Monday, January 14, 2013

Small stone, Monday 14th January.

The ABC news, which has been on since the alarm went off at 6, switches off and suddenly I hear.

The tinkle of the water feature outside our bedroom window. A plane going overhead far far away. Someone hammering lightly tok tok tok probably Daniel from 4 doors away who's been working for months and months finishing his own reno. 

Then Georgia's tail hits the bed fwat!fwat!FWAT! as she has a dream. Cushion grabs it, holds it down and they both go quietly back to sleep.

To find out more about Small Stones and the 30 day mindful writing challenge, CLICK HERE. 


  1. Lovely description - but why is your alarm going off at 6 AM (or at all) now that Cushion is retired?
    Sleep, woman! If Cushion and Georgia can do it, so can you!
    (Okay, I'm usually up at that ungodly hour - but that is because I have a cat who bashes on the hall closet door repeatedly until I get up, or at least until the dog wakes up and starts barking his fool head off ordering breakfast. Not because I set a mechanical alarm.)

  2. Why do I get the feeling, JEAN, that Cushion is going to be with you on this one? Me, I like to get an early start to the day so I can siesta in the arvo. Besides, it's summer! The sun is already up at 6 :D

  3. Oh, right, I forgot it is summer there and really hot in the afternoons. I can definitely understand the afternoon siesta. And if it takes an alarm to get you up, well, that's what it takes. Or I could ship Allie and Eddie down there to you, and you'll never sleep in again.

  4. Pull the plug on the TV! I like the other sounds much better.

  5. Alarm clock are meant to be broken and used as paper weights - roll over and go back to sleep :)

  6. AHHH! Thanks for pointing out a big flaw in my small stone, BARB. The RADIO news IS the alarm. Epic fail! LOL.

    And JEAN, Georgia used to wake us up at 5 something but she's now become a really laidback dog. She still wakes us up but now it's in the middle of the night when she tries to catch us off guard so she can jump up on the bed!

  7. All is well, acceptable morning sounds except for the blasted TV news...not the way to bring peace & serenity to your day...especially if your talking heads are as inane as the ones here

  8. This actually brought a tear to my eye. Beautifully described. This brought to my mind one of those movie scenes where at death, in a moment of absolute clarity, you live out a perfect moment in your life. In very few words you captured, love, family, neighbors, nature, the world we live in. This is a mini masterpiece to me.

  9. Oh LORI... :D You're always so encouraging. A masterpiece? I doubt it but thank you! X

  10. Very cool, need to add a barkin' doggie...there is ALWAYS a barkin' doggie! I know, it didn't happen, butts still! BOL
    Still a great short...

  11. You know what DID happen RUBY? But I was *ahem* too polite to mention it? SOMEONE farted. I won't say who ;)

  12. At 6am... the tail of a dog flapping away is the last thing i need too.. i only set my alarm at 6am one day a week.. and that would be Tuesday.

  13. What a tease you are ANNY! On Tuesday...because?

  14. 6am on Tuesday becos... i have a lady who comes and help me clean the house. She's here by 6.15am.. sometimes 6.11am. She's been with us for a very long time. She loves to come in on Tuesday to chat about her family too :)

  15. I love the thop thop thop of a wagging tail. My dog Chip does it the best - you can hear it softly wagging against his crate when you speak to him. :)

  16. I am really enjoying your small stones. I love this one particularly. I think it's because of the focused details of the waking moment.

    Tootsie's Mom

  17. Amazing what we hear in moments of mindfulness!

  18. Nice to focus on those little sounds. Can you imagine if dogs didn't have tails to make that nice thwak against the furniture? What would we do?

  19. I wish I could writer well in English... and read much more better than I did...

  20. What a nice description of living in the moment. Well, put!

    Pee Ess: Mom sets her alarm at 5:40, for cryin' out loud, twice a week so she can go do yoga. Me? I sleep...

  21. SONIA, Desejo eu podia escrever melhor en Portugues! Sua Ingles e mais melhor do que meu Portugues. Beijos! X


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Hooroo! Georgia X