Friday, June 15, 2012

Benevolent thoughts from my sickbed.

Guess what? I don't think I'm dying after all. 

I've been sleeping for 2 days and am feeling much better. [Sadly, the same can't be said of My Cushion who now has a bad neck and back].
Some of you have been telling me to try the big air mattress. What great advice! I'm sure I would never have thought of imposing myself on The Typist like that without your goading encouragement.

The air mattress is indeed much more comfortable than my [3 year old lumpy] bed with its faded flowers and chewed up ribbon tie!

Here are 2 pictures of me enjoying my new bed.

I suspect The Typist may not be too pleased with this new sleeping arrangement but really, who cares. She should be doing some ironing instead of lying around anyway. 


This morning, I got to see my #1 Dr Dog [the one who's more handsome than the Bondi vet]. He was away when I went in on Wednesday. 
The first thing he did was to make me trot up and down the parking lot. I didn't limp or stumble once! I couldn't even walk to the car on Wednesday and had to be carried! I think #1 Dr Dog was very pleased with my improvement.
Then we went inside and he had a good look at me.
He. didn't. once. stick. anything. up. my. butt. 
"If you take one more rude picture of me, Typist, I will bite you."


"So #1 Dr Dog, could it really have been the jump down the big wall that made my neck and leg go ouchy?" 
"Are you very VERY certain, for example, that it isn't from sleeping on an inferior quality faded lumpy bed that's due for an upgrade?"


#1 Dr Dog and my humans talked forever. I have no idea what it was about because they Dr Dog used some words with several syllables. As you can imagine, my vocabulary is not extensive and my grasp of the English language is tenuous at best. 

It got boring so I went walkabout.
 You can see I'm feeling much better today because The Typist had a hard time taking pictures of me!
Then we went to The Back Room Where Important Things Are Done.
That dog on the wall looks like me!
 Dr Dog took more blood from my neck. 
I was very brave.
 "I must not faint, I must not faint."
Don't you think I was very brave?


After that, it was time to say goodbye and pay up at the front desk.

"How much was the bill today, Cushion? Was it a lot again?"
"If it's helpful, I can forgo my pan fried steak and poached chicken breast with fresh vegies dinner tonight." 
"Don't you worry your little head about that, Georgia! I'm sure The Typist won't mind eating leftovers and instant noodles for a while."   

I love My Cushion. 


A sort of serious update.
Could this have been the cause?

The vet says it might be a prolapsed disk impinging on a nerve or a muscle strain or tear. There's no real way to find out for sure except with medical imaging. Since Georgia's no longer in acute pain and seems to be recovering with rest, we thankfully don't need to go there.

We have instructions to keep her as quiet as possible for 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS! Haha! No play time or free running. Only simple short leash walks, preferably with a harness to minimise strain on her neck. She was sedated and sleepy yesterday but this morning, she was gungho to go out again so it's going to be an interesting time. 

We're going to continue giving her the anti-inflammatory pills but will stop the painkillers to see how she copes without them.

There is still a very small chance that she ingested some rat bait or a baited rat. 
This one crept into the house to die some weeks back. One of our neighbours a couple of doors away baits them. There are unfortunately a lot of rats running around - a downside to being in an area with many restaurants, cafes and pubs.

Hence the blood test. The one she had on Wednesday had an abnormal reading for a blood clotting factor [if I got it right]. They want to test a 2nd sample just to make sure. If it isn't poison, it could indicate some other medical problem :( 

She had blood drawn this morning but the lab apparently couldn't use the sample, so the poor thing had to go back again this evening for a third drawing. We should get the results tomorrow. 
"Thank you everyone for asking after me. It was very kind of you! Goodnight and have a great weekend! X"

P.S. "Hey Typist! Would you like to share my bed? You can have one of the corners if you like. I'm feeling rather benevolent tonight."


  1. Keeping paws crossed!

    We are having a similar (sans poison) thing with Sam. He's got a slight pain in his front leg that we can't decide what is causing it. We also think he may be trying to teach himself to skip.


