Thursday, November 17, 2011

Somewhere in the world is a person who has a burning desire to go to Montevideo.

I know this for a fact because I met that person in Rio. Godfrey from London, who'll never know I wrote this.

It was never on my bucket list to visit Uruguay, I must admit. But there it was, a little shimmer on the horizon. Only an hour away by ferry from Buenos Aires. Closer than the trip out to my father-in-law's for Saturday dinner.

So, 22 hours after landing in Buenos Aires, we boarded the ferry to Colonia del Sacramento.

It was horribly cold and windy when we got off on the other side of Rio de la Plata. Thanks to a lack of research on the tour guide's part [that would be me], we were in our summer Ts and shorts.  The streets were wide and empty. The sky was a forlorn grey. There were hardly any leaves on the trees. I fell in love with the place right away.
In fact, between you and me, I'll probably be moving into this house on The Street of Sighs soon.
Or, if that's not available, maybe this one.
Or one of these!
 I won't be picky, I promise.
I'll be buying myself a car too, of course. Who cares if I can't drive?
I can always use it as a planter box.

There were a lot of dogs on the streets of Colonia. They may have belonged to people but they seemed quite at home roaming about on their own.
Or snoozing in the flower beds.
 This one adopted The Other Half for a few blocks.


We I reluctantly left my future retirement village for Montevideo after only 1 night.
 It took more than 4 hours to get to Uruguay's capital city by bus.
 Mostly because it broke down in the middle of the highway and we had to wait for the next one to come by. It was our very 1st lesson in being *tranquilo. And why not? Everyone else was.

Here's the 1st dog we saw in Montevideo.
It was definitely suicidal a free spirit with no vertigo problems and very tranquilo owners.

Montevideo has a lot of gorgeous old buildings.
Many of them looked abandoned or uncared for. There's no money to fix things up, we were told.
One day, it'll be spectacular.
It was in Montevideo that I 1st met Malfada.
And had fruit juice by the jugful made with milk. Burp.
While the juice might have done bad things to my waistline, it was definitely less addictive than THIS beverage.
I snuck the picture from this blog. It has a story too, about this Uruguaian favourite. Go check it out!

We also met this boy...
...who arrived with some friends at Plaza independencia...
...and was last seen running off into the sunset, on Montevideo's main street.
There were just as many street dogs in Montevideo as there were in Colonia.

We met this one outside the mercado del puerto in the ciudad vieja. She was quite old. Everyone at the craft stalls outside the mercado knew her. She had a collar on, but apparently belonged to no one.
That day, she scored the leftovers from our light lunch of half a cow, blood sausage and various fiddly innards. 
I bought this lovely pendant from the stall where we found her.

Yes, it is EXACTLY what you think it is.

Up the street from the mercado, we saw more dogs.
Some may not have had homes.
Others clearly did.

From our hotel room in the rambla, we saw dogs being taken out for walks or just free running with their friends on the promenade and in the little parks. I failed to take any pictures of them so, sadly, you'll just have to take my word for it.

I have to say, we never saw anyone ill treat a street dog in our short stay there. And, for what it's worth, we didn't meet any dogs that were wary or afraid to approach us.

So if you asked me, "Were the dogs in Uruguay happy?"

Based on the ones we met in these 2 places, and in a completely un-scientifically researched way, I'd have to say, "Yes, I think so."


From Montevideo, we took a ferry back to Buenos Aires. The sunset over Rio de la Plata was just as pretty as the guidebooks had described. You couldn't even tell how brown the water was.
My eyes started to water the instant we arrived in Buenos Aires. Anyone who's been there will know exactly what I mean.

So how tranquilo are YOU? From this fun link -

*Fique tranquilo
If Brazilians value any single trait, it's optimism; it's being able to solve problems. And if the problem can't be fixed, just relax and forget about it. At the first signs of someone's stress, a Brazilian often says Fique tranquilo (fee-kee kdang-kwee-loh; Don't worry). It has a very calming effect.

If the bus takes off just as you arrive to the bus stop, don't worry. Fique tranquilo: There'll be another one in ten minutes. And you can make friends while you wait.

Just in case anyone cares ...

I went on holiday too! It was cold and wet a lot. My humans forgot to pack my princess bed. I only got 1 lamb neck a week. There wasn't any telly. And there were way too many dogs there.

I don't know why anyone wants to go on holiday. They're not so fun at all.

These are the only pictures I have of my 6 week holiday. The Camp Commandant took them. Sad eh?


  1. 3rd & the photo os the leaf in a pendant are my favourites

  2. Oooo...more, more, more please. I've never been to South America, so please tell us more. Poor Georgia. I do feel sorry for her even though I know she was fine.

  3. most wonderful journey you had...thank you for sharing all the lovely story n I will have another place to add to my bucket list...

