Saturday, June 11, 2011

What My Typist said to me this morning.

"Don't be sad Little Pea, and don't be scared.
Don't get mad and don't be bad.


We'll be back to pick you up soon.


Be a good girl. Have fun.

Love you."

I'm off to holidaycamp now. My out-at-work human is taking me. It's a long way away, much further than the shops and the park. I've never been so far away on my own before.

I had a play with Coco this morning and told her I won't be seeing her for a little while. I've had my ikky weekly butt squeeze and bath so I can smell nice when I meet the holidaycamp humans [before I get dirty again]. And I've been kissed way too much for a fearsome pigdog.

I think I'm ready!

I have my blankie [not the good one in case some naughty dog drags it in the mud], my red jammie [in case the humans at holidaycamp will be kind enough to put it on me every night] and a tub of lowfat multigrain bikkies [in case I get hungry]. 
I hope it's enough. It doesn't seem like a lot to bring on a holiday.

I hope someone will want to make friends with me.

Illustration from M Sendak's Higglety Pigglety Pop


  1. That is the saddest face we have ever seen. We thought Poodles could do sad face, but we will admit you have us beat. You must practice in front of a mirror to get it down. We hope you put on a happy face though so you can make new friends.

  2. Oh Georgia, I hope you have lots of fun there (and that your humans also have fun wherever they are going). They will come back for you soon.
    Do you suppose your holiday camp has computers and a typist so you will be able to keep blogging? I hope so - if not, I will miss you and I will be the one who is sad and lonely!!! I hope you aren't gone for too long.

  3. Oh, Georgia, what a long face! It's always hard going off to overnight camp for the first time, but you are a pigdog who easily makes friends, so I think you'll be just fine. :) (I will wish very hard for the nice people to help you with your jammie every night. A girl needs her jammie.)

    Typist - I'm so excited for you and Georgia's Cushion! I gather you will be in a warm climate, but I am terrible at geography, so assuming you aren't flying to the states, no guesses from me. :) Wherever it is, I hope you get there safely and that you have more fun that you can stand. ;)


  4. Oh Georgia Little Pea, I wish you lived closer so you could come an stay with us here at Canine Country Club. But I bet where you are going is just as fun as our place.

    I know it is scary to go to new places without your humans, but I am sure there will be a whole bunch of dogs that will want to be your friend.

    After all, you are one of the nicest dogs I know. I will send all my best thoughts to the other dogs for you.

    You will be back home before you know it.


  5. Have fun at camp, Miss GLP. It might be a little scary at first, but after a day or two, you are going to be having so much fun with all the other doggies!! Time will fly and your Mom & Dad will be home in no time at all.

  6. Awww we bet afurryone will want tu b your furend. If we were at your camp, we wood b your furendz.
    ~Shiloh'n Shasta~

  7. Oh, Georgia, what a brave gal and good sport you are! No worries, you are going to have so much fun meeting new friends and romping around at the holidaycamp. Enjoy your temporary new found freedom away from your humans, although I bet they'll be constantly thinking of you :)

  8. Oh Georgia! Now I feel so sad for you. I hope they remember to take special care of you. Remind them that you're a well known star on the internet if they give you any grief! I'd want to be your friend there for sure!


  9. Wow, we can't wait to hear all about it! We've never been on a vacation before!!!

  10. So Georgia, here's what you have to do.

    Keep giving that long face. Even when your Typist picks you up at the end of your holiday stay. Don't let on that you made lots of friends, got wonderful treats, and had lots of fun play time.

    You want your Typist to feel nice and guilty for leaving you behind so she gives you something really wonderful out of her bag as a souvenir. And then, if she feels really bad, she'll keep giving you prezzies.

    Shhhh, don't tell. Your Typist is a friend of mine and I don't want her to think I was going behind her back and encouraging you to manipulate (or is that dognipulate?) her.

    If your Typist asks what I was writing to you about, just tell her I wanted you to pass on my wish that she and your Cushion have a wonderful and relaxing vacation and that they don't worry about you one minute.

  11. Ohhhhhhhhhh Georgia... holiday will be fun. You'll make some friends... and remember to put on those sad faces.. i am sure you get more nom noms that way.

    Please tell your mama and papa..have a good holiday!

  12. GLP, Frankie said to tell you that holiday camp rocks! He's not a tough pig dog either (which is probably why he was turfed out on the streets to fend for himself!) but sometimes he doesn't even want to come home from holiday camp! He reckons you'll soon get the hang of things there and if you keep using your sad face the people looking after you will give you anything you want:)

    We hope your Typist and Cushion have a great time away themselves and tell your Typist that I've given your Blog a Versatile Blogger award that you can pick up from my blog.

  13. How could anybody NOT be friends with you, GLP???

  14. just a quick note typed on my mob to say thank you! its been very cold and rainy in sydney so i think we timed our break well.

    @greyhoundsCANsit - yay! thank you for the award! hopefully, i'll have some time to pick it up officially tomorrow and will definitely do a post when i get back. till then, cheers :) xox

  15. Hugs Georgia! You'll have fun and everyone will want to be friends with you!! Before you know it, your humans will be back for you, no worries!!

    Jen and the Black Dog Crew

  16. Georgia, you have a lovely face!
    Many hugs to you!

  17. It sounds like your human is feeling terribly guilty at leaving you behind, sending you away from home too.

    Serve her/him right.

    I hate it when they leave me.

    Best wishes, Benno

  18. I hope everyone has a great time, and I look forward to hearing about everyone's adventures when you all get back home!

  19. bon voyage, GLP! i know you're going to make oodles of friends (as long as you don't scare the other campers! hee hee!)

    and bon voyage to your typist and your cushion! i want to see lots of scenic balmy holiday photos when they return.

    big hugs and much fun and relaxation to you all!
    -c at ddy.

  20. Everybody will love you! No worries there!


  21. Aw, what a face! I hope you have a good time at camp!

  22. Oh Georgia, how can those humans go away without you?! I bet you are making tons of friends at camp. I know if I saw you at camp, I would play with you. I hope you're having fun and when your Typist gets back, lay on the guilt. She'll be putty in your paw.

  23. Awww, Georgia, by the time you read this I am sure you will be revelling in all the excitement you had at your awesome holiday camp. Right now I bet you are playing with your new best friends and having such a good time you don't even remember us.

    I hope your humans' holiday is going just as well!

  24. And Sweet Georgia - you have us!
    We are all thinking about you every minute and sending you sweet dreams to hold you over.

  25. Oh, Georgia! I'm sure you'll make lots and lots of friends! I hope you have a great time at camp. I know your typist will miss you.

  26. Very sad face, but still cute!! Have a lovely time Georgia and humans.xx

  27. I know just how you feel--the whole world is coming to an end. Your Typist/Cushion LEFT you. Are they ever coming back?

    And guess what? One day soon, there they are! And you'll be so excited and your butt will be wriggling all over the place and you'll be jumping for joy. In the meanwhile, make the best of it--new furiends and new places to explore. It's your own personal vacation and probably much better than theirs. I just know it.

  28. I made some friends! I think it's going to be okay! YAY! :) xox

  29. Georgia, I hope you're enjoying your time at holiday camp. Since you're a lovely girl, I'm sure you've made a lot of nice friends by now and are not even missing your human. I can't wait for you to tell us all about your camp adventures once you're back home.

  30. Don't fret Georgia, we had our first try at holiday camp and our SAHH came back to fetch us. It wasn't quite like home but we survived and had some fun. Did they tell you when they would be back for you? Sure it won't be much longer. Tara xoxox even a kiss from Sammy X


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X