  2. Sending healing wishes your way, Georgia. I think the air mattress will can't hurt.

  3. Great news that you're feeling better. And I bet it's virtually impossible to use a Kindle on a blow-up mattress.


    Ben in Bermtopia

  4. you were SUPER brave! Glad you are feeling better

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. Georgia, Mum thinks you and I are related, with our attitude to beds.. and ability to cost a fortune at the vets...hehe! glad you are feeling better mate. Deccy x

  6. We are in the same boat!! Two weeks for you as well! I am going stir crazy!!!

    After all of this I think it is time for an upgrade from your inferior quality faded lumpy bed!! You need a shopping trip for a new luxery fluffy bed!! For now, just rest on the air mattress, I am sure your typist wont mind the floor! BOL!!


  7. You have been a very brave and patient dog. And so lucky to have good doctors to take care of you.

    Now you need to continue to milk it to get spoiled some more by your typist and cushion who obviously have nothing more important to occupy their time.

  8. I am so glad our Georgia is improving. Who knows what causes these things? It doesn't matter as long as she is recovering and pain free. What a sweetie you are, GLP, to offer to sacrifice your dinner. A true saint, to be sure. ;-)

  9. Oooooooooooooooh GLP we had no idea you weren't feeling well until we checked in today! We are glad to see you are doing better! I'm sure it's your bed. Petey got a new one but he chewed it when his person was on the phone w/her sister. He knows better than that. However, he also has a pillow and you are welcome to either!

  10. Oh Georgia my dear beautiful girl, I am so glad you are feeling better, but you must promise me to not jump out of any windows again. and it would probably be wise to stay off the furniture and be careful on steps and and and

    Oh just be careful, we hate seeing you in pain.

    Bert and My7 Vickie

  11. Good morning everyone! I'm right now cuddling between My Cushion and The Typist on my new air mattress! It's raining and horribly cold outside but the heater is on so it's nice and toasty in bed. It's great! I'm sure The Typist will get up soon to make coffee and brekkie for us. Then it'll be PERFECT!

    Sam and Higs - I hope you guys are getting better too. Sam! Skipping? What fun! Hey, let's start a recovery group! We can share tips on how to drive our humans crazy while housebound. What do you think?

    Jan - you're right. My humans have nothing better to do. Their lives would be empty DESOLATE without me BWAH haha!!!

  12. Georgia, I'm so glad you're going to be okay! Kuster had two weeks of crate rest recently, and I'm not sure if it was harder on Kuster or the rest of us. I hope you're able to follow the doctor's orders and take things easy.

    I have GOT to get one of those beds! That looks fantastic!


  13. You are a very brave girl, Georgia. Benno sends his love and says he's keeping his paws crossed for you.

  14. Dear Georgia, I'm so glad you are starting to feel better and have a nice comfy bed on which to stretch out. Perhaps while you are stuck at home you can kill the lumpy bed?

    As for the low blood clotting count - warfarin, the compound in rat poison, does that. So please, please, please don't even be tempted to nibble any rats (dead or alive) you may find in your area. They can travel a long way before they actually die from eating the poison.

    I'll be watching for updates. Sadie and Eddie would send you some get well bikkies but they ate them. Selfish doggies!

  15. Dear Ms Jean, The Typist says the only way to stop me eating dead things would be to tape my mouth shut. She's so rude (especially for someone who can't stop stuffing her own mouth with rubbish).

    Dr Dog just called with the new blood test results. The readings came back normal. I'm A O.K! Now if only they could figure out my leaky butt sacs, skin allergies and snoring.....

  16. Yay, you're normal? I think, Miss Pea, you are supranormal.

    Glad to see you're feeling a little better. You'll have a wonderful time over the next two weeks on your new air mattress (I bet your Typist and Cushion think it's going back in storage when you're fully recovered; boy are they in for a surprise?).

  17. You poor little tiny girl, Georgia! You have been through the proverbial MILL!
    Of course you should have the air mattress, so you can stretch at will in comfort. Typist sleeps on a lovely mattress every night of her life: a little discomfort for the duration won't hurt her. YOU're the Important One, after all!

