Monday, July 19, 2010

Allergies, Christmas, and some thoughts on going to school.

Every weekend we get to sleep in late. The alarm goes off at 7.
I must say I'm not a morning dog.

After brekkie, we went to Callan Park.
I was very bad in the car and got smacked on my toes for trying to get to the windshield. That hurt and I pouted for a while.

I think my stay-at-home human is building up Evidence Of My Bad Behaviour because she keeps aiming her phone at me, even more than usual.
It was a lovely sunny day. We walked very slowly so Mr Thumper could keep up. 
Suddenly, a big pack of dogs came towards us. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to belong to a big pack like that.
                                                                                     At the end of the walk, our humans had their usual Saturday farmers' market chorizo rolls with grilled onions and chimichurri sauce.

We didn't get any. It's all Mr Thumper's fault. Since he can't eat anything with fat in it, the humans think it's only fair I don't as well.

Apart from that, it was a good walk.

I had an appointment to see Dr Dog at 11.

There are many cute animals at Dr Dog's clinic. None of them look like me but they are still cute.  
No sooner had I come through the door when they weighed me. My stay-at-home human is sad that after a month of dieting and reducing my food by almost half, I've only lost 3 kgs.

If she's sad, imagine how I feel.
I feel like Oprah.

After that, we went into a room for Dr Dog to have a look at me.
He told my humans I have a.l.l.e.r.g.i.e.s and a.t.o.p.i.c and c.o.n.t.a.c.t  d.e.r.m.a.t.i.t.i.s and sometimes I get b.a.c.t.e.r.i.a.l and v.i.r.a.l s.k.i.n  i.n.f.e.c.t.i.o.n.s too.
This is not the first time I've seen Dr Dog with scabby skin. It may be the 3rd. Or maybe the 5th.

Anyway, that's a lot of big words for one dog to have and I feel quite sick thinking about it.

My stay-at-home human wonders what happened to the tough mongrels she used to have when she was young. All I can say is, that must have been A Very Long Time Ago because a lot of mongrels I know have Things Wrong With Them. It must be the p.o.l.l.u.t.i.o.n.
Or maybe, getting bathed too often.
Dr Dog told my humans to..."first, try washing the affected area EVERY SINGLE DAY for a week..." with a special shampoo so I don't have to take nasty pills.

I wish he had asked for my opinion because I would much rather take nasty pills.        

                                                                           Dr Dog's office has many interesting things. Some of them look painful.                   

On the way out, my stay-at-home human took a good look at this.

And especially this.
I think she may be a little worried about her figure.

When we got home, I learnt that it's Christmas!

I am suspicious. If it was truly Christmas, I would have had turkey and pudding for breakfast and I didn't get any.

There was a funny human walking around in a red outfit, much fatter than me. Also other humans in green outfits with pointy ears. We didn't manage to take any pictures of them so you'll just have to take my word for it.

There were carols, a jumping castle, some other stuff and a baby skating rink at the park. It was cold. I think Mr Thumper might have liked to check it out, but we weren't allowed in. I have never seen so many small humans in one place, but we only saw 2 dogs.
Across from the park, the weekly Saturday market was on as well. We don't go there because dogs aren't allowed so I can't review it for you. But if they don't let dogs in, I'm guessing it can't be very good.

We went to Puppacino Park!
                                                                                              That's not really what it's called.
We don't go there much. I think my stay-at-home human is worried I might embarrass her because that's where dogs go to learn to be good and she obviously doesn't think I'm good yet.
My friends Cody and Zarny were in the class. I never realised they were smarter than me.
We went to the famous dogs' cafe.
We didn't get any puppacinos.
There's no doubt in my mind it was Mr Thumper's fault again. We had to make do with water and there was quite a queue for that.

There were dogs everywhere.
My stay-at-home human had a hard time taking pictures. Not every dog poses for her like I do. I hope she realises now what a treasure I am.

We met some friends.

 Cody, who doesn't like having his picture taken either. His human finally got him to sit for 3 seconds next to Mr Thumper. 


 This was the best game of the day with my new friend Champ. Poppy was very helpful.   
I don't know who this is.                    
Or this, but look at those little legs go!

It was a great walk. My humans say I'll be going to school here soon.

My out-at-work human thinks I can go directly to advanced class. I have no idea why he would think that and am a little worried about his e.x.p.e.c.t.a.t.i.o.n.s.

Just before we left, I found a bone biscuit on the table.
Mr Thumper tried to steal it from me.

When we got home, Mr Thumper got a hot towel on his face and a massage.

And I got the first of my daily washes.


How is Rufus B Thumper?

On Friday morning, before CK left for work, we decided that if Rufus didn't pick up by the afternoon, we would call the vet and let him go. He hadn't eaten in 2 days, didn't want to walk, and was incontinent while sleeping.
But when I put some food down for him at lunch, he ate it, not even needing encouragement. By evening, he was ready for a little walk and some people watching at Gladstone Park.

On Saturday, Georgia had an appointment with the vet and we brought Rufus along.

He weighed in at 52 kgs. In his heydey, he used to be 70.

On a good day, Rufus now eats about 9 tablespoons of rice, oatmeal, bran and vegie mix, and maybe another 9 tablespoons of lean chicken, lamb and beef, spread out over 3 or 4 meals. He can't tolerate even weight-management low-fat kibble and just throws it up. He can't be persuaded to eat anymore, and I don't want to push him anymore.

The vet says it won't be long now.

I'm relieved that I won't need to see him deteriorate much more. Disappointed that there won't be a miracle.

We ask the vet whether it's alright for Georgia to be there, if he ends up coming to the house to put him to sleep. He says it is. He believes it's good for other dogs in the household to witness the event, and to have a sniff after. Apparently, it gives them a better understanding of why their friend isn't around anymore.

The practical aspects of how and when. They're what consume us now.

Spring 2009
Between Callan Park and Hawthorn Canal Reserve


Saturdays, 8 am - 1 pm, Orange Grove Public School, Cnr Perry Street and Balmain Road, Lilyfield

Why am I scratching? And what are those HORRIBLE scabs on me?


  1. Looks like a beautiful weekend, glad Mr Thumper could make it along with you all.


  2. on fb-

    3kg in a month is a decent weight loss. Hang in there Georgia and don't listen to your stay at home humans. You're doing fine :p

  3. if i'm doing fine, what's with the :p miss blue? huh!

  4. via email -

    Thanks for your news. Hope that you're both holding up well.

    Glad that Rufus was able to go out with you. Sounds like he had a good sniff & wiz, park walk with you all.

    Good also to hear that you 2 are getting out, making the most of your time with Rufus.

  5. Heya! I will come over this week or next week to play. Would that be ok?

    - Bali.

  6. dear bali,

    can't wait! please do call though, you know i am a social butterfly and have a very full diary.


    p.s. would you prefer to play with balls, rope or sticks? it's okay, you don't have to bring anything, i have all of them.

    see you soon. woof.


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Hooroo! Georgia X