Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oh no! It's Sunday!

Dear everybody, 
I'm off to camp now! 

Here is my holiday bag. It is all packed and ready to go.
How stoopid does it look. It cost 2 dollars at the market. The Typist is very proud of her frugal purchase. It will be her fault if the other dogs at camp laugh at me.

Apparently, everything I need for my holiday is in the bag. I have serious doubts about this.
As far as I can see, there is a jammie, a raincoat, my flea treatment, dewormers, and a ridiculously long letter to Mr O, the camp commandant of Camp Could Be Nice, telling him stuff like how I like to eat a lot and sit on humans. 

"Did you forget my bikkies and treats, Typist? Surely that is something I will need on holiday?"
"What do you mean, I will just have to eat what the other dogs eat?"

The Typist says the most important part of  the ridiculously long letter that Mr O will probably never read  letter is Plan B which tells Mr O what to do with me if she and Cushion cop it while they're on holiday. In case you didn't know, The Typist is a worst case scenario type of human. 

So that's it! I will be away a month. I hope Mr O likes me! I hope I make some friends! Please don't forget me! I will try to be brave. Kissy boo and hooroo! Georgia X

I will miss my bed. 




Last words from The Typist.
"Georgia! Come here baby. How about a cuddle before you go?!"

"Okay then. Bye sweetie. Be good. Love you."


  1. Georgia!! Say it ain't so!!! A whole month at camp!! I hope you remember your pawrents when they come back for you! We hope you make some new fun friends!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. Ooooooooooh! Georgia! I like your bag! It's sweet! And I'm sure you will make lots of friends at Camp Will Probably Be Nice! Who wouldn't like you!

    Have a good time! We'll miss you!
    Olivia & Petey in NYC

  3. A MONTH???? A whole MONTH without Georgia? NOooooooooooooooooooooo!
    If you need rescuing, if Camp Could be Good turns into Camp Horrible instead of Camp Awesome, please sneak into Mr. O's house and send me an email and I will swim across the oceans and brave crocodiles and sharks and all sorts of scary things to set you free. Hugs, Auntie Jean.

  4. I hope so too, BRO!

    Yeah right, MS LIVIE. It would be sweet if I was a chi.

    AUNTIE JEAN, you have no idea what The Typist has in store for some of you. I hear it's called Plan C. Don't ask! I don't know anything more than that because no one ever tells the dog anything :)

  5. We're just sad that your bag didn't have a smart phone so that you could chronicle your adventures as you take over the camp.

  6. Oh my goodness... I think I must've inhaled too much of Flo's hormone pill dust this morning... I'm welling up at her little bag all packed and ready to go. :(

    Anyway, that means you must be off on your big and very important adventure to find a permanent 'Campcouldbeniceifjustalittlebitonthecoldside'. Have a safe trip and I will look forward to frequent updates! :)

  7. A month seems so long! I do know that it will go by fast (I hope...for Georgia, not for you two on vacation). I can't wait to hear all the adventures, both from camp and from NZ. Wishing all fun and safety. We'll miss you.

  8. Oh my dear Miss Georgia, I am out of touch for a wee bit of time and you get sent off to Camp. And the awful thing is, that you arent coming here. We sure wish you were closer so you could stay with us. Please be patient, have fun with new friends and before you know it, you will be back home.

  9. MS JAN, we have a plan but it'll only work if Mr O cooperates. Who knows... :)

    H, too many hormones is a dangerous thing, so they say. Re: CCBNIJALBOTCS're not kidding. Single digits already in Taupo and Wellie!

    We will try to send you a postcard from NZ, MS LORI, especially if we get lost ;)

    MS VICKIE, I wish I could be with you and Bert! Boohoo. Please move here. We have wifi.

  10. Oh, camp is great Georgia. Keep your nose clean.

  11. Wow, a whole month! Think of all the adventures you will have! Enjoy!

  12. Have a great time at camp and we hope you enjoy yourself. See you when you get back. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. It will be just fine Georgia, have a great time!!

  14. Georgia, You'll be the most popular dog there. With any luck, you can talk some of the other dogs into giving up their treats. I'll think of you every day and also hope your people have a safe trip and LOTS of FUN!

  15. Whohoo! Have SO much fun and Camp WILL Be Nice, GLP! Don't get too many boyfriends will you're there ... actually DO get too many! That's the beauty of camp - you'll never see them again!

