Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome to Stryliah, Ms Chandra!

I hope you had a good trip on the plane and that they gave you enough things to eat. They can be a bit stingy.

In case you're wondering, yes,  I know what a plane is because my humans always point to the sky and say, "Plane, Georgia, plane!" when they see one. I don't know why they do embarrassing things like that but I am getting a good v.o.c.a.b.u.l.a.r.y.

It's very hot today, isn't it?
Have a Great holiday, Ms Chandra! :) 

p.s. Did you get to meet our sniffer dogs? They have a cool job. They get  to welcome everyone to Stryliah!

If you have senior dogs, like Rufus B Thumper, check out Ms Chandra's blog - Daley's Dog Years. Some interesting and mighty helpful stuff there.


  1. Thanks for comment on Not Pizza Again. We always have spare pizza crusts. We can mail if you like. M and D live on pizza crusts (plus bacony bits), Indian curry and Hot Buttered Toast. Maybe that's why they're so FAT. Si

  2. What an exotic diet! I'm not allowed interesting stuff like that, although I did have a teaspoon of curry once :)

  3. Ms Chandra has a great blog indeed, we just discovered during the last pet blogger challenge. Glad she is helping Mr. Thumper to get the message out and educate people like me what it means to take care of a senior dog.

  4. Hi! That picture in the sun looks nice. It's only 9 degrees here!

  5. @kenzo - that's where we "met" too.
    @peggy - I read your name as Frozen! Hmmm.

  6. Oh my, GLP! What a wonderful welcome! I feel so SPECIAL! Thank you! You know, I was lucky enough to see a sniffer dog, a very handsome black Lab. I told him he was a very good boy but I don't think he heard me because he was working very very hard sniffing all the people in the very very very long customs line!

    Off to pick up the husbands from a cricket game now but HAD to tell you that we went to Zumbos in Balmain this morning and it was amazing. I took pictures of the passionfruit tart before I devoured it. SO DELICIOUS!!!
    -c at DDY in Stryliah!

  7. You were HERE? Oh wow! I might have passed you on Darling St. Except that I spent my whole morning cooking lentils, vege and meat for R and G. Yup. Just another exciting Sunday in a dog household!

    Cricket and a pash tart already :) Well done Ms Chandra! xox

  8. Hi Georgia,
    I like to know Ms Chandra's blog!
    I hope you, Mom and Dad have a pleasant Sunday!

    Thanks for your nice comment on my current post.

    PS: I have been with problem with my banner since Saturday. As you know, I change always the photo of my banner and now, the photo shows up off focus. Do you know what's happens?

  9. i just had a look at your banner. it looks perfectly good on my computer. not out of focus at all. ???

    yes, do check out that blog. it's got good information and links to more. we're keen to get something for Rufus that we read about there, to help him move better.

    tem um bom semana, sonia. sua ferias ja fim? :) xox

  10. I love Georgia's blog :))

  11. Hi Georgia,
    Thanks for your feedback! But I forgot to say that all is ok on my current banner. But as I have a draft blog, I always try a new banner on my draft blog. And in my draft blog the banner show up of focus. I google and many people said the same: "My header image has been working fine and I just removed it and re-uploaded the same exact image and now it's blurry." I hope that blogger fix it soon because I like to change my header frequently.
    Have a nice week ahead.
    Kisses and hugs.
    Beijos e abraços.

  12. Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

  13. @sonia - no probs. i love the way you keep changing your banner. makes it look FRESH! :) xox


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If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X