Sunday, January 1, 2012

It was horrible.

I don't care if you think I'm a scaredy c.a.t.
I still don't like boom-booms.

And I'm NOT going out to toilet tonight, whatever you say.


My Typist says your boom-boom got washed out by the rain. How lucky are you!

We thought we'd send you ours, but My Typist couldn't find any on the i.n.t.e.r.n.e.t. yet. She looked and looked and it's getting really late and she hasn't even had a bath yet. So we're going to have to send you last year's  instead.

The People In Charge of These Things say the boom-boom is different every year. Between you and me, I don't think it really is. But what do I know? I'm just a pigdog.

Please don't turn it on too loud in case it scares Frankie and Beryl. We dogs have Very Sensitive Ears.

That's it then. I hope you like it. Good-night, Ms Sue! Love, Georgia x

p.s. Please give Frankie a big kissy-boo back!

p.p.s You can give Beryl one too though she's a girl.

Ha*pP*y New YeAr everyoNe!


  1. Dear Georgia, we're sorry that the boom-booms scare you. We're OK with them butt we HATE the strong winds that blow here sometimes. You LOOK very calm in your photos, though.

    Happy New Year,

    -Bart and Ruby

  2. GLP,
    JF says he wouldn't toilet outside with a firework either. He would eat a boom-boom, though. (Sometimes we call smelly baby milk poops boom-boom.) (I just gagged.)

    It's still quite early for our light shows (and crystal ball drops) in eastern USA, and my New Year wrinkles are still percolating, but we wish you and your Typist and Cushion a really great 2012! We are so glad to have met you in 2011!

    Sniffs, slurps and hugs,

    Elizabeth, JF and DooDoo

    P.S. Sorry about the commenting issue on our blog. Why is it that Blogger only eats the witty comments that take a while to write and never the ridiculous sounding ones that you can't find the delete button for?

  3. Happy New Year, Georgia! I'll be wearing my Thundershirt tonight, just in case, although we usually don't have any of that noise here at our house. Mom and Dad are going to the city to see them for a short bit tonight.


  4. Dear Miss GLP. I don't care if you were scared of the fireworks. You were a very brave girl for guarding the new office on moving day :D

    Happy New Year :D

  5. Chester hates booms-booms, too, and I'm not exactly thrilled by them. Here's to the day after!
    Happy New Year!!
    CindyLu and Kim xx

  6. Hey Georgia! We're mostly deaf so that stuff doesn't bother us. We practiced gettin' deaf by not answering Mom when she called us.
    What we hate is when we have to make a lotta noise to get our mom to bring us our supper and breffus. Sometimes we have to yell really really really loud and time our barks like metronomes. You might wanna keep that in mind for later on when you might need it.

  7. Poor Georgia. I'm sorry you found the boom booms scary. At least you can go out now without worrying about them.

    I hope Miss Sue didn't mind that I watched the fireworks you sent her. They were very pretty. We don't have a big New Year's celebration in my little town, rain or no rain.

  8. Oh wow, GLP, that is some fireworks display! Thank you for showing us. I haven't watched it all yet but I will soon as I've had a chat with you:) Kisses given to Frankie and Beryl, Frankie said thank you, Gorgeous Little Pigdog;) That's his pet name for you;) Beryl said she prefers kisses from her boyfriends but she'd make an exception for you because it is New Years Day!

    We are supposed to be having a huge fireworks display in our town later this month with lots of big boom booms. Last year Beryl didn't worry about the house shaking much. Frankie was very concerned and didn't know whether to protect our home or protect himself (go hide in a cupboard!) We compromised and cuddled on the couch and he finally decided that if I was being brave then he could be too:) Having said that, he wouldn't have gone outside to the toilet either. Hope you have recovered today and thanks again for the spectacular video .... you're making me homesick and I don't even come from Sydney xox

  9. Us again, I just watched last year's video and then this year's which is up now. What a show both years! The music drowned out the explosions:) I am in total awe of the people who set everything up. Must take months. I've got a new item for my bucket list now, be on Sydney Harbour in a fireproof boat for New Years Eve:)

    Having said all that, I do feel sorry for animals who are in the vicinity!

  10. hey, that's fantastic! i only saw bits of it because i was too busy shooting a miserable dog ;p we tend to get a bit blase about it here. after the first 10 years, it all seems the same. but i saw the one i posted last night and it WAS spectacular!

    i'm going to come back and read your other comment properly because it's so newsy. have some guests over at the moment, for what else...a barbie! see ya x

  11. Poor you GLP, just seeing your ears told it all ... it was horrible :(

    Glad it is all over now, so best wishes to you and your crew for the new year. May you have many more travel adventures!

  12. @Sue - read the 1st comment. The Georgeous Little Pigdog (haha) is still not happy but at least she's gone out to toilet since ;p Thank goodness since her tum is not good after swallowing 1/2 a raw lamb for new year's day brekkie!

    The fireworks is VERY loud here because we're so close by and I guess sound travels across the water. She's MUCH better than her 1st NYE with us but it'll be a long time before she ventures out to see them, methinks. If ever.

    It's interesting that Beryl is calm but Mr Fearless Pigdog Frankie isn't. I've always wondered if Georgia ran away from a pighunt because if loud noises ...maybe even gun shots? But she was only about 8 months then, so maybe she was too young for that. Do you know Frankie's history?

    @Kenzo - you are astute, Leo and a good reader of dog body language :) She was quite calm but not at all happy the whole night!

  13. GLP, I'm sorry you had a scary time with the boom-booms. Thankfully they are over for another little while (not sure when your next boom-boom day would be down under).
    Apparently there were boom-booms here last night, in our wee little town, but I must have slept right through them and so did the dogs!

  14. Bella hates them too! Luckily, there weren't any in our area last night.

    Hope you have an absolutely wonderful new year! :)

  15. You had some amazing boom-booms there! Our Maggie was very, very scared of them, but she took all that with her to the Rainbow Bridge because I'm not. I hope you got lots of pets and lovin' though. That's what you need when there's stuff like boom-booms.

  16. FIreowrks can be scary!

    Stop on by for a visit

  17. Happy new year from all of us at the Fitzroy DogBlog. We had some pretty good fireworks down in Melbourne, but not as good as yours. I kept the kiddies inside and away from the noise... safe in our bed. Snoring, farting, scratching etc.
    All the best for 2012 and let's hope the Mayans were wrong and the world won't end just yet.
    Si Laura Monty Daisy

  18. it was pretty loud even in Stanmore..

    Our staffy guest was slightly unnerved, but since she has full couch privileges, she managed to get through...

  19. Don't be scared, dear Georgia!
    It only means we have hoes for the New Year

    love from
    Buster in New York

  20. Very happy new year to you GLP! I hope 2012 is being good to you and your typist and your cushion so far.

    I love fireworks but Mason does not care for them AT ALL. Daley became scared of them when he was elderly and when he was 13 we lived half a block from a high school that puts on the best 4th of July fireworks in Los Angeles. I couldn't find anywhere to take Daley for the evening where there wouldn't be fireworks so he and I ended up driving six hours to Phoenix and checking into a spa. It was ridiculous. And kind of awesome.

    Mason's obedience trainer suggested that every time we hear a firework, we should throw a piece of popcorn on the floor and let Mason eat it and that way he will start to associate the loud noises with snacks. Didn't work.

    -c at ddy.


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Hooroo! Georgia X