    I read Husband your gracious offer wherein you mentioned your supper.
    "Hunh!" he said. "That's just about IT, too!"

  18. Ms Pea! wonderful news and update from typist - your bloods are normal - woohoo!! :) Keep the bed girl. Owners keepers and all that.
    You've had a time of it Ms Pea, and we all know that your Typist and Cushion have been beside themselves with worry.
    Love , pats, and lots of love your way Ms Pea.

  19. Hope you feel better very soon. I worry if William is off colour, just part of being a pet owner I guess.

  20. Poor baby--that sounds like quite the ordeal. I have confidence that its nothing serious.

    Lamar ate rat poison once...$4,000 later I learned that a really simple solution, if we'd known the cause and started treatment soon enough, would have been to just give Vitamin K. The vet didn't mind not telling me that until AFTER we'd spent the $4,000....

  21. Ms. Georgia,

    We think you are very brave.

    We think your Typist and Cushion are very brave, too.

    It's freaky going through this kind of thing. Stay the course! Get well! Love the idea of the air mattress. Pet people are so smart and so kind.

    We're so glad the blood work is normal. Paws crossed for healing. You are such a strong pig dog - we mean, big dog.

    Tootsie and Her Mom

  22. Stewie over a year ago, one morning didn't want to get out of his bed. Now breakfast is very important to Stewie so not getting up was a big deal.

    Took him in since he was all shivery and wouldn't walk or stand. Long story short...a spinal disk was inflamed and it was more than likely caused because he likes to jump off our bed (a high bed) to the floor at bedtime after we have been reading. So now I make sure to place Stewie on the floor and not to jump.

    The magic pills and rest did the trick.

    Keep well dear poochie and hey enjoy your new bed and bedside poochie heal faster.

  23. Wow! The stuff that I miss when I am away. I am very happy that the second blood test came back normal, so rest up on that comfy bed and follow doctor's orders!!

  24. It's good to hear you're a bit better. I hope you have a super quick recovery and you have nothing nasty show up in your blood tests.
    I always think that if you start to get a bit mischievious (aka stealing Typist's bed) you are on the road of recovery. Try not to get too energetic from being cooped up indoors, though!

  25. The stitching on the air mattress popped! and it got even more lumpy than my old lumpy bed! You should have seen The Typist's face. She thought the bed was going to blow up. Haha! It's gone in the trash now.

    Other than that, I. AM. BORED. BORED. BORED. Phooey.

  26. Hi Georgia
    I'm sending you an award...

  27. Okays girl...dis is so up my alley. First, da typist can survive on Ramen noodles...and they is cheap as da air your breath and of course prolly not good furs her eithers. But we won't talk bouts da earth today.
    Second, my vet says once a doggie starts gettin' betters they IS usually betters because if doggies be hurt then they ain't gonna go all kerazy, they knows when and what to do.
    NOWS, my neighbor has a rat problem and one of da rats camed in our yard and I deaded it and my mum freaked da hell out cuz it was about da size of me. Soooooo, Georgia stay away from da rats cuz they can also gives you typhoid fever and dat bubonic plague thing and if it has been poisoined then dat poison can makes you dead too. Soooo please be carefulls.
    I am just so glad you is doin' betters Georgia. I can't stand to sees a dog go through what my sissy and brudder has gone through.
    If you needs us we is right heres okays.


  28. VERO - À votre bon cœur! (if that's wrong, please blame google) :) x

    PUDDLES - thank you for your great advice! I will immediately stop feeling sorry for The Typist. Tyfoid? Boobonic plaque? Wat dat? Obviously, it's very dangerous being a dog and I shall put in a request for an egg box, some cotton wool and a food taster ASAP. I hope my humans will approve them as I Am Worth It.

  29. So glad to see that you are feeling better and enjoying the air mattress :) Cali has been limping for over a week now and has to go and see the vet tomorrow :( I hope she is as brave as you!

