Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dear Mandioca.

I'm writing this so you'll have something to read over breakfast today. Being a much appreciated loyal reader (albeit one who never comments), I feel I must do something to help fill the devastating hole in your life that's been there since the computer died and our internet connection went down.

Telstra can't send anyone over till NEXT Thursday, so you might just want to read this very slowly. If you like, you can send them a nasty note and tell them how slack they are.

I can't post any of my award-winning mobile phone pictures today, so please have a look at Seth's. Being a photographer yourself, I think you might like will gasp at them. This is the link to his blog. When I visited it last week, I noticed his posts had mostly 0 comments. He's been blogging since 2007. How did we miss this fella? The fact that he may now be the most famous dogtographer on the planet gives a little blogger like me great hope. In case you've already seen his photographs, please ignore this paragraph and proceed immediately to the next.

You will need at least 20 seconds to do this fun quiz. I hope you have the time. I wanted to post it for Valentine's Day so introverts everywhere wouldn't feel so bad about preferring a quiet night doing takeaway in front of the telly over a 500 dollar romantic degustation dinner in town. But I'm obviously too late. The quiz is still fun though. I scored 19 out of 20. Can you guess which one I said 'NO" to? You can tell me how you did [hint] in a comment.

Now that I've written this riveting post, I just have to wait for the internet connection to pop up to publish it. Hopefully that will happen soon, before you finish your breakfast.

Much love, The Typist who is slowly going mad.


  1. I know I'm an introvert...18 out of 20. Internet/computer problems suck, but can be a nice break. Enjoy.

  2. Hehehe! Love it!! Your stories really do make my mornings so much more enjoyable!
    Those photos are just gorgeous! Maybe one day I'll come up with something that original....
    And the quiz, I think you may have answered no to Q1, just like me??
    Lots of love to you Georgia and your Typist, I really will try to comment more often! xxx

  3. Don't need to take the quiz. I know I'm an introvert.

    Stay sane a little longer please!

  4. i'm going to make an early prediction that most bloggers are introverts :)

    Mandioca! you made it! i had to go look at what #1 was. no NO! i HATE group activities, capoeira excepted. i think that may be one of the reasons why i don't enjoy batizados that much. not only is it a group activity, it's a big group with lots of strangers. LOL. i take it you're an intro then and scored 19 out of 20 just like me!

  5. So I went to check out Seth's blog page and then to his website...what an amazing photographer!

    Hope your internet is up and running really soon....

  6. Those photos are amazing. love it! I am an extrovert definitely. So is Kelly!

  7. Time informed me that I'm likely to be an extrovert ... I think it was just trying to be nice and didn't want to give me an ambivert, which is how I'd describe myself ... if I'd ever heard of that word before!

    -c at ddy.

  8. Ms C - NOOOOO! how did you go over to the dark side? :(

  9. Yep, I'm an introvert too, why am I not surprised? Thanks for the link to Seth's blog, I'd seen his pics on
    Facebook but not visited his blog. Of course, that sent me off on another tangent and I'm finally back 3 hours later:) Is it going to be a week before you get a proper internet connection? That's an eternity! How come your lost your internet when your computer died? Did it go out in sympathy? Hope you're back in proper action soon, Frankie is missing Georgia. And yes, he loved the bacon and cheese cake. I have photos! Just no time to do a blog post because some people send me off to do a quiz and then another blog which leads to another blog which leads me to researching which camera I can't live without!

  10. 3 hours! Did you look at 4 years worth of posts? I'm quite heartened by some of his old shots lol.

    The long story - ISP for computer (Telstra) has been iffy for a while. It sometimes drops out for a few minutes. Lately, more like half a day. I never know when I'm going to be able to connect. Very frustrating. My mobile phone ISP (Optus) has always been poor in this area (Balmain). They want me to pay more money to get better service which is despicable, I feel. I don't understand why they would sell an inferior product to begin with. The computer dying was totally out of the blue. Unrelated, just a coincidence in timing. Full moon stuff!

    So glad Frankie ate his cake! Look forward to the pics :)

  11. Urgh. I'm a bit 'ovah' Telstra just now... there's V little competition up here and even if there were more to choose from they all have to run off the Telstra network anyway don't they. Bo**ocks.

    I LOOOOVE Seth's photos, the underwarter ones in particular - some of them came past me on Facebook this week.

    Hope you sort your surfing probs out. :(

    Oh, and I'm 'most likely' an introvert... No, ya reckon???!!!

  12. I love Seth's photos! I attended a workshop of his - so great.

    No surprise... I was an extrovert. :P

  13. Where to start?? Knew I was an introvert, but there weren't enough Don't Care options in the quiz so I probably skewed it. Didn't give me marks out of 20 anyway, mangy old quiz.

