Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So here I am.

Sitting on my bed, waiting for ate another Half to come back from walking Georgia so I can have my first coffee of the day delivered to me yay! Endone is yumminess than Panadeine Forte. My knee is craving the good stuff. Stingy people at the ospital not to give me nag to bring ome, What me addictive? NO! Bored. Bored. Just read lotsof blogs and left comments that sometimes made no sense at all thanks to this iPad intuitive. Does anyone else have this problemL I sometimes spend as much time retuning comments as typing them.That should have been retry pig. no! Retrying. RETYPING. Is there a post in this hideous automated spelling thing that keeps correcting me and putting words into my mouth, I thought to muself. So, while twiddling my thumbs eating for the other half, I decided to type this post and NOT CORRECT ANYTHIGN IN TI, Wouldn't u know it? It's mostly behaving itself. Technology can be so devious, Hit PUBLIDH mow before I change my mind.


  1. Wow! What happened to my paragrphing? Way to go iPad! :)

  2. This looks like something my Vickie would write. Sorry I didn't mean to insult you. Thank goodness for spell and dyslexic check. Now if she would just get a dictionalry or thesarsus, learn ow to spell and what things mean. (Whoops forgot the H)

    Well, I could go on forever......and this would still make yoru eyes roll and your head spin.


    Type your comment without correcting a single thing! Let your computer to the work. Why not? Let's slack off! :)

  4. Good luck with the recovery. I totally feel your "pain". My step mom had a hip replacement 6 weeks ago and it's been complete bed rest since then. get better soon!

  5. Me too June! :) my god. Is it only 8.48a.m? Thanks for the coffee Ushion And for shouting to me from the potty that me m post is full of typo errors. x

  6. Ummm, I sorry to tells you dis but you is makin' no sense but OMD I am laughing so hard I felled off my chair cuz I kept thinkin' you was just all drugged up and in LaLa land.
    But seriously, I is da worst at typin so I can't laugh at anybuddy.


  7. Pudds, you're a natural at this" Of course you'd like everyone to think its your own special Puddle s language but HUH! I'm to fooled so easily, MissSpeller! AHAHAHA,,,

  8. I hate typing blog comments on the iPad. SO frustrating. But this is a very funny post!!

  9. I'm having a good giggle! I thought you were on a little too many pain meds. I'm glad it was just the iPad giving you fits! Feel better soon!

  10. Baaaaahaaaaaaa! Crying with laughter. I don't know if it's the ipad or Panadeine F (which is grrrrreat, but should say 'don't make any plans' on the box)! I had an infected jaw bone a while back (yes, owch) and took 2. Two. If only I'd known that 1/2 a tablet would've done. Holy whatever! I don't have a job that I can just walk out from and had to wait for someone to come in to cover... I was all singing and dancing and don't remember the drive home. Then I fell asleep for 2 days. :)

  11. It's them iPad of course. I'm no druggie. 2 tabs is is lot to take Ms FLo's ma'am. Good thing you didn't drive into a lamp post. You'd have had more than a painful jaw them.

    Whoopee. I think Cushionis home with my lunch, I am so spoilt (but only for today I'm sure).

  12. I want what you're taking.

  13. What about switching the intuitive spelling off? I did just after two hours on my Ipad. Before I went more insane than i actually am...
    You know you can download books on your ipad, do you, just in case you are bored.

  14. Ha ha, I was just thinking the same thing - I want some of what she is taking! This was soo funny I had to read it out loud to my hubby :) I never type on my iPad - drives me crazy!! Get better soon!!

  15. I read this post at 1am and at first I was seriously concerned that I was having some kind of attack....but no, it was simply a Georgiattack.

  16. and i thought voltaren was great!

    -c at ddy.

  17. I'm to taking anything! Ll, I am but it's only 1 Panadeine Vorte unlike some unnamed reader up ther. Jut woke up from an interesting sleep filled with weird images. Weird I tell ya! I'm going to go back to sleep to seed if it comes back,

    No Vero! Immhaving so much fun I might always type like this now. It's so much after. I think everyone understands anyway, somehow, misrculously,

  18. Hahahaha, the iPad thingy can drive me bananas at times, glad to see others doing the same :)

  19. Bwhahaaaaaa, typist this is the best entertainment I've had in an age and its all at your expense :( aw.
    Between your post and the comments I've got a stitch in me tummy. :)))
    Get well tho; hey???

