Thursday, June 23, 2011

By dinnertime last night.

"Ooops. How did I get up here?"
"You don't mind me standing on your groin, do you?"
"You're not as comfy as I remember. Did you lose some weight while you were away?"
"What d'ya mean, I'm blocking you? Would you rather my butt was in your face?"
"Don't blame me if I fart."
"*blahblah* There MUST be something more exciting on telly! How about MasterChef?!"  
"Hey, YOU! Enough with the pictures and go get my dinner!"

Total number of hours Georgia was A Sweet, Obedient Lady: 54


  1. See, I TOLD you she would get over her "OH OH they will send me back phase!!!" Sorry it didn't last longer!!

    Jen and the black dog crew

  2. Thank heavens. That wimpy shadow dog was freaking us out.

  3. Hahaha! Wow, good girl Georgia didn't last too long.

    And I agree, there isn't much good tv in the summer!

  4. And .... she's BACK!

    How many is 54 in dog hours?
    -c at ddy.

  5. Haha... looks like your pup is back!

  6. alas! too short! it was fun while it lasted, i have to admit. we're striving to keep the good bits but it's going pear-shaped quite quickly. time to plan another holiday methinks :)

  7. 54 hours are very very priceless hours.. *LOL* But i am sure you and i know that you are very very glad that the old Georgia is back :D

  8. Georgia... you SHOULD HAVE tooted on your daddy.. when you could.. hahahahahaa that should teach him for leaving you for 11 looooooooooooooooooooooooong days.

    toot toot,

  9. I'm glad to know the real Georgia is back! You and Morgan might have something in common. She tries to sit on Dad's lap a lot like that!

    Georgia, you silly girl! That's a Three Dog Bakery Cookbook I was reading! All the recipes are safe for dogs. They use carob instead of chocolate, and let me tell you, it'd delicious!


  10. @Anny - toot toot? that's a new word for me and i'm going to guess what it means :)

    @Bunny - hey, have i told you before you're a very lucky dog? oh. only a zillion times?

  11. Awww! Miss GLP looks so cute cuddled in your Hubs lap :D I knew that she wouldn't be angry for long.

  12. Um, is it OK to admit I'm glad the real GLP has stood up again? It just wouldn't be right if she was good all the time, you'd have to change her name to Good Little Pea:) The world can only take too many major changes you know!

    So glad you're back GLP.

  13. Lol, glad she is back in all her splendor!

  14. Ahhh, the universal community of being a dog cushion. We were in exactly the same spot with Honey last night at 9 p.m.

    At first I couldn't quite figure out what was going on. Why were all the dance routines on So You Think You Can Dance so blonde and furry? And why did I always experience sharp pains in my legs every time I sat down?

    It looks like you and the cushion are much smarter than me and you probably didn't wonder for long why your favorite newscaster smelled like dog or how you always ended up with wet nose prints on your shirts every time you watched the telly.

  15. Hahahaha! I knew it couldn't last. Glad to hear she is back!

    So Georgia likes MasterChef as well? Is this an Australian version or are you stuck watching the same awful Ramsay and Joe Notevenarealchef? I really truly despise the show and but for some reason I can't not watch.

  16. Hahhahaha, oh Georgia! I love when dogs don't realize how big they are!

  17. This almost makes me want to get a really big lap dog. :) I just melt when I see dogs GLP's size do that. (It's easy to melt when you're not the one with a dog butt in your face, or paw in your groin.) Welcome back, Miss GLP!

  18. @GreyhoundsCANsit - i like that name Good Little Pea :)

    @Pamela - i'm glad i'm not the only one who watches *ahem* reality TV.

    @Kristine - it's the local version. this season's contestants seem much more amateurish. there could be less behind-the-scenes manipulation [that is to say "help"] or maybe they're just not as good. instead of cheering someone on, i find myself cheering people i want out! terrible!

    @Elizabeth - try it. you only have one groin and back to lose after all :p

  19. As soon as I saw the first picture I said, "Georgia's back!" Well, you got a couple good days out of it. Let the new adventures begin!

  20. So nice that the real GLP is back and has found her Cushion once again.

  21. Well, I guess it's back to the old Georgia, no more nice lady-like manners. Nice to have her back.

  22. I bet you are
    exhaling now..

    a few decent dog farts and all is well...

  23. Thanks you're back Georgia. Was worried for a moment there.


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Hooroo! Georgia X