  30. Georgia girly... do not the worry cos your Cow... i meant your typewriter will do just fine on ramen... it is even filling if you do 2 ramen in a pot with less water :D

    mebbe you should have a kitteh cat there cos they are very good with catching rats.. and they usually do not eat the rats that are caught cos they are smart that way. They don't eat bad food not like us doggies who will eat everything and anything.

    but if you have a kitteh kat.. then you might have to fight for attention... it will be Kitteh - 5, Georgia - 2, Kindle - 0

    hehehehee glad you are on the mend... it could be a lot of things... i remember when i was very sick last year.. they took a lot of blood from me.

    you vet is most handsome.. me cow thinks :)

    many hugs... Dommy

  31. The Bondi vet is a bit pretty for me;) Very nice all the same tho.

    Sorry I missed your initial sick post, GLP, but very glad I could quickly read that you're going to be AOK! Great way to get the odds in your favour over the kindle but perhaps slightly more dramatic than was really necessary? I'm sure The Typist and Cushion would have come to their senses in a day or so anyway.

    I think an airbed would last about the same amount of time, or less, in our house:)

  32. Poor Georgia!! I do hope she hasn't ingested any kind of rat poison. I worry about that where we are. We have lots of chipmunks and mice and if someone posions them and they manage to make it into our yard to die....well I worry someone might eat one.

    Sending the bestest of thoughts your way, I hope the typist is enjoying sharing her bed with you.

  33. I hope you figure out what is going on real soon. I'm glad she's starting to feel less pain though. I know you would do anything to help her feel better. I hope it will continue to heal with no further problems. Oh, and you need some more pictures of Dr. Vet McDreamy.

  34. Girls, can ya'll BELIEVES my kerazy lady DID NOT takes no fotos?!?!?!?!?! Like fur da furst time evers her was freakin' out a bit much and like totally furgotted. My swellin' has gone down LOTS but I still be on da Benadryl and has to be on fur da next 3 days.
    My mum says hers is gonna has noodles tonight and tomorrow night...and da night afters dat. I am sures your mom can relate huh?

    I thinks you should moves heres and we could talks aaaall da time bouts our ailments and drink beer.


  35. Dear Pudds, I'm not allowed beer. You might or might not know that apart from beach holidays, pan fried steaks (fat removed), turkey legs and roo tails, poached chicken breasts and fresh baked treats from South Stryliah, I am a very deprived dog. I hope your mama likes ramen as much as mine does. Huggles x

  36. Just stopping by to say we hope you are feeling much better and continuing to rest.


  37. Oh Georgia, I'm just catching up on your convalescence (that means you were sick) and I'm glad to hear your feeling better. I know it's hysterical (that means funny), but a scare like that could take years off your cushion's heart - not to mention the dent in her pocket book! I hope your back in tip-top shape real soon.

  38. GLP, (or 'your benevolence' as we are now calling you) we are v v pleased to see you doing so well. You really didn't look very happy at all in your last post and we were worried to see that you had to be carried. It seems a little strange to say that I hope it's a dodgy disc rather than rat poison. :(

    As for your sleeping arrangements you look quite at home on that air mattress. In fact, it looks as though it were actually made for you. I'm sure the typist will be comfy on your bed, and it's really quite kind of you to offer it.

    Now, if your typist thinks that she can drop those Dr Chris references into her posts without me noticing... I think if a fair comparison is to be drawn then you at least have to post a photo of Balmain Vet wearing boardies. ;)

  39. Dear Fab,

    AHA! A bondi vet groupie, are we? The Typist says she'll ask Dr Dog next time she sees him. I think she'd like to see him in boardshorts too. (I hope he's not reading this, he's popped in before lol) ;)

    P.S. Regarding my doing well - you should read the next post. Nuff said.

    Sincerely, your benevolence, Georgia x

  40. Thrilled to hear the good news on the blood tests.

    I remember when I first saw that picture of you jumping down that wall and I cringed. Wasn't that the morning when there was a dead body in the park?

    Sad to hear the air mattress perished. I knew you'd like it. When Daley was almost 14, we took a trip to our house in Portland to do some work on it before moving back in. It was empty so I brought an air mattress. I finished pumping it up, left the room and when I returned a couple minutes later, Daley was lounging on it, totally blissed out!

    -c at ddy.


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Hooroo! Georgia X