Monday, September 9, 2013

A postcard from the dead.

Dear Rose, Mary, Jean, Olivia, Vero, Annie, Sonia, H, Tootsie, Chandra, Gizmo and Barb - hello, hola!

Just to let you know, we're not really dead, we're in Buenos Aires. 
Thank you so much for writing and asking after us! Sorry for being such a rude tick and never getting back to any of you. I can't believe 3 months have gone by since my last post. I got busy, then lazy, and that was that. Hope you're all well! I miss you! though I do not miss blogging at all, I must admit.

Thought you might enjoy these pictures of our day out at the Mataderos Markets today (which took 5 hours to upload you can see we have great Internet connection here).

There were quite a few dogs at the markets. In fact, I don't think it's our imagination that there are A Lot of dogs in Buenos Aires, even in the city centre where we're staying. This one was a free spirit.
No one seemed to mind him scavenging around their tables, and a few people actually called out to him.

This old gentleman was very keen to show off his little dog's party trick.
The dog was so relaxed, he fell asleep.
The gentleman made sure I didn't forget his other friend.
I get the feeling Argentinians love their dogs.
Wonder if this one was ever found.

Meanwhile, on the home front, Georgia is back at Mr O's. Here are some pictures from the last week or 2.

She didn't like seeing the bags being packed.
"You're bloody leaving me again, aren't you?"

A last walk in the glorious Spring sunshine.

A last cuddle.
"Just admit it. You're going to miss me."

She apparently settled back to being a farm dog in one day. 
"Hey, I remember this place! I get to eat raw chicken carcasses here!"

We're very grateful for that. Regardless, it'll be a while before we start to feel less guilty about leaving her behind for 3 months. 

Mr O sent us this picture. 
It was in our mailbox before we even landed, how sweet is that man!

This is the face that looks back at me from my mobile phone and reminds me what an awful dog parent and human being I am.
"Miss me yet?"

Yes we do, Georgia Little Pea. 

Hooroo for now! Got to get up in 3 and a half hours to catch the ferry to Uruguay. Isn't travelling fun. Hugs to everyone! X


  1. Seeing a post from you felt like Christmas Morning!! I don't think I could stand to be away from home for three months, let alone from my dogs for that length of time - a few days and I'm chomping at the bit to get home. I'm glad Georgia adjusted quickly to farm life again - enjoy the chicken carcasses, Georgia!
    Enjoy your trip, Typist, and keep in touch.

  2. You made my day! Great you are all OK and enjoying life.
    Take care and enjoy that big trip

  3. Have a fantastic trip, you lucky dogs! So totally wonderful to read your post this morning and pics. So glad all is well.

    And that party trick by the little one. That is something I do not think Tootsie will learn!

    Travel well. Wag on. Stay in touch.
    Renee & Tootsie

  4. Glad you are having a great time and we hope you have a safe journey. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. It was wonderful to hear from you!!! The street dancing looks fun. Are the chicken carcasses given to Georgia? Or does she get them herself? Have fun!

  6. So great to get an update on you and on GLP. The experiences you are having can't be beat. Thanks for sharing the awesome pictures.

  7. Hello hello! Thank you for reading, I'm kind of surprised anyone is still here lol. Just got to Punta del Este and am KNACKERED!

    Sherri - that's what Mr O feeds his guests. I would be horrified if Georgia killed her own chooks!

    Hooroo for now x

  8. So good to hear from you. We were afraid you had been involved in some embarrassing international incident. You may not miss blogging, but we miss your humor.

  9. You are following the travel route taken by my friend, Mary, and her husband. They LOVE Uruguay and plan to visit again this winter. Glad you finally posted. I was sure wondering! Georgia looks like she might make you feel guilty with those big beseeching eyes but meanwhile is totally enjoying herself. Stay safe!

  10. There you are! I know you love South America, so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  11. What a big adventure you are having, but I know you miss your sweet puppy a lot.


  12. Awwww, I know GLP is missing you, but it sounds like you are having a blast! I know what you mean about not missing blogging. Somehow, there's a bit of guilt-trip involved..... :)

  13. OMD!! Oh, how I've missed this face!!!! Hey there Georgia!! You sure looks like your are enjoyin' yourself!!
    Now, makes your peeps feel real guilty so they bring you back some FABulous stuffs!!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Glad to know you're doing well and having fun!

  15. 3 months in South America! I am on my knees in crawling-to-retirement adoration. . . but just to let you know, we get the same stink-eye from Ben even on a trip he's going on!

    Vaya con dios!

    The Queen

  16. Yay! You are back......Enjoy the rest of your trip!!


  17. O M G - where's my comment GONE??!! I left the very first comment on this post 'T', oooooh, sometimes I don't like cyberspace techno stuff at all:(

    Take care of you all and I'll be watching for your posts! Stay safe!

  18. ROSE - that is so odd! I read your comment for sure! It must be the Uruguayan woo woos at work. Is there anything I should know about your life at the mo? (I could read your posts for the past 3 months but that might be hard with this awful connection that drops off and has to be reconnected every 5 minutes or so). Anyway...hope you're having a beaut Spring! X

  19. Oh geez, now I'm feeling so guilty about not emailing you ages ago ... but I've been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you are and where you are. Now I know :) Glad to see GLP has settled in to life without you. Awesome photos and I'm looking forward to the next installment when the internet gods smile on you. Take care and have fun :)

  20. I came by here just to check and woo hoo there was a post! Just check in once in a while so we know you're OK...I envy your travels and all the marvelous things you're seeing and experiencing and it's good to know that Georgia is safe and happy and nomming down all that raw chicken...Travel safe and check in every once in a while

  21. Wow! What a BIG SURPRISE! I randomly came to see if there was anything and BAM! There you are in Buenos Aires! Woweekazowee! Petey has an ear infection. It's not bad but he moaned so much at the vet she prescribed a $260 ear numbing gel! He got home and went to sleep! No rx for him! He could have had a career as an opera dog!

    Have fun! Great pics!

  22. Haha, no I'm fine up here the bloody hot Spring tropics. No dramas at my end.
    Take care of YOU!

  23. Viva! Hurray! It is wonderful to hear from you!! What a great adventure you are having! I am so glad to know you are doing well and having much fun!
    I can see that you miss so much your dear Georgia, because you photographed so many dogs, isn't?
    Love your photos and principally love all photos of dear Georgia.
    Enjoy your voyage!
    Many hugs!


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X