    But Balmain!! (just reading the comments). You must know Roy and Marie then, who were there only 25 years ago, and I'm sure they may still possibly be there in their late 40s early 50s ... And we went dancing in some wonderful bar on a Saturday arvo after work - you must know it :D

    (note to self, keep ramblings on own blog).

  14. Dear roughseas, I wonder if introverts are also more mangy. I say yes! ;). Of course I know Roy and Marie. Who doesn't? They live just down the street.

    BTW, if you're interested, you'll find pictures of the area scattered among the posts. The easiest way to find them would be to click on My Neighbourhood in the label cloud. They're mostly mobile phone pics not Seth quality, but it may still provide a walk down memory lane for you :)

    Gosh! We intros really like to ramble don't we?!

  15. Hoping that the internet connection is sorted soon and for good. When it happens with me, I try (and fail) to remind myself what it was like before the internet days, even though it makes me sound old and uncool. Amazing how technology has progressed so fast, and amazing how fast we've adapted to that change!

    I didn't take the quiz but I believe I'm an omnivert!

  16. Meaning you can be either as the situation demands? I suspect we may all a bit omni or as the quiz phrases it - ambi(valent) ;)

  17. Well I feel very sorry for myself because I could use a Georgia, Typist, and Cushion fix.

    But I can't feel too sorry for you. About now I'd be saying, "Gee, can't work on the computer. I guess I'd better loaf at the beach."

    Oh, and I'm an extrovert who keeps on thinking about setting up some kind of online party with all my blogging friends. Of course, most of them are introverts so they'd probably find the whole idea ghastly.

    I guess I'll just have to invite Peggy and Pup Fan, my fellow extroverts.

    Hope you get your connection back soon. But have fun while it's down too. I'm sure Georgia's not complaining.

  18. i'm a big introvert, when i first meet people (in person),they think i'm aloof. i know this because, all of my friends have told me at one point, when they first met me they thought so. but, then they get to know me and they realize i'm just shy and extremely introverted. i'll still take the quiz anyhow, just to reaffirm this. oh, and i think i would go crazy without internet/computer.

  19. I've seen Seth's pictures before, but not his blog! Those shots are fantastic.

    Definitely an Introvert here! I think I got 20/20.

    AKC stands for American Kennel Club and NGA stands for National Greyhound Association. AKC people put up a huge stink several years ago because they didn't want NGA dogs allowed in their registry, which is too bad since their gene pool is so limited. Anyway, I hope that helps!

  20. Um... introvert, introvert, introvert. Scored 19/20. Maybe my mom and I are duotroverts: that's two introverts together.

    My mom says to tell you her Internet connection sucks the big one lately, which is why she hasn't been around much, and you have her full sympathies. I'm gonna keep wagging!

  21. Introvert here too. But a gregarious one at times.

  22. Has that blasted Internet provider fixed you yet? So lame. Last time it happened here, I went to the public library daily to hog a computer. Sad.

    Of course, you might be having too much fun being "free" to come back now. :-/

    I am *not* extroverted (but have wished I was on many occasions).

  23. This was fun, and surprised me a bit because I tend to think of myself as an introvert, but my answers to these questions said otherwise. I suppose its all relative, hey? Next to my dogs and my boyfriend, just about anyone would feel like an introvert.

    And hey--thanks for your comment on my blog :) An answer to the mystery you asked about is there now!

  24. Another introvert here, no quiz necessary. ;)

    I have no idea how we haven't discovered Seth's blog since his pictures are all over the internet!

    Sorry to hear of your ISP problems - hope they get resolved soon - we only just found you and find we're missing you now. :)

  25. Ahh... i finally found 20sec to do the quiz.. and the line is finally stable. Yes yes.. of course i am an introvert even though i have a few Nos *LOL*.

    i love Seth's pictures.. actually found him on G+ not too long ago.. but i guess his "comments" will rack up now that he's quite a hit on G+

    btw.. ru still mad?

  26. Hello Georgia, sweetest but not littlest pea ever

    Thank you for commenting on Pippa's blog with what seemed like a few stampy feet (well, possibly four anyway). I thought I had better let you know that the computer is out of bounds for him as I am busy with my far more important blogs (and some other tosh too) although he might have a different perspective.

    What a far-too-long paragraph. And at the very least, I expected a new post. And ta for the tips on how to look at Balmain pix, I will have a mosey down there when I have finished the rest of my chores :(

  27. Haha Anny! The Cushion has fixed up a new computer for me this very night so here I am at the keyboards, tip tapping away :) Still figuring out how to use it though. I am quite tech stupid. Telstra is still coming only on Thursday. Then, no more excuses to not blog GAH!


Thank you for leaving a message! I love, love, LOVE hearing from you. Sometimes I have stuff to say to you too so don't forget to check back!

If Blogger is being awful and not letting you comment, you can always write me at and I will post your message here for you.

Hooroo! Georgia X