Friday, September 21, 2012

Under my hOuse .

Sorry i hat NO time to tell you abut my prediKamen today. i want tO ashure you i haf not forgoten you.

   I have jus been  busy helping my huamns clean the store roo, under our hause.    Here are sum.  pikturs The TYpis took for me wen she shud haf bin workin. 
Watch yur hed! when you   are comin in OK?! 

So this is our unndergoun store oom. You can;t stand up in her`e unless you are a smal or very shjort human,  A Bigdog like me can stan up in here no problum.
Look how messy it is! no onder they are takign so long to cleeN it.

My Kushin is in da  hole at the bcak! can yOu see Him?
THERe, HE IS! taht's the lite on his hed! It is very dark in the hjole,
 I kept My Kushin  company wen he ahd to decide what to keep and wat to give awiay . it was Very troarmatik  trawma  tuff for heem. He is not gud at throwing away  tings like The Typis, 
There are a lot of tIngs ou t  on the,r  kerb now and he is very sad.     poor Kushin,
 I  am a litle tired now from all the helping./. 


  1. Holy moly... how did yor hoomans move all them stuffs in tehre... when only you can stand in there.. did they take a special potion to make themselves smaller first... and then grew back to original size when they are insides.. oh boy.. i think my cow's been letting me watch too much hatty pottos.

    woofs n licks,

    why does your typing woman take pics of all your beehinds?

  2. No Ms oOn, they crouched all afternoon, n crep arund. They haf back and nek aches Now. We.couldnt all fit in ther so TT took the piktur s. from outsde.

  3. Georgia, girl you has me gigglin' over heres. I wonders how many doxies we culd fit in thers...we is small you knows but I not work fur frees.
    Sooooo, da Kushion is a hoarder. I is too.


  4. Georgia - You poor girl. I would be tired too. COmforting a human is hard work. I hope The Cushion is feeling better today. I love leaning stuff out and throwing it away, but after reading The Typist's most recent posts I am feeling a bit nostalgic.

    At least she will have these posts to remember a lot of the things she and The Cushion didn't keep.

  5. I'd have a hard time going in there! Too dark and too underground!


  6. had us laughing, Georgia. And tell Typist that the Cushion type person at our house isn't good at throwing stuff away either. He storse his treasures in a dark room under the stairs and Mom is afraid of it. So are we.

    Thumper and Lightning

  7. That's a lot of stuff Georgia. I bet it's hard for your humans to let it go.

  8. Love all the butt shots. :-)

    You have such a gorgeous garden! One day I'll be able to pay someone to produce something like that for me... One day...

  9. You are a true working dog, Georgia. I hope the typist and cushion realize how hard you work.

    Oh, and a great picture of your tush.

  10. Ohhhh myyyyy! that is A LOT of work! That looks like our basement storage room BOL! Will you come and help clean ours?

    Barks and licks and love Dakota,

  11. Good morning Ms Pea, its freezing up here this morning, I suppose it might be a little chilly at your place and I hope your Typist hasn't forgotten to put a coat on you or your blankie. Ms Pea, I'm not really sure you did in fact tell us YOUR dire predicament?? It seems to me it's your poor, poor Cushion who has the dire predicament.
    It's not often my mouth falls open or, life surprises me greatly, but your Typist and Cushions storeroom did the trick. It's the last thing I expected! Noone Ms Pea would crawl about under there storing stuff unless they really do have a (whisper) hoarding problem. Yeah?
    I don't think they could have started on this 'sort,keep,toss' project too soon - they're goin' to need 2 years to complete it.
    Ms Pea I know how hard you've worked alongside Typist and Cushion under 'there' but you could don a little saddle-pack affair and perhaps help out a bit more. Would remind me of a mine shaft in the old days, bringing out the 'stuff' in their bags. Oh no it could be deemed as "dog labour". Get your Typist behind that lens Ms Pea and let's see proof that progress is being made.

  12. I'm not good at throwing things away either!

    My fiance and I were just talking about that, in fact. Maybe it's a cosmic hint?

  13. Deer Ms roSE, progres pikkies wilL b comigmsoon. also Thue Shed. I am frytened. TT says she wofks. Very hard and is the Master Kleenex I meen KleeneR here. Is not so cold here anymore. We can wear shoRTS (with uggies)

    MY Trribel Dire Predikamen is COMIGM. SOON,! x

    Dea ms Jen, yes it is.

  14. Oh, noooo, GLP. I feel so bad for Cushion! I can't bear to think about the things at the curb. But do people come along and take them, like they do in New York and Los Angeles? I like the idea of people reusing things as opposed to them being taken away to the dump. Honestly, I'm not being civic-minded, it just makes my sentimental heart feel a bit better.

    -c at ddy.

  15. Lots of stuf have gone Lready Ms C. The rest will be taken aawY By eh counsil truk tomorrow! LoTS LOTS more in bags and boxis for chErrity. The haus is A MESS!!!

  16. You can tell all the tidy folks because they begin their comment with OMG! All us "kushions" are thinking, "That's not an unreasonable amount of stuff...even looks neatly stored." Feeling for The Kushion. Georgia, I'm glad you were there to lend support.

  17. I love your new banner, Ms. Pea! You are a big helper! How to let go; how to let go?

    Wag! That's how to let go.

    I don't know, actually.

  18. Dea Ms Lori, I had to fight The Typis to get yur commen t pusblihed!. (becus Freedum of Speek is TOO impohtant.) TT is scared KushN wil see it n want all his tings bak! He's going to SAy I TOLD YOU SO! all day nows, GAH.

  19. I hope he kept the Oyster Bay... I'm having a mild panic attack that it might've ended up on the kerb. :)

  20. wow theres lots of stuff under your house

    Stop on by for a visit

  21. What is it about Cushions? Mine is the same 'out-to-the-curb' for them!

  22. She's lucky that you were there to supervise!

    My name is Oskar & I'd like to invite you to be featured on my blog at It's a great way to meet new blogging friends. If you're interested you can drop me a line at PBU at comcast dot net.

    Nubbin wiggles,


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Hooroo! Georgia X