Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Small stone, Wednesday 23rd January.

I had a serious case of dysania this morning and it was 8.29 precisely before I opened my eyes. Outside, crepuscular rays were shining (okay I made that up just so I could use the word). It was actually grey, and smelt petrichor (this is true). My stomach was wambling. So was Georgia's, I could hear it. Poor thing has been eating pap since chucking up 4 times the night before last. Yawning, still suffering from obdormition, I dragged my body and polka-dotted face out of bed to make my doggy brekkie.

I'm blaming this Small Stone on an article I read (decades ago) describing flowers as sex organs, and my nutrition lecturer at college for calling milk the pus of cow. Some things you never forget. All definitions of curious words in this post >>> HEREMore fun ones >>> HERE. Care to comment using some? :D

Excerpt from 2nd link:
"A friend reports that he was in a Boston taxi last week, and because he'd heard about all the great seafood available in the area, he asked the cabbie, "Say, where can I get scrod around here?"  
The cabbie laughed and said, "I've been asked that question a thousand times, but never in the pluperfect subjunctive."

What is scrod? A young fish (as a cod or haddock); especially : one split and boned for cooking

 I hope you liked that! A last check to see all my tittles are in place before tapping PUBLISH!

To find out more about Small Stones and the 30 day mindful writing challenge, CLICK HERE.


  1. For a moment, I feared a mattoid had taken over Georgia's blog, but I see it is just our customary philocynic being a bit of a nebbish lexiphane. But at least she is no longer a phaneromaniac, now that the black spots are pink.

  2. Oh my goodness - keep writing like that and I'll have to keep my dictionary handy! I have an unfortunately narrow vocabulary. If I'd been that Boston taxi driver, I'm afraid I'd have crashed the car for the uncontrollable hilarity.

  3. Oh my... such big words on a small stone. I have never seen all the big words that you've used on the stone today. Bummer!

    u still a polka dot? cool!

  4. JEAN! you got me! BWAH haha!!! I'm off to check the words now.

    AMY, ANNY - I have a terrible vocabulary too. You're supposed to check the links! :)

  5. Today was one heck of a vocabulary builder! Wowzer! Great stones!

  6. big words scare me. I am just a lil stone reader :p

  7. Gosh Typist, I was so timorous when I first started reading, then I realised you were being extremely adroit and for this I venerate you with great approbation.

  8. Salutations ROSE from Townie! Another mattoid lexiphane apparently. Neither a procrastinator nor a scobberlotcher. What a lady! X

  9. Words to look up! Links to follow!

    I'm wagging and wagging!


  10. Thank dog you added da links cuz I thoughted I was gonna has to google them.
    Yea, now I is feelin' like a total moron fur not knowin' them words...mum "says" she knew them at one time but furgotted bout them...whatever.


  11. Trust me PUDDS, TT didn't know any of them before today either.

  12. Four, yes four words I had to look up're just evil :) But "dysania"? Absolutely...This morning i feel like I'm sleepwalking and can't get myself to focus...Maybe it's the moon?

  13. Hi Georgia,
    I hope you are well!

    Just funny the "25 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names".

    Kisses and hugs!
    Beijos e abraços!

  14. You are educating all of us with your exceptional writing skills. haha

  15. I won't be playing Scrabble with you.

  16. EEK! Hope you both feel better! Poor GLP! I am definitely NOT a morning person! And now neither is Petey! Especially when it's 12 degrees here!

  17. No wonder you're dysanic with a quadruplet of nocturnal canine regurgitations disturbing your quiescence.

    Hope canis lupus familiaris has an unimpaired digestive tract.

    Hope this clip is watchable in Australia. It's one of my faves:

  18. I definitely needed the dictionary for this one!

  19. Are you studying for the GREs? I love that joke!

  20. JAN, I often lose at scrabble, also boggle. Dictionaries are my fwiends.

    PAMELA! Fellow philocynic, my canis lupus familiaris thanks you for your kind words. Alas! Her icky tummy is her own doing. She will never be a sitophobe or even an osophagist. I will shortly check your vid, when Cush wakes up. I don't want to dudder him.

    TARYN, why dictionary? The definitions are all in the 1st link. Sigh. I must have been too obscure or perhaps my sentence construction was overly convoluted.

  21. Ugh! It has been far too long of a day to read this! Maybe I'll comment with something more intelligent but right now I am just confused. Me speak no English right now. :-P This is why I was a history student and not an English one.

  22. bwah hahaha this is such fun, I'm really not that smart at all - I wish! Hahahaha my dictionary and word finder on my laptop have been working overtime. I'll have to look up what you just said to me!! :))
    PS: left the bush fires down there and now I'm hemmed in with torrential rain and floods up here!! No win hey?!

  23. Hey Georgia, As soon as I get my dictionary I'll leave you a comment! LOL Happy Wednesday!

  24. Those were some very big words, I feel smarter already!

  25. What a task, let me get my dictionary out!

  26. I love you. :)

    As I lay in bed this morning unable to sleep, this post gave me so much material to wander through. :)

  27. ROSE, just saw the flooding on telly. Townie too. I hope your brand new house isn't on low ground!

    Awww LESLIE... :) I was unable to sleep too, the night before, thinking about writing a curious words and phrases post and finding those links and more!

  28. Howdy Georgia, we'd like mum to use some big words but her brain went into melt down when she read your post hehe. Thank goodness you had the link! The only big word she remembers is 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'
    hehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  29. Blimey, is that the cause or the effect of the dots?

  30. The castle is on high ground and the suburb has new fangled drainage systems, so all's good. Looks like the worst has passed and we may have an Australia Day BBQ after all!


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If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X