Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Typis and her new toY.,

The Typis is too busey playing with her new toiy  to type this  for me. It's too hard to evin get her to feed me. i am beconming A NEglected Dog., You can help report her to the SPCa  if you like .   I will try to make her feel bad and giltee as soom as posible. 

here is her nwe tOY, my Cushun has 1 too. they suk.
don;t worry. i will keel it dead soon,. just like i keeled  piggy.

I wil show her you don;t mess aroun with a BIg and fearsum pigDog.

until then, p[l;eese haf a nice day/
love, Georgia x


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhh... a new toy i see.. :) no wonder the Typist's been missing like my cow.

    Don't think you need to keel it GLP.. the kindle fella will keel itself.. somehow :)

    meantime.. just stay close to your Cushion and hopefully someone remembers to feed you. Else.. hop on a plane over here... we got lotta food :)

    your pal,

  2. Georgia, just give her time, it will become old soon enough. WE dogs always win out in the long run. Patience my friend and besides, keeling those new toys causes major issues. Seriously, I know.....

  3. Oh dear, Georgia. I fear all hope may be lost. Your only chance is to kill it, but that will come to no good. Give it a little time. The Typist may become more reasonable after the novelty has worn off. I don't know though. Keep us up-to-date. I'd hate to call the SPCA, but you mustn't be neglected.

  4. My cat Osiris wants to tell you how much she understands your feelings. She has to share my lap with an Ipad. She even gets scared when it plays a video without warning.
    Try to have your Typist dowload books about pets, starving pets...
    Good luck

  5. Oh Georgia, I am so sorry you are feeling neglected. I guarantee the Kindle will soon go the way of 8-track tapes and VHS. Technology has no loyalty - it is here one day, gone the next. Not like our very loyal and loving canine companions.
    I am sending you hugs. I would send you food, but it would be pretty stale by the time it got to you. If they don't feed you something really special soon, you email me and we'll figure out a way to bring you to Canada where Sadie and Eddie will share their food with you. Well, Sadie will. Eddie is a bit of a pig.
    Love, "Auntie" Jean. (Can I be your honorary auntie, please? I just loves you to bits!).

  6. Well at least your typist takes you on holidays Georgia, our's leave us at home!! Should we run away together? Tara xoxoxoxoxox

  7. Georgia mate, I'm afraid I got some really bad news. Do you know Barbie over at Jet's Agenda? If not she is a Greyhound in Perth. Her Mum got a kindle and so Barbie being a sensible dog deaded it! You know what? Amazon replaced it FREE OF CHARGE! You're doomed mate, whatever you do! Have you tried the rubbish bin for food? Deccy x

  8. Chin up, Georgia. I bet your typist got the kindle so she could learn all kinds of new recipes for dog treats. And, because it's portable, she could even take the recipes on your next holiday.

    It's got to be all about you in the end, doesn't it? She couldn't possibly want to have a life that excludes those sad brown eyes, could she?

  9. Lucky for Frankie and Beryl I haven't been able to get my wireless bizzo connected in the new place yet so I can't use my iPad. Well, I could cos I had downloaded some books to read but I'm too busy trying (in vain) to catch up on reading blogs. Which is what the iPad was really good for and will be again. It won't be long before your Typist realises a Kindle is no substitute for you, it hasn't got beautiful brown pleading eyes like you for a start. She can be a bit heartless at times, can't she, lol:) I reckon they should get you a Kindle too, why should you be left out?

  10. I sees you has a delimina of great proportions...dang, I sound smart huh? Okays, anyways, hoomans act likes total morons when they gets new toys...and they DON'T even squeak. They go around wantin' everybuddy to look at their new toy sayin'..."LOOK...LOOK...LOOK WHAT I GOT!!!!!!" It is purty emabaraasin'.
    Anyways, lemme knows if I needs to send food, I hopes nonperishable items be okays...hehehehe. I also has da ASPCA on speed dial. You nevers knows when it will be needed.
    Georgia you did a fantastical job with da postie.


