Thursday, May 17, 2012

"When are you going to finish writing about our holiday?"

The Other Half started asking over the weekend.

Yesterday seemed a fine day to do it. 

So I had a look at the pictures, all 1672 of them, taken over just 7 days. There were about 20 where you could actually see us humans. The rest were more or less evenly divided between clouds, sea and dog.

Sorting through them [and a couple hundred more that The Other Half had uploaded before going off to work] took over 5 hours, by which time I had a neck ache and was ready for an afternoon nap.

Well, never mind. There was always going to be today.

To give myself a kick up the butt inspire me, I thought I'd read some blogs this afternoon, which I hadn't done for a few days. 

Seriously guys. How do you manage to post so much and still have a life? Don't you have dinners to cook? Jobs to go to? Reality TV to catch up on? Don't you want to know who the next American Idol is going to be, for heaven's sake?

My Reading List won't stop popping up new posts and after 3 hours, I think I'm spent. 

So, sorry honey. I won't be writing about the holiday tonight. I know you think that's what I'm doing now, holed up in the study but really, I'm just writing my excuse.

I'll get to it. I promise. I'll even do it before you finish the water feature. How about that? 

Good night then.


  1. BOL...."when you finish the water feature".....HA!! Take your time, naps are always the most important thing to take over writing about a trip!!!


  2. LOL when I don't read my blogs daily I get so far behind it's not funny!

    Some days I have all I can do just to put up a post, never mind find a picture.

    Good luck and we can't wait to see the rest of your holiday photos!

  3. If I miss a few days I am a bit harsher about not reading every post that pops up... there aren't enough hours in the day. :)

  4. LOL - I can certainly identify with that. Between sorting through tons of photos, catching up on other people's blogs, and writing occasional short blogs of excuses - um - more immediate news - I still haven't blogged about my recent trip, or some of the previous ones either! As for catching up on emails.....well, let's not even go there.
    And I have my hopes on Joshua for American Idol....(which is why I didn't write a new post last night).

  5. Hi Georgia, I know I know!! I do the same thing!!! It is all so fun but a lot of work too!! One gets tired!!! I had no pictures on my last post b/c I was too tired to get them on my post!!
    Thanks thanks thanks for coming to see me, I LOVE LOVE LOVE new friends!! I hope we will see more of each other!!!!

  6. Praise the lord! It would appear you're all human too!

    And Jean - I think Joshua is the most talented and should win, but my heart goes pitty-pat for Philip. Giggle. Lucky I can't vote ;)

  7. Do we have lives? No I don't think so! Mum says she's far too busy helping me to do anything interesting like cleaning, ironing etc.... hehe! Deccy x

  8. urmmm.. at least you changed the header picture :) so... when are you gonna write about your holidays...

  9. i write excuses for not blogging all the time.. till i am out of them excuses... and i think no one believes my excuses anymore.

  10. Actually my dogs know how to type so we take turns doing the posts.

    But we don't like to brag about how smart Poodles are.

  11. Nope, no dinners to cook as my husband does all of that. I don't know how I manage to find the time, though, I guess I just force it in between dog walks and wine-drinking. The latter I can do while blogging, which is a bonus.

    Anyway, that is a staggering number of photos. 1672!! I can't wait to see them!

  12. Kristine - tell me about it. Ridiculous. A lot have already been deleted. After more than 2 years of blogging, the computer is clogged with (doggy and blog related) pictures I no longer need. I think I have some work to do over the next week ;p

  13. There is never any need to rush, things won't run away, they'll still be there tomorrow, waiting and waiting . . .

    Sadly, eventually a lot of them WILL have to be done, only a very few go away if you leave them long enough.

  14. Friko - therein lies the problem! I hope the water feature isn't one of those that goes away.

    BTW, I'm just saying that because I know The Man reads comments. Hi honey! ;)

  15. Well, I just have time set aside for keeping up the blog, I guess! I have time set aside for photography, too. I can generally watch TV and work on writing or reading other blogs at the same time.

    As for updating us on the trip, I'm looking forward to seeing it when you get around to it! There's always tomorrow!

  16. 1. We LOVE your new banner photo. One of the best ever anywhere! B and Q

    2. Time. Ah, time. Tis a problem in this neck of the woods these days. Somehow or another, my sitting down at the computer to write is the better half's cue that I should be available for Conversation. Even following hours of Conversation. Eff.

    As a result, I've been getting up 30 minutes early in the a.m. for some writing and photography time. . . . with mixed results.

  17. Water feature! Water feature! We almost forgot - get on that Cushion! I mean, please, Mr. Cushion, get on that.

    -c at ddy.

  18. Ah Typist, here's the answer for you! Do a whole morning or afternoon of posts and schedule them for dates to suit you when you don't feel like blogging.
    Ms Pea, I love your new header photo, must be cold down there - unlike up here in the tropics!
    Oh my, you sure have a lot of photos to process...........

  19. Bunny's mama - I know your schedule so it's no surprise to me that you're a multitasker. It was either that or you have 2 heads and 4 arms.

    B&Q - you are who I think you are, right? :)

    Thank you Ms C!

    Rose - the pic was from our holiday shack. It was cold at night!

  20. One of the reasons that I love your blog so much is because you live your life and then you blog, too, but you provide high quality content that is super funny and wotten waven when you have something to say. Like today. You are hilarious. Thank you for always making us laugh... and for living life, too!

    P.s. Praise the Lord we're all human. But I'm not human! I'm a dog! Praise the Lord, we're all dogs?

  21. P.s. I forgot to say that I love your new banner photo from holidaycamp. It's a lovely testament to the Other Half's skills getting the thing running!


  22. My sentiments exactly!! Google reader says I am 500 posts behind. How can that be?

  23. Here's the secret to keeping up with blog reading: don't be witty, insightful, or interesting in your comments. It takes much less time than being as clever as GLP's typist. :)

  24. Thank you Tootsie, you're now officially my favourite littledog :)

    Sage - I think I'm only a couple hundred in front of you! We need blog assistants.

    That's a good idea Pamela. Next time I might just scroll through and say NICE PICS or VERY INTERESTING and just to mix it up, THAT WAS FUN! Thank you for your advice x


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X