.

  21. Yay! It's always so good to be civil.

    I was late to the party with the last posting, so I couldn't voice my concerns, but I'm glad all is well now.

    It's always great to re-think things once you've cooled down and become level headed. I guess the woman figured out that after having a few sleeps. XD

    Kyuss is guilty of knocking a few kiddies flying once in a while due to his big size, and it often looks worse than it actually is. =]

  22. Howdy Georgia, what a great ending. Thank goodness your Cushion had the sense to approach the lady and talk about it. Just a shame it had to happen in the first place but at least she had felt bad about it and hopefully learnt a lesson from the experience. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  23. All's well that ends well, Georgia.
    It certainly wasn't your fault, being tied up and all. . . .

  24. Yay! I'm glad the humans spoke in a civil fashion! Yay for Cushin! And for GLP!

  25. Someday when (if) I grow up, I want to be like GLP's cushion.

    -c at ddy.

  26. I'm so glad that everything is fine. It's so hard to work things out sometimes.

  27. G'day Typist just checkin' in to see that you're still in Oz and you're OK. I haven't blogged for a while either, I'm just busy-with-boring-things but otherwise fine! as I trust you, Cushion and Ms Pea are.


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Hooroo! Georgia X