  11. Ms Pea! Ms Pea! I've had serious discussions with the Team (via telephone) and it's unanimous, you must continue to induce guilt and gain attention by any means you deem necessary - these "Kindles" (snort) will overtake the world, and be the downfall of dog-kind. In the mean time Ms. Pea, keep the faith, Typist and Cushion will see the error of their ways and your life will be back to normal before you know it. Keep your muzzle up. xx ;) (PS: that was a valiant effort you gave on your comment at my place but I'm with you - you have your own Typist!!) Woe ......

  12. Oh my, but you look so guilty after destuffing piggy. I think you'd better not attempt to destuff the Kindles. I am sure mom and dad will return to giving you tons and tons of attention after the newness wears off. Give 'em your best doggy eyes.

  13. Tank you everyone for your messajes of support! I am holding on . It's not easy becos I am hungry all the time. Plus I foun out tonight the Typis forgot to order my kibbel.

    She has finished 3 boooks already . In ONE wek! That is ridiculus!, Ow you know when she says she has not time to,red your blogs, she's LYING!!!

    Pleese keep making her feel bad. It mite work.LOVE, Georgia X

  14. Keep working on your sad puppy dog eyes and honing your destructive skills but be patient. Humans have a very short attention span and will soon forget about anything that isn't a cute dog.

  15. P.S.
    Your typing skills are quite impressive for one without thumbs for the space barl

  16. Thanks for this morning's giggle Georgia!
    My advice? Knock it out of their hands so the glass breaks. The Typist might think you "suk" after that, but at least she'll pay attention to you. :)

  17. But Ms. Georgia,
    Your mom can read your blog on the Kindle! That is what my mom does. :)
    Keep the faith.
    Keep on wagging,

  18. Oh poor puppy, I'm sorry you feel neglected, have your typist send you to me, we will take some fun walks and have lots of snuggles. :-)

  19. You poor neglected thing! I know just how you feel! I think you are right, it must be deaded right away!


  20. Don't worry, electronic gadgets are no match for a dog. A bit of well-placed chewing--problem solved!

  21. I'm sorry her new toy is taking up all her time. But these things don't last, you'll see. After a short while, she'll come running back to you for love and attention. No Kindle can ever replace a pig dog for fun and adventure. I promise.

  22. Don't worry, Georgia! My mom has a similar toy, and once the novelty wears off, she'll go back to spending time with you and taking you places!


  23. ooooooooh poor you GLP. Petey says not to keel the kindle. He did that to his person's glasses and got yelled at big time. So much he had to hide under a chair! Don't worry, after awhile the people will realize it's just not the same to hug the kindle and cuddle it and they will come running back to you!

  24. I was wondering where you've been!! I'm sure she'll get bored with that silly toy before you know it ;)

  25. It's okay, she'll come back to you GLP. Hopefully before you become skeletal remains. Noone could resist that face for too long. Otherwise, the Cushion will start feeding you because your arse will get uncomfortably boney (?bony?). BTW, I bought one of those piggy things because I loved the sound it made, but knew Flo would destroy it in about 30 seconds, so sent it to a friend in Scotland! Hahaha. Don't tell her Fabulousness. :)

  26. I bet you will kill it dead.

    But not before pissing on it I am sure.

  27. Dear Georgia, you always make me LOL! LOVE your photos too.
    Beijos e abraços.

  28. GLP, your typing is pretty darn good these days, hopefully the typist won't read the blog because she may decide you can do this on your own!

    Declan's comment was hilarious.

    I want to be on your side with the sucky device, GLP, but I can't deny that I'm interested in it as well. But I really love actual books. Does the Typist still look at paper?

    -c at ddy.

  29. Chandra - big admission! I haven't read any books for TEN years! I don't know how that happened. I used to be such an avid reader. But I read 3 books last week with the K. THREE! Haha! Lots of catching up to do.

    I prefer the feel of real books but the words can be too small for me and I find reading glasses too fiddly. With the K, I can enlarge the type at night or when the light is dim. That is the coolest thing about it! And the fact that I can think of a book and be reading it in under a minute. Magic :) So (sorry Mason), you should get one!

    Downside... we've discovered that many titles aren't available to readers in Australia and you need a US address to get them. Very annoying. (But it won't be for you.)

    I thought Georgia was bananas but Deccy is a nutbag of the highest order. So is Puddles. They're always sending me into fits :)


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Hooroo! Georgia X