Thursday, March 10, 2011

One Word Thursday because I missed Wednesday.

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  1. You changed your profile picture! It IS very risque. Are you getting frisky?

  2. oh dear, i'm beginning to feel like i'm pimping my poor dog :) thanks goodness she's NEUTERED. i wouldn't want Walter or Trudeau or Jack or Lukie get more ideas.

  3. As it is still Wednesday here in the Great White North, you get a pass. Weird photos, my dear. I don't know if I should laugh or get angry. Love it!

  4. LOL! Love the new photo on top! I should post the one a client sent me. It's even more risque than yours!

    Ok. Now you must explain the truck pictures. I have never seen such an odd combination of items in the back of a truck before! Do you know why they had all that stuff? There has got to be a story to that one!

  5. okay people!!!!

    LOOK CLOSELY at the pictures. VERY CLOSELY. i missed it the first time i saw them too. The Other Half took them on a street near us :)

  6. Okay, I am looking closely but I am still not getting it... Does it have something to do with the monkey??

  7. This reminds me of a picture I posted once of a taxidermist's pickup with a mounted dog hanging on to the back of the truck.

  8. BOL! I bet nobody messes with that truck!


  9. ahhh!!! i just re-published with new clues but i see someone has already figured it out :)

  10. Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving comments.

    I do Tae Kwon Do and am also always interested in women who kick, scream and do headlocks :) I think capoeira is one of the most beautiful martial arts there is.

    The FLAG (Fight Like a Girl) is a women's self-defense program developed in the States. It is part of the Women's Empowerment Series taught by the folks at Defend University ( You can email me ( and I will be happy to tell you more about it rather than fill up your comment section :)

    LOVE the masthead photo!

  11. Hee Hee! Georgia's milkshake makes all the boys run to her yard :O

  12. MISS F!!! You are shocking the children! My poor Georgia. That is NOT at all what it's about !hrum!mmphh! Signed, The Indignant DogMom a.k.a. DogPimp.

  13. @Karen, Bwahahahahahahaha! Genius!

    So they are stuffed? They don't look stuffed. i thought they were just statues or something. I have never been so confused by a few photos.

  14. by george Ms T! i think you got it!!! :)

  15. Cool! That is quite unusual and possibly a bit distracting if you were driving past that truck!

  16. It's very odd these statues! Maybe they use them to protect houses and gardens?

  17. Lordy. I though some of the pics I posted of Daisy were bad. THAT'S obscene. Girl, put it away. Hahahaha. I hope you're all well. I did like that post on all the beds.

  18. Such controversy! I better find a demure and prissy picture to put up next :p


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Hooroo! Georgia X