Monday, May 7, 2012

The end.

The sun had a hard time rising this morning.
This is getting boring Typist. Why isn't it doing anything?

Everyone wanted to have a snooze on the beach and paddle in the water today but instead, we're they're huddled in the house in our their uggies and sweats, sulking and playing online poker and Shanghai mahjong.

It's our last day at holidaycamp!

The Typist went to say goodbye to the sea this morning. After the super moon last night, the tide must have been very high because the sand was all wet.
She shot a video of the sea and beach. If you'd like to see it, please CLICK HERE. [Sorry. Blogger won't let us embed anything today. Again. What's new.]

Hint: Be patient, okay?


Did you find it as funny as I did? Bwah haha!

That's it for our Stories from HolidayCamp! There won't be any tomorrow because we'll be on the road. But as soon as we get home  as soon as possible, The Typist will tell you all  about the rest of the stuff we did at holidaycamp including where we were!

Until then, thanKS  for being a part of my holiday. It was great to have your company! :) x


P.S. The Typist tells me she'll need a holiday after this. What is her problem, you think?


  1. It's been great coming on holiday with you. Mum loves Oz, so she said this was a really good value trip for us! Still want to know why you got kicked out of the park!! Deccy x

  2. Hee hee. I hate it when the sea creeps up on you like that... I'm guessing it wasn't a balmy 26 degrees either. Drive carefully.

  3. Dear Deccy, I'll tell you what happened. It had nothing whatsoever to do with me. It was just The Stupid Law! There'll be pictures in the post that The Typist will type soon(ish) x

  4. Ah I wish I were on holiday too right now georgia, somewhere sunny with good company. But as it is -- Auckland for me for the weekend (apparently colder than Sydney!) It will be fun ;D

  5. The weekend only, K? I don't think it could be much colder than here! However, we just heard on the news that this whole week, it'll be in the mid-20s. Bah! Have a great trip! Cof soon? x

  6. Dear Ms. Georgia,

    Welcome home from holidaycamp! We're sad it's over, but maybe your Typist can get a vacation now!

    Thanks so much for taking us away with you; super moons and whiteouts are totally wotten waven. (We still need to post about how wotten waven means awesome.)

    Keep on wagging,
    Tootsie (MOM SAYS HI!)

  7. How sad. Last day at the beach. It's been a wonderful series of posts. Sand in every orifice, no doubt, lucky dogs.

  8. Oooh, lovely. Thank you for the ocean porn. What? You don't call it that? What else would you call video footage that prompts involuntary sex sounds?

    Loved the (not)surprise ending to the video. Do you know this song that talks about what the ocean thinks about us?

  9. Thank you for letting us go along. So beautiful. Looks like paradise.

  10. Pamela! Did I put the right link? I hope I didn't post some other home movie ;)

    No I haven't, but it sounds interesting and I will, right after this x

  11. Those are great pics of the beach, my mom misses the beach and wishes we could go soon.

  12. I think your Place of the Noisy Water was quite spectacular with that orange sand -- and you were very brave to get your paws (and more) wet. Personally, I would have had to draw a line in the (proverbial) sand on that one. But all in all, a most impressive holiday camp!

    Ben in Bermtopia

  13. Delighted to have taken a peek in and spend a little time on your holiday with you. Now I have to get back to work. Darn!

  14. BOL, I guess your typist needs to pay more attention!! I hate that your holidaycamp has to come to an end, drive safe!


  15. What fantastic shots. You have inspired us to plan a trip to the Pacific soon.

    We hope you were able to teach the ocean a lesson about invading land where doggies like to walk.

  16. Bwhahahahaha...guess your typist wasn't lookin' huh. Hoomans seems to be so mezmerized by da ocean that it also tends to takes their dignity too. But it is very good fur laughs.

    Hehehe...ocean porn just craked me up!


  17. I shouldn't read your blog on my lunch break. Everyone is now wondering why I'm laughing so loud.

    You don't really have those kind of home movies do you? :)

  18. I loved seeing your vacation as you experienced it! It looks so relaxing and fun. I hope you have a safe journey back home!


  19. Good morning. Well, what do you know? It looks like a perfect day coming up.

    Mr Ben - I tried and tried but I never got to eat anything (spectacularly) nasty :(


    Got to get packing now! Hugs to all x

  20. Hee hee, ocean porn :) Wherever you are is so gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more about it, thanks for taking us all along!!

  21. Aww, I'm sorry holidaycamp had to come to an end. It was a beautiful spot, even if it turned cold. Thank you for sharing some of your adventures!

  22. Beautiful photos as always. What a wonderful holiday you must have had.

    Have a safe drive home!

  23. So beautiful--you're making me miss the ocean. Even when it's kind of wet like that :)

  24. Gorgeous photos! Thanks so much for taking us along on your holiday. It's fun to travel vicariously with other people. =)

  25. Georgia, I hope you enjoyed this holiday camp with your Typist and Cushion. It looks like just the kind of holiday I have always enjoyed best - lots of beach, lots of ocean, not a lot of people. And a dog. Or two or three.

  26. Oh my Ms Pea, doesn't your Typist take fab beachie/sky shots!!

  27. I think you had the bestest holiday camp ever!

    Was it me, or is the sand a bit red there? Just wondering....

  28. Dear Sage,

    The sand was yellow brown. The Typist took all the pictures with an iPhone PLUS the sun was very bright on the water. I guess it all added up :) x

  29. Ha! Loved the vid ... I'm glad it happy ending - I kept thinking you were going to jump off the dune and scare me, GLP!

    Thanks for sharing holidaycamp with us!

    -c at ddy.

  30. Lol at the finale in the video:) I'm slowly catching up, am reading and enjoying every post but I'm still 3 weeks behind. Tomorrow is another day:)


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If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X