    Only two pics of GLP's holiday?? The camp is most stingy this time...hahaha... But she looks ok and maybe your lil girl has finally grown up... Is she still the same?

    How's the snots in them head? Take a rest before your next journey ya... :)

  4. i definitely have more stories to tell *lol* and will be borrowing georgia's blog for a while. poor baby.

    i'm off tomorrow for my little mystery trip and will be home next wednesday. will check in as often as i can!

  5. Have a safe trip Missy Typist... and don't forget to pack your disguise :) Mystery trips always require disguises :D

    send our love to GLP :)

  6. Wow. If even this was all you had been up to all this time, I would have immediately forgiven you for not writing for so long.What an incredible trip! You lead a pretty fascinating life, don't you? I am stunned and I can't wait to hear more.

    Enjoy your mystery trip!

  7. Even though tranquilo and I don't mix well, that's the best travel story I've ever read. Did you bring back enough pendants for everyone?!

    Malfada definitely looks like she could take Lucy in in a tussle. GLP, I think that red-nosed camper digging that hole while you supervise looks like a fun friend!

    -c at ddy.

  8. Thanks for the travelogue. Your life is a lot more exciting than our lives are. We don't even get doggie day care to liven up things. We have missed you.

  9. Ms C! i always assumed you were a very tranquilo person. maybe something to do with your ohm name :) if i had brought back more pendants, i might now be sitting in a different room ;p

    hi jan! no, my life is not so exciting. i'm just having an exciting 2 months. after this, 1'll be back to the same ol same ol again :)

  10. Great adventures! You could start a travel blog, I want to leave right away and get some tranquilo myself :)

  11. I'd wish for some tranquilo myself but I suspect the universe would take it as instruction to blow up my laptop.

    Loved hearing about a small part of your trip. Looking forward to much more.

  12. The Street of Sighs? I live on the Street of Whines and I would like some tranquilo. :)

    This story is so cool. Please keep telling it. We'll be fine with GLP taking a break while the sunshine is still shooting out of her behind. Really.

    P.S. My husband walked in, saw your pendant on the screen, squinted, and well, now he knows where to get one. :)

  13. All the people in Uruguay treat animals nicely because they are indulging in the little leaf on your pendant. Tranquilo, indeed :D

    AS you noticed, by blog feed did change. It is now

    Looking forward to more pictures!

  14. I need tranquilo just about every minute I'm at work lately! I must remember this. The trip looks really lovely and relaxing!

    Georgia, next time pack your princess bed and come to stay with us! There will be lots of pictures, treats, dog park romps, hikes and fun!


  15. Back at the airport in front of another gate. Deja vu.

    Am NOT traveling with the pendant in case I meet people with no sense of humour or tranquilo :) boa viagem to me!

  16. Wow! What a great adventure and wonderful trip you had! Love all photos, principally the photos of the cute dogs and the buildings! I don't know Buenos Aires and Uruguay either. I would love to see more photos and also photos of my country Brazil. Looking forward to much more.

    Sending big hugs to you and to Georgia too!
    I miss you both.

    Have a good and pleasant mystery trip!

  17. What a great entry - love the photos, love the travelogue, and particularly love the fact that the street dogs look well fed and happy.

    GLP, I'm sorry your own holiday wasn't as fun for you as your Typist's was for her. I really think you should come stay with us next time - we can walk the beaches, snooze on the couch, and eat bonbons.

  18. Oi Sonia - I have many stories from Brazil and can't wait to tell them ;) and to see what you think of my gringa observations!

    The next time we go away for a long break, we'll definitely think about sending Georgia to one of you. Couches and bonbons, romps and hikes? Now THAT would be a holiday :)

    Cheers from My Mystery Destination, where it's 5am and I've already been awake an hour and am starving! xox

  19. Olá minha amiga,
    I am looking forward to know about your trip to Brazil, see photos and hear about your observations.
    I would love to welcome dear Georgia for sure!
    Have a great "Mystery Destination"!
    See you soon.

  20. What a fun holiday. We saw many street dogs in Croatia last year--they seemed about the same as the ones in Uruguay and Brazil.

    Georgia, I KNOW how you feel about camp. I had a melt-down when Mom and Dad were gone and got all depressed and didn't play or anything. Maybe you could come here when your Typist decides to go away again. Oh, oops, are they gone? Did you get to go too?

  21. Hi Sage! I'm home with My Cushion :) It's been great not having to share him with The Typist. He stayed back just to look after me. I think The Typist is coming home tomorrow. Shame really.

  22. Great pics thanks for showing us - the dogs in our neighbouring Corsica are the same - they are cool and just hang out and know when there will be some food coming. This is probably how dogs were like before they became family companions. Yikes - no princess bed for 6 weeks - how did you cope? xx

  23. kdang-kwee-lohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :p


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X