Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dear Mister Kringle,

I am writing to thank you for my fabulous pressie. 

I know you gave it to My Typist but [just between you and me], I don't think she truly appreciates how much effort you must have put into getting her an orange wind-up hopping reindeer named Bambi. 

To think she might have come home from the party with some boring thing like a sombrero, minty foot scrubber, chocolates or DVD. How lucky was she! 

Anyway, The Typist has no idea what she could possibly do with this stoopid thing  has insisted I have Bambi. I am beside myself with joy at her generosity! and I just want you to know I am going to take good care of him.
"Touch my bone and you die."

As you can see, Bambi and I are already good friends. 


  1. Bambi looks like a total predator to us. We recommend complete destruction of it or you will lose all your bones.

  2. We got rid of a lot of our spam by closing comments on old posts. Good luck.

  3. Hi JAN, I now only allow comments from registered users and have had ZERO spam for a few weeks :D Thanks for the tip!

  4. GEorgia, I would keep an eye on Bambi, especially when you got such and incredibly delishious looking bone. Man that looks good.
    I mean, my mouth is watering.
    You are sooooo lucky.

    I sure hope I am not going to your spam cause I have been going to some blogville friends spam for a while.

    Man, I really want that bone. Man, it is hard for me to stay on one subject. Hey guess what, it is snowing right now.

    Stop Bert, Stop talking. Go to bed.

    Night Georgia.
    Man I want that bone.

  5. Guess what MS JAN? I think Bambi's legs are broken already.

    Dear BERT, the bone is so big, it comes in 2 parts! Want to come over? Yes, you're still going to the spam box but don't worry. I check it every day ;)

  6. Hi Georgia. I think it would be a good idea if you don't kill your new friend until after Christmas. After all, Santa might not bring you anything on Dec 25th if the lovely deer he sent for you has been killed.

  7. What a cool present!
    I want one too. Love from Buster

  8. Small things that hops.. and winds itself up ARE dangerous lil things. Grab your bone and scoot Georgia. DOn't NEVER trust lil orange fellas... they just want a piece of yer bone.

    woofs n licks,

  9. i'm with Bert... that bone sure is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious... send me send me send me yer bone. Can i come overs to share? perhaps just lick the bone only.. i won't take a bit.. promise. My toofies are too broken to bite into big bones.. i might end up with no more toofies.

    woofs n licks,

  10. It's important for Bambi to learn the rules right up front. I'm going to my first Christmas party today and "yes" we will have the $10 gift exchange. Wonder what I'll come home with?

  11. Oh Little Pea! I loves him. He is so handsome. Is his name Rudy? I'm going to call him Rudy. I don't know why your typist is not too fond of him. I think he's quite fabulous.

  12. Haha a tinker toy! What a great re-gift for you Georgia!

  13. Uh oh better keep an eye on Bambi...

    Stop on by for a visit

  14. Wow, Bambi looks like a lot of fun! As long as you reach that understanding about not touching bones, you can be good furiends!

  15. Hi Georgia - we thought we would call on by and say hello - especially as our Mom is an Aussie (she lives in the USA with us now) Now about Bambi - 0therwise known as venison - other known as my most favorite treat....are you getting my drift!!!!!

  16. Nice to meet you! Dexter sent us over to meet you! Love your new reindeer pal (and yer bone too!
    Sammie and Avalon

  17. Who needs chocolate!
    Looks like Bambi is in the play position. I think you two can have a lot of fun together!

  18. Hi Georgia! We are friends of Dexter, and we always like making new friends - especially one who live in mythical lands with screwy weather (I mean, hello, it's December - the ENTIRE WORLD should have snow!!! Hehe..). Definite keep an eye on Bambi. We don't get Bambi's here as much as we get moose, and we DEFINITELY keep an eye on them!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  19. G'DAY EVERYONE! Thanks for dropping by to say hello. Dexter sure has a lot of nice friends. Abby the Hippobotomus ...really? Wow! :D

  20. That hunk o bone looks to be about my same size! Bambi better watch it.

    Mom has not found the little Christmas tree. She hopes it might be in the barn in Idaho in a box. [Don't tell Dachshund Daddy, but an old beau's Mom gave it to her!]


  21. Oh! Your mom is cheeky, TOOTSIE! My lips are sealed ;)

  22. Upon first glance at your response to Jan above, I thought you wrote that you now only accept comments from registered nurses. Imagine my relief upon realizing that I could still log on to discuss my feelings about orange bambis! I hope that little thing doesn't cause too much trouble. Why couldn't people bring sensible gifts to office parties, like a nice meaty bone?

  23. Keep a close eye on it Ms Pea, looks to me like it wants your bone. Stay vigilant girl.

  24. Howdy Georgia, cool little bambi you got there. Let her have a nibble, we're sure she won't eat much. Has it been hot up your way. It's bloomin hot here mate. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  25. I wish! STELLA AND RORY! It's been too cold here the last few days, uggies in the morning, strong winds. Spring was much nicer. Maybe some of your heat will come our way soon X

  26. I think that wind-up reindeer is the coolest!

  27. OMD, Georgia. You have to watch out for Bambi...they are known for stealing bones, you know. My Mom will gladly trade you the silly candle and humongous candle stick she brought home....

  28. Whatever you're gnawing on looks bigger than your head, GLP. You can certainly spare a scrap for Bambi .. the question is will you? And I'm pretty sure I know the answer!

    -c at ddy.


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Hooroo! Georgia X