  20. Haha! I thought you were doped too, but it is just the iPad spellingchecker :) You need some "blogsy" medicine!

  21. What a lovely lazy day.

    Ading Game of Thrones on my Kingle. Georgia by my Bed, int eh sunny spot of course. Cushion is right now hinge to fix the telly in the bedroom for me so I can watch Masterchef in bed. ( i think it's actually because he wants to watch the state of origin final on the big telly. Go NSW!)

    Any moment now, I'm sure he'll be bringing me my delicious Vietnamese prok roll frommthencity. Ahhhh, LCD is good, I mean life is good, :)

    Thanks for dropping by to visit! X

  22. Okays dis post still cracks me up and makes me laugh likes one of them stoopid hyenas...yes, yes, it does.Crap, I furgotted why I came back...udders than to read dis again.
    Ahhhh yes....sees if you lived on dark side likes me then you would knows ALL bouts da cool, drunk pawties around Blogville. Well they don't start out as bein drunk parties...until I arrive.


  23. I thought if the pain meds were really good, you didn't care if the iPad lost your paragraphs.

    You might want to ask the doc for an upgrade. :)

  24. I am sorry you had to go through yet another surgery. From what I hear from others the recovery from knee surgery can be long and painful. I hope in your case it does not drag out and you can be back on your feet soon. Take it easy, eh?

  25. Good morning!

    NSW lost. They haventmwon origin in 7'years and they lost by one point. I'm sure they're all on pin killers ow,

    Yes, Ms Tonks, It can be a it ouchy, If only I'd lost some weight before th op, it would have been helpful..

  26. I am sure lack of coffee didn't help your typing or spell checking!! I hope that you are feeling much better from the surgery...get well really soon!!


  27. Wowzers... life is really foot good rite now for ya rites.. nows i see you have a cow f all for yerself... moooooooo moo to Cushion.. hhehehehehe milk it milk it wll ya... coffee n lucnh and dinnor in bed is good and tb tb tvvvvv too... woowww..

    urrmm.. i am not on the ipad but it sucks to type on this keyboardsometimes..

    get well soon.. but meantime. milk it milk it.. wooooooohooooooooooooooooo

  28. You should keep it up forever! Good Luck.

  29. Hahaha for a minute I thought Georgia was having to do her own typing.....maybe you should get her to type for the Typist?

    I hope you are feeling better today!

  30. Gee Typist, thanks for calling by but heck girl when're you getting back downstairs???? You'll have the whole house up there before you know it and then you, er, Cushion and Ms Pea will have to cart it all back down again.
    Der I thought the S of Origin was only once a year, that's what they told me, didn't know it was 3 x times once a year! How does one learn this stuff???
    Hugs Typist, keep ya chin up now.

  31. Yes, Rose, best of 3. Don't worry, I only know it because Cushion told me ;) oi oi oi.

    Can you believe I slept half a day today and just woke up? I did go down yesterday but the lounge chair was too uncomfortable for my knee. After a few hours, it started to hurt so I had to come back up to bed. Think the leg needs to be elevated and stretched out. Bummer. I'm a bit over playing shanghai mahjong on the iPad and reading.

    Thanks for dropping by again! X

  32. how are the you today Ms Typist? are you bored silly by now? is someone farting in the bedroom.. hehhehehehee

    get well soon ya... :D and go ez with the walking up and down the stairs :)

  33. Hello Ms Oon, yes actually! Georgia was farting last night lol. But nothing as bad as before. I'm good thanks, and bored silly! Sleeping too much, probably the PF. I should be up and about tomorrow! The house needs to be vacuumed!

    Thanks for dropping by :) X

  34. Oh GeorgiaPorgia, mebbe yous 'puter thing is fine and that Puddler slipped yous something (like a beers and cheetos)?

    The mooseling Hannibal says you make perfect senses to him....I is not sure thats a GOOD thing though.

    Sugar the Who

  35. OMG this is hysterical. It's like you took too much valium! LOL I hope you got your ffocee/coffee. :-)

  36. Oh damn, I'm laughing too hard to say anything, thanks for that:)


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Hooroo! Georgia X