Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2 Hussies, Jack, A Possible New Tart and Some Pieces Of Wonderful.

It's already 2 days since Ms Jarolim and Ms Burkert's Fun and Helpful Questionnaire.

My Typist did not move from the couch yesterday. She read blog after blog on the linkylink. She didn't even stop for lunch. It was only by sheer luck that she remembered to feed Mr Thumper and me our little afternoon tea.

By the end of the day, she had finished reading and commenting on at least [possibly] twenty [20] blogs. My Typist is not the fastest human on the planet. If she wants to take this job of making me a star seriously, she'll have to sign up for a speed-reading and speed-typing course. Life would be so much easier if I had opposable thumbs and could read.


This morning, 12 long e.x.c.r.u.t.i.a.t.i.n.g.l.y boring days after My Surgery, I was finally allowed to play with my friends again! My humans coddle me too much.

When I got to the park, The 2 Hussies were already there. Shortly after, J*a*c*k arrived!
We all ran up to say, "Hello there xox good morning xox You Gorgeous Boyoxoxoxo!"

The 2 Hussies [Mana and Tora], me&Jack and Some Strange Dog who wandered by.

Jack got all shy and ran away. He can be such a boofhead. The 2 Hussies think that just because they have pyjama parties with Jack that he's theirs. That's ridiculous! I decided I'd best pee on Jack to tell them so, and I did.

I know, I know. It wasn't very ladylike. But some things are more important than being A Lady.

Sorry I don't have any pictures to go with my true story. My Cushion didn't want any evidence of my bad manners to go onto the i.n.t.e.r.n.e.t. But he did take these ones.

Jack thought his human would protect him from The 2 Hussies and me. As if anything could stand in the way of True Love.

Coco turned up too, late as usual. I like Coco a lot. I don't know how many best friends I'm allowed to have but she's one of them.  
I wonder why Coco went up to Jack. Does it look suspicious to you? I do hope she's not turning into A Young Tart.
She even tried to cosy up to Mr Thumper. WHAT was she thinking? 
Coco and I played a bit but I got puffed out, thanks to my 12-day break.
I wish Coco could come live in our little house. She would be much more fun than crabby old Mr Thumper. Sometimes, she tries to sneak into the car when we're coming home but she always gets found out because she's too big to hide.

That might have to be it for now. My Typist says she has to go do other stuff like cleaning the bathrooms. Good help is so hard to find.


a p.s. from the one with opposable thumbs.

Inspired by a comment from Ms Clune, I've decided to give out some Best Comment Awards. Here they are -

* The Really Nice Phrase [which I'm using without prior permission] Award goes to the beautiful, lissome and damn it! smart  Ms Alison!

* The Long-Suffering Good Friend Who Taught Me A New Word Award goes to the not-so-hirsute Ms Chapeuzinho!

* The Most Funny Hysterical Inspired Award goes to tEll-A tail  Tell-A-Tale!

* The By Golly! Locals Who Comment Will Wonders Never Cease? Award goes to JickJack and Litl Red Devils!

And finally,

* The Little Pieces Of Wonderful Award goes to everyone else! Thank you for the Kind Words of Encouragement. It's such a relief to know that at least 20 people out of 6 billion are now reading the blog.

p.p.s. To fully appreciate the Awards and the story of The 2 Hussies, you might have to look at the comments section of the last post.

Alternatively, you could just ignore I ever said this.



  1. Wonderful pictures, georgia is doing great again! It was lot of fun with all the blogs yesterday. It felt like you were all in the room with me, writing and commenting :)
    Fun idea with those comment awards, I will have to go back and read what the winners said!

  2. That would be lovely. I found the comments interesting, funny and encouraging. I certainly wasn't expecting so many as I've not put this blog on any hop or link until the top 10 and the petblogger challenge. I really enjoyed both experiences too, though I feel bad that I still haven't managed to read or comment on most of the blogs - I'm still trying! How do you do it? I suspect I'm not cut out for such a life of excitement!

  3. Wow, you read them all?? I'm still slowly going through them will also trying to post and keep up with my reader. It's not easy and it's even harder now that I've met so many new people. Argh! I think I'm just going to have to give up on sleep and spending any time with my husband.

    I love seeing Georgia with all her friends. Boofhead is my new favourite insult. I can use it, can't it? She may not be a true lady, but I think that's over-rated anyway. In my opinion, Georgia should just be her wonderful, if a little vulgar, self.

  4. You have to watch out for those Chocolate Labs, Georgia ... Coco totally looks like she's tarting it up to, me! You should definitely steer her towards Mr. Thumper ... it'll be a win-win for you and him!

    Your "pee on what you want" technique has got me thinking ...

    -Chandra at Daley's Dog Years

    p.s. to SAHH: I'm still reading the challenges, too! In fact, it's my new challenge!

  5. @kristine - i'm going to try but it's HARD. i still have a few who've commented on mine and i haven't had a chance to visit them yet. so awful! but the other half is already making snarky remarks [i think i might make a post about that soon] so i can only now read more surreptitiously, shhh. i really don't know how you professionals do it. and yes, boofhead, you can use the word! haha.

    @chandra - coco's a little nymph isn't she? you're right, if she hooked up with mr thumper... eeeK!!, no, too awful to visualise. i do hope YOU'RE not thinking of peeing on something chandra? :p

  6. Hello and happy new year from Si and Monty and Daisy. Ah, we always like dropping in for a read. Yes, those chocolate labs can be real characters. We know a few around The Park. See ya. Si

  7. Hahaha! Who knew my itty bitty comment would inspire the passing out of awards?!

  8. alisonmartin [y o y on fb?]January 14, 2011 at 8:59 AM

    awwww, how lovely. Lissom! goodness me, great word. great blog. :-)

  9. @kim
    oh yes. and i think i just got an idea for a story this morning from yet another comment. now look what you've done. i'm NEVER going to get the house vacuumed at this rate! :p

  10. chapeuzinho [o no, another fb?]January 14, 2011 at 9:04 AM

    mmmmwah! I'd like to thank the Academy...


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X