Thursday, October 25, 2012

A case of mistaken identity.



"Scoos me plees. Are you my mama?"

"Are you?"

 "Plees say sumfing!"

"Pleees mama!"

 "Look kiddo. I don't know who you are, I have never seen you before.  And despite my reputation with the boys in the park, I am most certainly NOT your mama!"




"What? Too harsh?"


  1. All I can saying is I'm rolling with laughter over this post. Poor Georgia.

  2. Oh Georgia, so nice of you to be patient with the little pup. Yes, perhaps a little too harsh with your parting shot - it is a pretty confusing world for young'uns. Maybe a simply "No, I'm not your mama but I could be your friend".
    You never know, Georgia, you could become the pup's role model. Think how much fun you could have teaching the pup to find stinky fish and such!

  3. Awe, sweet little pup. You could be the surrogate mama. :-)

  4. Oh my God that is a tiny little hound cutie! Looks like Georgia put up with the little tyke just fine. What an adorable post.

  5. Ah Ms Pea, I thought your restraint was admirable, but then, I only have Ms Jana to go by.
    You're a good girl Ms Pea, a fine example of tolerance ;)

  6. What a cute puppy. Good thing the "Mama" is so patient, but Georgia would make a good role model for dignity.

  7. Oh Georgia! I understand how pesky little brothers can be, but really, you should try to be nicer to him!


  8. Those darn puppies!! What a sweet little pup :)

  9. Ohhhh the poor baby!!! But...this was HILARIOUS!

    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  10. take him home take her home... Georgia could use a smaller dog to sit on.. urmm.. i mean to play with :D

  11. I'll be going to bed chuckling now....

  12. Ah, GLP, you are a girl who gets around AND is mean to children. Love your style.

    -c at ddy.

  13. Vizsla Puppy!!!!!!! How cute & what patience you have with the young ones, Miss GLP.

  14. Yeah, what's that all about, GLP? You know, these pups can be a bit persistent with their 'I-wanna-play' gambit. You handled it quite well though.

  15. What a CUTE BABY! Oh Georgia, are you SURE it isn't yours?! It's cute like you. (Oh for woof sakes, the Mama is in the background cooing about the baby's ears and ho soft they look and how she bets it had puppy breath...Mamas!)


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Hooroo! Georgia X