Friday, May 21, 2010

If you wish very, very hard, you can get what you really, really want.

It's almost winter. *Brrrrr* Where I live, that means the temperature gets to below 10*C in the middle of the night.

That might not sound very cold to someone living in Fargo, but it's freezing for A Dog Of Little Hair like me.

My stay-at-home human has spent years laughing at people who put coats on their dogs. "What do dogs have fur for?" she would cackle, shaking her head at silly humans who play dress-ups with their dogs.

Well, karma has come back to give her a mighty poke in the eye.

She got me and I DON'T LIKE THE COLD AT ALL.

If you've been following my stories, you will know that I really, really wanted a dog howling at the moon jammie.

I've wanted one for almost a year now.

Recently, my stay-at-home human tried to cheer me up by making me a jammie.

It was a disaster.

[You can read all about it here.]

After that, she thankfully gave up sewing me a jammie and tried to see if I would fit into any of her old T-shirts instead.

Yes, it says C-A-T. And it made me feel F-A-T.

I just knew I wasn't ever going to be one of those fashionable little dogs in their leather-trimmed, leopard-spotted coats.

Then yesterday, out of the blue...a strange man brought a parcel to the door. Being the good little watch dog I'm becoming, I barked very loudly when I saw him. Bark, BARK, BARK!!! with a few ^gr*rrrrss^*! thrown in.

Luckily, he didn't run away.
I didn't know what it was at first. It wasn't soft or fluffy and it didn't look at all like a jammie.

And then...
"Is it really...

...for ME?"

I was so happy, I almost cried.

I gave my stay-at-home human a very big thank you nuzzle.

Not one to sleep in the sun for too long, I'm already thinking very hard about what I should wish for next.

OH NO! My out-at-work human came home with a big box last night. When he opened it up, this popped out...
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.


  1. Buster and I loved this!
    Buster does not have a coat but lots of his friends are little fashionistas
    and have fancy outfits.
    Blue suits you very well!


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Hooroo! Georgia X