Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A not so small stone, Tuesday 8th January.

I woke up early to give the garden a good soaking. We're expecting a 43degree day. The cicadas were already screeching. The water from the hose hit the big leaves with a loud indescribable sound. It hit small feathery leaves with a whisper, filtering by them to soak into the ground. It gurgled as it filled the water pot with its 30 dollar moss-covered terracotta turtle in the centre. Best buy ever. Then Georgia came home from her walk.

She'd swallowed some hooks at Ballast Point park. She looked normal. Larry's mum, who was at the park, told Cushion to stuff her with white bread. Larry had swallowed a hook before. As I watered the plants, I watched Cushion feed her. He'd bought a big loaf. She swallowed each slice of the white Homebrand bread without blinking or pause. More than half the loaf was gone before he stopped, wondering if that was enough. We went into the kitchen. Cushion called Dr Dog. I called Tara and Sammy's mum. Sammy had swallowed a hook before too. She said it was best to get an x-ray done. Sammy had ended up having surgery. I offered Georgia another slice of bread. She took it with a lot less gusto. How about a lick of peanut butter on it, girl? Yum. Another 3 slices went down her throat. A bit of raspberry rhubarb jam now? She finished the rest of the loaf, crust, ends and all. She looked a bit sick, as you might expect. Dr Dog said, "Bring her in for an x-ray." And that's where she is now, as I type this. On her way to Dr Dog. Cushion has taken her. 

To find out more about Small Stones and the 30 day mindful writing challenge, CLICK HERE. 

Correction, Wednesday 9th.

I received an email from Larry's mum last night but wasn't able to post it here because our internet connection was down. It wasn't Larry who'd swallowed the hook, it was a previous dog she'd had named Rufus. My apologies! I'm pretty sure this misinformation was Cushion's fault.

Anyway, since I changed the comments setting to registered users only, a few of our friends haven't been able to post their messages directly. So here is her email:

Do hope Georgia is ok. Was alarmed to read about the whole loaf of bread! It was our old dog, Rufus, who swallowed, and passed, the fish hook, not Larry. We were in the country and the vet I called recommended grass and white bread. Rufus was smaller than Larry, but the hook came out all wrapped up in grass and didn't bother him much. We were lucky. Larry's fish hook was stuck on the inside of his mouth and I was able to get it out. Damn fishermen!

Thinking of you,
Paula and Larry xx

Thank you Laura Paula! ;)


  1. Thinking about you and hope it all works out.

  2. Now I'm worried about Georgia, will you write as soon as you hear news? Please!

    1. I will DIANE! She's at the vet's waiting for an x-ray now. Busy day there.

  3. Fishing hooks??? That doesn't sound good at all - hope it will be okay

  4. A nice hefty vet bill is always welcome when one returns from vacation! Georgia, Georgia, Georgia...

    Keep us posted!

  5. Oh No!!! Waiting, waiting, waiting.........

  6. Good Lord NO!! You mean people leave bunches of fishing hooks??? lying around?? Oh no typist, heavens I'll be checking in every hour to see if you've updated us all. Please don't delay now....


  7. Oh no! Georgia, I hope you'll be okay!

  8. Oh no! Please let us know when you know something. Crossed paws.

  9. Georgia, what were you thinking?!
    Tell us how you are ASAP, silly girl

  10. Georgia, I really hope you are okay. I've been checking the blog all evening, and just know I'm not gonna sleep tonight until we hear. I am sooo worried about you!

    1. Thank you MS JEAN. Please go to sleep, I'm good! TT just put up an update. Love ya! X

  11. What are people thinking when they leave dangerous things around for dogs and children to find. Please let us know what is happening ASAP. Paws crossed...


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at little.p3a@gmail.com and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X