    Your bag doesn't seem to be nearly big enough for that long a trip. I suggest Typist and Cushion make up for it by bringing you back pressies from NZ!

    lots of love!
    -Plan C

  16. we sure hope the camp works okay - we can't believe that they make you eat their food - that would never do for us (to many allergies) but then again - a whole month away .....that would freak the mom out :)

  17. Oh Ms Pea, now we all want your Typist and Cushion to have a good time, don't we! Yes? ....course we do, but a WHOLE month? Should Typist have snuck in hidden cameras, so we get the real deal of your Camp Adventure. Charm them Ms Pea, charm them and all will be well.
    The bag, oh gosh the bag....the other dogs will laugh at you you know so keep a stiff upper lip won't you?
    Hugs-pats-woof-woof- I'll be thinking of you!


    Thanks everyone, I'm sure I will have a good time as long as Mr O feeds me.

    Dear MS HIKER, my nose is always clean except when I've stuck it in the peanut butter jar.

    Dear MS ROSE, no problem having a stiff lip here. It's cold!

    Hoodoo! X

  19. My dear Georgia,
    I hope you have a pleasant time! I will miss you so very much. You know that I LOVE you!
    Muitos abraços e beijos!

  20. Yes, a whole month would be too long for me a woman to be away from home!!!! I hope you make it Georgia Ok b/c I know I couldn't.. I guess I am just a home body!!!
    Thanks fr your visit!!!!!

  21. Have a wonderful time exploring, Typist and Cushion, and be brave, Georgia! And Typist: thank you so much for your wonderful comments; I really appreciate it.

    Renee and Tootsie

  22. Oh gosh Georgia, do try and be brave...The Typist and Cushion are asking a lot of you...You're a good girl and you've got lots of furriends out here on the interwebs who send you all their good thoughts and are rooting for you.

    Momz says to tell typist that in Bingo, each row and column is identified by a letter and number B-I-N-G-O across and down for the columns and rows and then 1,2,3,4,5 for each square in the row and column...And the center box is often given as a free space...So to get a bingo you have to complete the tasks in one line accross, down or diagonal, and if the center space is part of your line you get it for free...Hope that makes sense and if it doesn't then tell Momz cause she's the Bingo queen BOL!

  23. Georgiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...try to be brave... and hope Camp Could Be Nice is really Camp Really Nice. A whole month AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY from your bed and the comforts of your loved ones... w h o l eeee month is really long might make a lot of new friends... and they might serve you better more delicious food at camp and you can sing and howl the whoooooooooooole day at camp and and and.. we r gonna miss you. Be brave girly... and do tell your Typist.. they can send you over to Malaysia to live with us if they decide not to come back for you. We have sunny days all year round.. and i have a big yard and you can play chase with me.

    That sure is a small bag for a one month's stay at camp.. cute.. but small but Camp Could Be Nice already have all the things you need there. Be brave girly.

    Have a wonderful trip Typist and Cushion.. and and try not to miss Georgia too much. I am sure she will be fine.


  24. A month at camp??? That is sooooooooo long! I don't think the others will make fun of you, your bag is cute. I think they will be jealous!!! We will miss you, but try to have fun!


  25. OMD!! I'm gonna MISS, MISS, MISS YOU!!! I hopes you have the bestest time there at camp! I hopes that Camp Could be Good is FABulous and you make tons of new furends!!

  26. You cruel, cruel human, how could you?
    A whole month in camp?

    Poor sweetie, chin up and be brave. By the time they come back you will probably have forgotten all about them. Serve them right.

    Well, cushion and typist, I wish you an enjoyable holiday in spite of being the cruellest parents ever.

  27. I wish we were closer, you could come and stay with us at Camp Spoiled Rotten.

    Hope you all are having fun!!


    Thank you everybody. Mr O hasn't written my humans yet so I guess I'm doing okay.

    GIZ, TT read your mama's notes on Bingo (thank you!) and is still as confused. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, thats for sure.

    MS ANNY, TT says its nice and hot in Malaysia which is my favourite kind of weather. Please email me your addie and I will let you know my ETA.

    MS FRIKO, I so intend to forget my humans. They will pay.

    MS JODI, you run a Camp Spoilt Rotten? And I didn't get sent there? Poo.

  29. Poor Georgia!

    I'm sure you will have a splendid time at dog camp and will meet lots of chums there.

    This is exactly why Buster has never been to dog camp.
    His mother is too pathetic to think of him pining -so we have to get people to dog sit in our apartment so he does not have to go anywhere unfamiliar.....

    Here's hoping all is going well!

    love from
    Buster and Elizabeth


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X