Sunday, July 1, 2012

[Not just] Jack's party.

It was Jack's birthday yesterday and his human threw him a party in the park. Someone even made him a cake!
"Hey, wait a minute. This isn't real!"

There were lots of other real and good things to eat though.
Can you see me in this picture? I am next to the eggs. I like eggs.

Jack's human made these yummy peanut butter bikkies for us!

Although it was a party for us dogs, most of the food got eaten by the humans.
"Excuse me. I believe we were invited so can we have something to eat too, please?"
"You know what your problem is, Walter? You're a good dog. You should've just grabbed the bread and run!"Even Jack didn't get a bacon and egg sangy! "Are you sure they know it's your birthday, Jack?"

  "Did ya get anythin', Georgia?"
"I wish. How about you, Otto?""
"Nah. Some party eh."


"OMG! A crumb! Did you get it?"
"There! Another one! Oh thank you, generous human!"
 Finally, I decided to take things into my own paws.




Yeah. That's right. I stole the mini human's bread roll.


Some of Jack's better behaved guests.

Sadly, My Cushion failed to take any good pictures of the birthday boy.  Here's the best one.
You can see his name on his collar. It says JACK.

HappY biRthday, Jack! 
Thanks for inviting me to your party! I had a ball lot to eat! X

p.s. I think I must have eaten too much because I started to fart again.

Newsflash Monday arvo! A[nother] social foh pah!

My Typist was in the hospital this morning when she got an urgent call from My Cushion. 

"Catastrophe!" were his 1st words, freaking My Typist out more than the questions in the questionnaire before her.

"Oh no, " she whispered back, not wanting to scare the other patients in the room. "What is it?" Thinking of course that something terrible had happened to her only precious dog [that would be me].

"It wasn't just Jack's birthday!" My Cushion blurted out. "It was Mozart's as well!"


HAppy *BIrTHday MozArT!

I'm sorry My Cushion screwed up. The Typist was completely blameless! Thanks for inviting me to your party! I hope your paw gets good soon! X




"And he thinks it's embarrassing I stole food from a baby."


  1. Happy Birthday Jack!
    What a wonderful and fun party, dear Georgia. I saw you had a great time with your friends and enjoyed a lot of yummy foods.
    Kisses and Hugs.

  2. Georgia! You look just divine in your new harness.
    Not hardly worth it, is it, to go to a party where y'don't get no food. Good for you, stealing the mini human's bun. If he's leavin' it there to be stolen, it's his loss, innit?
    Jack is well-named. He looks like a Jack.

  3. I think your Cushion was too busy stuffing his face with food that was MEANT. FOR. YOU. Out RAGE ous. Call the RSPCA. Glad you put that vicious looking, pram-bound bun hogger right though. It's important to teach them to share at an early age. Yet another community service provided selflessly. That must be worth a new bed. :)

  4. Looks like a fun party Georgia, even if the humans were a little tight fisted with the snacks. Good on you taking that bun. Did the Typist learn a lesson?

    Happy Birthday Jack!

  5. Humans always say their food is not good for dogs. Then why does their garbage always taste so good? And the crumbs they drop?

    Thank dog for mini humans.

  6. Yummy looking party there, all well deserved. Susie-Belle's drooling here over all those goodies, plus she wants to know who that very handsome Mozart is, a cute little young schnauzer we think :) xx

  7. what a super awesome party

    Stop on by for a visit

  8. Looks like you and Jack have some mighty fine friends, Georgia, and that was quite a party. I think you are a Very Good Dog to teach the mini-human to share. Obviously no one taught the big-humans that lesson.

  9. Looks like a fun party :) Nice of the tiny human to "give" you his bun (hee hee!)

  10. Well duh...of course you was fartin'...eggs does dat too ya.
    By da way, I promise I wasn't laughin' at your Cushion fur screwin' up da birfday..homest...BWHAHAHAHAHAHA...nope, dat was a figment of your imagination!
    Babies is sooooooo easy to steal from, I loves it. Just wait til they start carryin' pizza.


  11. Embarassin/schmareisn...iffin they is gonna lure yous in with the foods and then not gives it to you-You has to take matters into yous own paws!! Besides, that there mini-human prolly gets all kinds of snackums-you prolly did him a favor!

    Happy Birthday to Mozart and Jack!

    Sugar the Who (and the Mooseling Hannibal)

  12. Looks like a smashing party even if you didn't get enough yummies. And, I bet that tiny human learned a valuable lesson about eating too slowly.

    BTW, Georgia, you really rock that black harness. It immediately made me think of Emma Peel of the Avengers. :)

  13. Hey Susie-Belle! How're you doin'?!:)
    You look pretty cute yourself!
    I am a little embarrassed now as I was particularly scruffy and dirty that day as Jack led me astray into the plants with lots of seeds. Mummy spent an hour getting it all out!

    Hi Mrs Typist - I am glad you are recovering well from your op. We missed you at the party.

    Hi G's cushion - don't worry! it was super just having you and Georgia there! besides my bday's not actually until 13 July. Mum said she'll make me a liver cake! Georgia - I'll bring you a slice if she does!

    Love Mozart the not-so-mini schnauzer

  14. Mozart! Are you trying to do a sleazy Internet hook up with Susie-Belle? She looks like a nice girl, so don't get all creepy okay?

    I look forward to the liver cake! Just in case you don't know... I might be a dog but I have the memory of an oliphant. Just saying.

    Hugs and see you at the park! Larry's home! Yay hey! X

  15. Wow Ms Pea I was getting worried that it was a food-less party, well for the invitees anyway. Sooooo glad you at least got a BUN. Seems you had to take things into your own paws. Cushion sure needs taking to task - what an oversight hey? Alls well that ends well though.
    You were tuckered out and look so cute at the end of the day.

  16. It looks like a very nice party...for the humans! That baby probably couldn't have eaten that anyway. You were doing the baby a favor. You look like you have some great pals.

  17. Miss GLP, you are a clever girl! The easiest way to get food is to pester the weakest member of the pack :D

  18. Ha! The babies, they can't hold on to their food and they're low to the ground - easy pickins!

    What adorable partygoers (the humans look nice, too!)

    I don't like how the fun party story ended up in the hospital waiting room, though. Hope it's nothing serious.

    -c at ddy.


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Hooroo! Georgia X